A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 98,662,396 Issue: 167 | 19th day of Storing, Y6
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Short Stories

Project VIRGIL

"I am not familiar with the request 'feel'," said the Lupe in a confused tone. "Subject Virgil is ready to receive input on the term, master Cole."

by scarrift
The Grey Faerie's Purpose

It was on this day that a faerie was walking through the dusty, empty alleyways in Neopia Central. This faerie was different though. Her hair, which had once probably been a beautiful, airy blond, was limp and white. The ponytail that she held it in was all but falling out...

by a_fowl_rox
Wet Paint

Ramoose grimaced and was about to speak up again when SeaZ0ne said, "Back to what I was saying. Our Neohome's looking a little ragged."

by charmedhorses
Terran's Ring

He had found the ring in Mystery Island and it was one of the reasons he returned to Neopia Central. After all, a ring of this power should surely attract attention, especially in the land where it was known.

by child_dragon

"Wow… it's sure… different," the Chia said. "Much different since the last time I looked at it."

by violinoutoftune
Breaking into Alien Aisha Vending Ltd.

The Wocky smirked knowingly while watching the JubJub's face. Not because the notes were fake, far from it, and neither were they stolen. It was because he was such a silly little small timer.

by appaloosa500
Fun with Grammar

"We are going to have a grammar school, Pat, and when we are done you won't be able to write a wrong sentence!"

by hottamale0774
Fire and Water: A Rivalry Revisited

The water faerie gasped in outrage. "You're just jealous because you know I'm better than you at everything, even harnessing the magic bestowed upon us!"

by precious_katuch14
Were, O Were Has My Little Lupe Gone?

The night wind blew eerily as I slipped along the hallway to Remus' room. I eased open the door and approached his bed...and screamed.

by pk_fire14
The Dream About Vegetables

"Ahhh!" I screamed. "I'm finding myself falling into a big red circle! I wonder what it could be."

by sarahsuk
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"Terran's Ring" by Child_dragon
He had found the ring in Mystery Island and it was one of the reasons he returned to Neopia Central. After all, a ring of this power should surely attract attention...

Other Stories


Obsessed with Hannah
Are you obsessed with Hannah?

by exusmandragon


Lookin’ For the Hip Beat at the Concert Hall?
Hey, its not easy to be a jive talkin’, street walkin’, beat boxin’ gig hopper, you dig? If not, then you probably need to read this most of all.

by twirlsncurls5


Run Away to Knighthood: Part Six
No one could see the Lupe brush a tear away from his own eyes. Suddenly they all heard a scream.

by precious_katuch14


Darkness Gathering: Part Four
 "Be careful," Supernova called, "we don't know what's up there. This place could be haunted!"

by harmony1473


What's The Point?
Questions about petpet owning have been answered in one easy minute.

by crazybluehair


Growing Pains
Featuring: Baby Bash to Sr. Smash

by jvpcelebi

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