 | Best and Worst Toys for BabiesVanellope and I are here to help you find out what toys are ok or not ok for baby neopets to play with.
by vslats |  | Neopia's Hidden LanguagesThere are so many secret languages to learn about in Neopia. Why not see how many you recognise?
by chavo_guerrero |  | A Neopian's Guide to DraiksDraiks are lovely little dragons, and are hatched through Draik eggs, which come in a multitude of colors, like basic colors, ice, pirate, and even zombie! But they're certainly not easy to get, and even harder to take care of!
by bencat52 |  | Mysteries of the Colors: Baby PterisThis little darling utilizes the magic of the Baby color to change into a sweet little egg form.
by icyowl |  | Reasons to Speed-Train into the Secret Ninja SchoolDo you think the Secret Ninja School is only for super strong pets and it's too early for you to think about it? Well, that's not true.
Idea by silly_mistake
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Reasons to Speed-Train
Let's first review the ways by which you can train your pet's stats with absolute control – that is, no lab ray. There are currently three training schools: Cap'n Threelegs' Swashbuckling Academy in Krawk Island for pets up to level 40 and paid with dubloons, Mystery Island Training School for pets up to level 250 and paid with regular codestones, and Secret Ninja Training School, which is just behind the regular MI school, only...
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