The Neopian Spending Disorders by angelxepha
Hi, my name is Fekya and I’m a brown Usul. My owner, Angelxepha, asked me to present you what is the NSD (Neopian Spending Disorders) and to explain you how you can get rid of a shopping addiction. We live in a world of addictions: sports, food, games, relationships, shopping, etc. So what does happen when you mix a game and the possibility to buy? You get Neopian Spending Disorder, of course! We can tell that somebody is addicted to spending when they can’t stop spending a lot – or all – of their neopoints and when they don’t even have fun spending neopoints. Yes, Neopian Spending Disorder is something serious; that is what my owner keeps telling me!
There is two main types of NSD. The first one is called the Neopian Impulsive Shopping Disorder. The person who is having that disorder can’t stop buying any kind of items from petpetpet to jellies, not to mention paint brushes or morphing potion. The second NSD I want to inform you about is called the Neopian Impulsive Luck Games Disorder. People who are having that disorder are addicted to luck games. They think that if they spend another 5000 neopoints on Black Pawkeet Slots or on the Neopian lottery, they might win the jackpot. Before I tell you more about these two disorders, I invite you to complete the following little quiz.
Let’s start by a little quiz about the Neopian Spending Disorders:
Do you spend more neopoints than you save?
Do you buy items without thinking if you need them?
Do you blow your neopoints when you feel depressed or sad?
Do you think spending your neopoints helps you to forget your problem and to be happy?
Do you think you are a Neopian impulsive shopper?
If you answered yes to 3 of these questions, I have bad news for you... you have a Neopian Spending Disorder. So, you are probably reading my article and telling yourself, “I’m not one of these impulsive shoppers or impulsive gamers.” Well, fine, go away now! But before going, ask yourself if you don’t want to admit that you have a problem. We won’t judge you, you know. It’s perfectly normal to be addicted to shopping. A lot of Neopians are facing the same problems. The typical NIS (Neopian Impulsive Shopper)
Neopian impulsive shoppers like to spend their neopoints. They play games and earn neopoints, but instead of saving them, they blow them all in Neopian shops, at auction or on trading lots. “Why?” you may ask. Because they are addicted to the experience of buying things.
The typical NILG (Neopian Impulsive Luck Gamer)
Impulsive luck gamers dream of winning a lot of neopoints from luck games. They keep playing a game because they think their luck will soon turn or that they are about to win the jackpot. “Why?” you may ask. Because they really believe in luck and are addicted to their dream of winning the jackpot and gaining ultimate riches!
So, if you think you are a Neopian impulsive shopper or either a Neopian impulsive luck game, ask yourself the following question: “What do I research in the experience of spending my neopoints?” Is it because helping other people makes you feel great? Is it because you can’t resist all those cute, but useless, items? Is it because you don’t have any true goals? Is it because you think that’s the only way to become rich? Many reasons could explain why you are a NIS or a NILG, but only you truly know why you suffer from this disorder.
Can you help me, Doctor?
Now, what should you do? If you recognise that you have a problem, you should make a list of for and against blowing your neopoints. Then, if you realise that being an impulsive shopper or gamer is problematic for you, I suggest you think of an action plan. In that particular case, there aren’t many solutions... but maybe you could put all your neopoints in your bank and add a random pin that you won’t remember. That way, you won’t be able to take out neopoints of your bank! Then, what will probably be hard for you is to resist asking for the pin to be sent to your mail... But I’m sure you can do it!
If you are a Neopian Impulsive Luck Gamer, I suggest you to bite in lemon or lime every time you lose on luck games. The taste of the lemon will remind you that what you are doing isn’t good, and that way, you might stop wanting to try your luck.
Also, I think you should tell your neofriends about what is going on. Explain to them that you are suffering from a Neopian Spending Disorder. They might not understand what you are talking about, so I suggest you that you keep this article as a reference and show them to your friend. Tell them that you want to solve your problem and ask them for help. Your friends are there for you and they could help you by reminding you that you wish to stop blowing your neopoints.
Anyway, when you are fixed on what you will do, DO IT and DO IT AGAIN and AGAIN. Your determination will help you to face your problem and if you keep playing games like before, you will continue to earn neopoints. Those neopoints will be safe in your bank!
Also, I must warn you that your problem won’t be solved easily. It’s quite possible that you can’t handle that change and that you start shopping again or playing luck games impulsively. In that case, I think you should accept that you have a problem and redo above steps. Remember that your friends are there to support you.
One thing is sure... if you keep spending all your neopoints, you won’t achieve your expensive goals like getting number 6 avvie, having a Draik or a Krawk, being a neomillionaire and so on. I think today is the perfect day for you to start the treatment, so what are you waiting for?