Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 191,125,202 Issue: 597 | 31st day of Hunting, Y15
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What Is YOUR Gaming Philosophy?

Curious about how people regard the games on this site, I wandered over to the Games Neoboard and asked everyone to contribute their opinions!

by indulgences
10 Alternative Ways To Support Your AC Team

With the 8th Altador Cup fast approaching, all of Neopia becomes ecstatic for this annual event.

by marzipan
Behind the Scenes of the Altador Cup

As a new season nears, and the fans begin to get excited, all the teams are busy preparing themselves for the challenges ahead.

by burning_shadows_79
Five Reasons to Respect the Water Faerie

Make her smile!

by sky_lady
The Mystery of Training on Mystery Island

It turns out owners aren't allowed to stay and watch their pets get trained.

by devilish_gymnast
Why You Should Participate in the Altador Cup

I've compiled a list of reasons you should join in on the fun.

by moonandflowers
Dressing Up for the Altador Cup

It's nearly time for this year's Altador Cup (AC) to begin! Although the most important decision is arguably which team you will join, another important consideration is what your Neopets will be wearing, especially if you would like to show off some team spirit.

by szkageyoshi
9 Tips for a Rewarding Altador Cup

Go Team Altador!!! :D

by madidogs88
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"Landing Stars" by eternus_dragon
Unfortunately, the computer interface could not be unplugged or otherwise made to shut up, and would continue pronouncing their doom until they were a scrap-metal crater against the burning earth. Unit Designation LaviniaMai made a memo to himself to, if he survived this, rectify the flaw...

Other Stories


A Self-Employed Writer
Altador is the place to go if you want to make it as a writer.

by chestnuttiger787


Landing Stars
"I was crashing," he said.

"Yes, quite fortunately for you, I noticed."

by eternus_dragon


Ballad of the Faerie's Champion: Esteem - Part Six
Grace's head was lowered, her horn displayed threateningly as she pawed the muddy earth at the riverside. Thankfully none of the bandits seemed to be mounted, or Gary figured they never would have stood a chance.

by shinkoryu14


The Puppeteer: Part Nine
"Well, it looks like you've made some friends," Ajuro said cheerfully as he jogged up behind him.

by rachelindea


The Origin of Battle Dung
Fyora is a sneaky one; yes, she is...

by _papercranes


Mutant Chomby Problems #2
There's almost never anything in my size!

by goneviral

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