Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 171,601,943 Issue: 397 | 19th day of Relaxing, Y11
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Continued Series

The Curse: Part Five

He stopped dead, a terrible suspicion seizing hold of him. "Has something – undesirable – occurred?"

by jokerhahaazzz
An Iliad: Part Three

"What?" Azure reeled back, shocked. "But I j-just got here! I've never fought in a war before!"

by eternus_dragon
Roomies 4: Part Five

The Academy halls were packed with hundreds of faeries. Many of them were strolling by in giggling groups, while the newbies desperately scanned the crowds...

by vanessa1357924680
A Very Neovian Election: Part Three

"We've just done an official vote of no confidence," the Crumpetmonger told him with the grin of a woman who knows her paperwork.

by herdygerdy
The Broken Soul: Promises and War - Part Three

Two more arrows lodged into the side of the carriage, and the third must have narrowly missed the guards driving, because an indignant yelp came from outside...

by ayame_23
Flying High: Part Four

A whole army of pirate neopets was attacking the Sweet Fyora! ZoshiDevil was on the ground taking on three giant Skeiths at once...

by bugsypal9
Braving Brightvale: Part Three

"According to just about everyone in Brightvale, Meridellians are all stupid farmers who are incapable of reading or writing or holding a conversation that doesn't have to do with the latest berry crop!"

by dr0pz
Faeries: Before the Fame - Part Four

The Light Faerie looked miserable, as if she had spent the last few hours weeping. "Celeste, I'm worried about Zoë," she stated gravely.

by a_greenparrot
Slippery Soup: Part Two

I was thoroughly excited and could not fall asleep. I tossed and turned, thinking of the challenges that the new assignment would bring...

by black_skull725
Snowfall's Solstice: Part Two

There's a faerie living in Terror Mountain who claims to have lived here for thousands of years, hates Fyora, and is as dangerous as an untamed Grarrl. What's wrong with this picture?

by soupfaerie_best
400 Steps in the Darkness: Part Two

"Your neomail surprised me. I didn't expect anybody to come here again and ask about him, not after such a long time. How many years has it been?"

by iloenchen
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Iconic Villains & You

Neopia's resident evils have been a major part of our history and culture. Who can possibly forget the insane, twisted brilliance of Dr Frank Sloth - or his dastardly schemes to rule Neopia? And what about the mysterious Shadow Usul, the once beautiful Vira, the undisguised avarice of the (Angry) Tax Beast? Granted, a few of these shady characters aren't exactly criminal masterminds per se, but sometimes a little evil goes a long way. (It's the thought that counts!)...

Other Stories


Finding My Place
She directed me to a desk near the back of the room, next to a red Draik. A cheery, lopsided grin spread across his face. Seeing it, I couldn't help but smile

by _mirow_


Close Up
He smiled and closed his eyes, basking in the cold light of the moon. He never felt the long years he spent studying celestial movements were wasted.

by macana


Dark Faerie Bubbles: If You Cut Them, Do They Bleed?
Where did these bubbles come from? What do they do outside of the games room? Are they, indeed, evil?

by darthtingle


Enjoying KeyQuest
Here are some tips for enjoying your KeyQuest experience more fully, with fewer real quitters and better feelings among accidental leavers.

by chicwithawrench


Black and White: S-word
The word that makes a Marshmallow Grundo's blood run cold...

by fuzzymonkey31


Newfangled - The Neggs Are Coming
When your Neopet is spending too much time inside.

by dragon_loyalty

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