Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 194,034,734 Issue: 734 | 26th day of Hunting, Y18
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Sunbathing isn't for everyone...

Also by icygal2310

by shennyyy


Always say please.


by lyndsey4657

Warf Reacue Team! ~ Another Day


by supertualet
Just Jelni: Slightly Sassy

A certain Cybunny gets sassy with her new sister.

by angul888
NeoPaper: Altador Cup Preparations

Outfits, check?

by mbredboy31
Puny Arms

See? A bit of training never hurt!

Also by murillion.

by shadowlugia_92

Don't Be So Quick to Judge

You can't judge a battler by their size

by crazyhorse1949
Neopian Nutshell: The Soup Kitchen

What do you mean MANY?

by a_cockatiel_a
Healthy Diet

Healthy habits are always good, or not ...

by callmeindestruction
Royal Pain

UC pets have the best poses

by winner19955
Too Many To Count

Sisters always mean well when they do things for you

by annnoel
Altador Cup Problems

Some are more dedicated than others...

by lostinthestereosound
Sunny Side Up

Faeries have expensive tastes.

by amarettoball
Why Poke Cellers is Always Angry

No wonder all Kikos on team Kiko Lake have bandaids...

by xxsicklullabiesxx
The Secret of... Fish Neggs - Part 5

Well this was anticlimactic

by tigerkitten41
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"Wayfarer Finds a Friend" by _lilbitsane_
Wayfarer snorted softly as she was shaken out of sleep. "Come on, Wayfarer, I've got a surprise for you," whispered Faeraday urgently. The little blue Flowper petpet rubbed her eyes and squinted at the clock. She opened her eyes wider and stared. It was 2:42 am! She fought the urge to lay back down as Faeraday spoke again. "I'll explain while we walk, you have 3 minutes to get moving." She walked briskly out through the open door, leaving Wayfarer by herself. Gosh, she could be so bossy sometimes, thought Wayfarer. She loved her owner, though. Faeraday was a beautiful Kyrii princess who lived locked in the top of a tower. Wayfarer was pretty much her only friend in that high, chilly place. Her father had put Faeraday in the tower with the thought that she would quit sneaking out, but it didn't stop her, she always found a way. They had been on many adventures together. Once, they climbed out the window in the middle of the night. Wayfarer almost fell, but Faeraday was there to steady her. They snuck out into the woods and met some tree-elves who happily played them songs until the wee hours of the morning. Wayfarer glanced at the window, and was happy to notice there were no sheets hanging there this time. She must have found another way out.

Other Stories


A Sweet Taste of Victory
The three attackers didn’t stand a chance. With a few deft moves of her staff, the chocolate Peophin had knocked out one and sent the other two running for their lives. Since the three in question were a speckled Skeith, green Eyrie and Tyrannian Grarrl, the observer of the fight and the petite chocolate Peo was impressed.

by 77thbigby


Queen Fyora: The Faeriest of them All
As Fyora Day looms closer, and pets around Neopia are struggling to think of ways to honour their Faerie Queen, Zladie sits with her Floating Tooth Faerie Doll, squabbling over how to best celebrate their violet monarch.

by xindyx


The Sounds of Tyrannian
Every spoken language uses a set of sounds. But the set of sounds are actually different for each language! Tyrannian is no exception. This article should give you a thorough grounding in the sounds you use to speak Tyrannian, in four simple lessons. So if you're ready, let's begin!

by reiqua


Of Crepes And Coffee
My journey for a delectable delight thus began in the shopping hub of Neopia with The Bakery. This little shop is located in the Bazaar of Neopia Central, huddled between Gardening Supplies, Battle Magic, and Fine Furniture. While I considered this location rather far from the Coffee Cave, I could not deny myself trying The Bakery's infamous goods.

by pillsi


Reign of Ice: Part Five
They found the stairs and made their way to the top of the mountains. The highest peaks were above the clouds, so they found the air to be surprisingly warmer. They used the bridges between the mountains to find their way to the Cyodrake’s Gaze, where Captain Tuan was meeting with the navigator, Hoban.

by neolikepets


The Moderately Evil Faerie: Part One
Jhudora waited until the Kacheek was gone before looking down at the container in her hand. She smiled and let out an excited, childlike squeal of joy. It was white face powder straight from Shenkuu. She held it close to her heart as she hoped up from her throne and made her way to her bedroom.

by rocksysmom

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