Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 118,221,339 Issue: 237 | 2nd day of Hunting, Y8
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Dearest Sophie...

Yes, Sophie, I am your loving Meowclops that often follows you around on your premises. So you may be asking why I bothered to write a letter to you in the first place. Well, this letter is that of complaint, and I'm complaining about my meals!

by mistoffelees_cat
Get Ready, Get Set, Get Shopping!

On the third day of the month, every shop in Neopia, with the exception of the Hidden Tower, sells their items at half price...

by binkygirl999
A Guide to Sophie’s Stew

Well *cackle* I finally got my own game – Sophie’s Stew. Being the absent-minded witch I am (my Great Grand Aunt twice-removed told me it runs in the family), I will need some help to complete my powerful spell...

by the_biters
Game Avatars: The Easy Way

The other type of person, which I am guessing a lot of people fall into, are just very impatient and don’t think very much of themselves where games are concerned, or probably not at all. This guide is most certainly for you...

by neo05021991
The Misunderstoods- Are They REALLY Evil?

Right now, you are either thinking that I am crazy or that I am a villain and/or supporter of evil, evil, vicious things, and that the Ghost Lupe fits into this category. After all, he is in the Gallery of Evil, right? WRONG.

by shroomsrock101
5,000 NP Vacation: Faerieland

Ah, yes. Vacation. Simply hearing the word gets anyone excited...

by youkos_lil_fox
Site Spiffification

If I won site spotlight, I'm sure you can, too! Good luck with your site!

by pillsburydoughgirl
ROCK ON Neopia

How did Yes Boy Ice Cream get its name? What is so special about Chomby and the Fungus Balls? And why is 2 Gallon Hatz spelt with a Z?

by diva_esque
Are You A Fashion Disaster?

Honestly, how can your beloved Neopets do their dailies everyday dressed like that?

by purplepassiony2k
O, the Joys of Owning a Slorg!

These little fellas are more than just a blob of slime!!!

by astros_fan63
Traversing the Tricks and Traps of Turmac Roll

When Neopians are enjoying a pleasant stroll through the fields of Meridell, every so often they are forced to jump aside as a Turmac comes hurtling past, bumping and bouncing along...

by cougars8888
The Gallery of Oddballs

There are some Neopians who should never be called normal...

Also by dawningstar

by joykit

Arranging a Neopian Expedition

Are you and your pets looking for a relaxing retreat? Or are you more prone to exhilarating trips to the most exciting places in Neopia? Either way, you most definitely want to plan your trip wisely!

by lassie_nikki
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"Fast Food" by undeadfortune
Billy slowly made his way to the front of the store. In his mind, he quickly went over everything he might be asked about during an interview (if they offered one) and what exactly he would reply with. As he was about to reach for the door handle, however...

Other Stories


She was perfect. I should have hated her, but I couldn't. She was too nice to be hated. And she was my best friend.

by fip


"Hah! You shall not defeat me!" the small purple Eyrie cawed to the little blue Lupe she was fencing with, "for no one can beat Lord Kassie!"

by dpickle26


The Shoyru Tamer: Part Six
“Aw, how cute,” Jhudora said sarcastically. “The little baby losers are teaming up.” She laughed. “No matter how powerful your magic is, Sammy, I’ll always be better than you. Evil is always better than good.”

by dragoncatcher_sammy


The Dark Before the Dawn II: My Other Half - Part One
"What happened with you and Cream?" I asked, sitting down beside her on her bed...

by jambammer


Evil Feepit
Tough guys...

by fmoura_98


Grey Story

by haunter101234

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