A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,413,058 Issue: 876 | 23rd day of Hiding, Y21
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Continued Series

The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Ten

Lumin heard a commotion coming from the palace entrance. When he went to investigate, a group of soldiers told him that Jacenty had done something to Zircon and that he was taking commands from him.

by blueys45
Chronicles of the Darkside: Keys to Fantasia:Part Six

Chapter 6: It Was Worth It

by fire_earth_aqua__77
The Book of the Twelve:Part Two

Jahbal was a long term friend of Xantan before the formation of the Great Empire. Though he was a skilled wizard, he was known more for his innate sense of justice.

by herdygerdy
The Lost Tomb of the Old Kingdom:Part Two

The siblings didn't say a word. They were frozen in place, paralyzed. After a tense moment, one of them mustered the courage to speak up.

by shadowknight_72
A Story of the Haunted Woods:Part Two

“Very well,” said the Storyweaver. “Let’s begin.”

“Once there were a brother and sister who lived in the Haunted Woods. The brother was a carpenter while the sister was a secretary. Each day, they’d walk the path to Neovia together, and each night, they’d return to their home in the woods.

by june_scarlet

A Storytellers' Journey Through Legends and Folklore:Part Two

The Storyteller, Maria, and the Pant Devil followed the faerie.

by rielcz
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"The Lost Tomb of the Old Kingdom:Part Two " by shadowknight_72
The siblings didn't say a word. They were frozen in place, paralyzed. After a tense moment, one of them mustered the courage to speak up. “What—I…I mean, who…are you?” Arthur stammered. The figure just stared at him. Though the bandages concealed most of her face, he could see from small slits in the fabric that he was staring into two wild looking yellow eyes, leering at the Zafara from a distance. “How ignorant you must be to not know who you speak to, child!” the mummy’s voice seethed with anger, “I’ll have you know that I am Rehema! Daughter of King Amit, and rightful ruler of Sakhmet and all the empires of the sands! And you will do well to remember it!” she outstretched her arm, pointing directly at the trio.

Other Stories


The Blumalupe: Creation
Once upon a time, (or three years ago) there was a secret lab under the Neopian Central. The experiments performed in this lab, which was called Neopia Labs, were very important, and had been the subject of many sabotages, including the famous "Lupe Incident" where 20 extremely large Lupes broke out and ravaged Neopia for almost a year before they were captured.

by neotilted


Usuki Singing Stars #45: It's Fun Without Scary!
That was so much fun, Patricia!” Sparkles gushed as she entered the living room. The pink Bruce turned to her friend and, with a wink, said, “With the perfect accessory, any girl can be a superstar!”

by downrightdude


Me! Me! *cough* I meant not me. I’m just singing that song to attract your attention to read my article. It not wrong, right? I once read that in order to get an attention, be it intentionally or unintentionally, you must do something out of the context, should you be embarrassed or not, it is a story for another times. Okay, I lied, that all just me, no one ever said that.

by xlorally


Superb Summer Reads
Summer is quickly coming to a close and what a better way to wrap up this month then with some good old summer reading! So get nice and comfy in your soft hammock underneath your favorite oak tree with a tall glass of iced cold tea because we will be starting this list off with an all time favorite!

by mewemy


Arrgh..you can only count me potatoes...
Alton Moughbry always sounded like a pirate when he said that

by rossthereddragon


Who's Bad?!
How many potatoes?

Collaboration with kayahtik

by kieselcamper

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