Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 135,120,768 Issue: 263 | 27th day of Collecting, Y8
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Pumpkin Hopping

by xrebels

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Cracked Up - Halloween Special
I'm a marshmallow!

by cnegri33


Eight's A Crowd
Let's tell scary stories...

Drawn by neon_exe

by loveablelittlebaby


The Penny-Pincher's Guide to a Neopets Halloween
I have constructed a guide (with a little help - no, a LOT of help from my pets) to the deliciously cheap goodies for those early trick-or-treaters, easy penny-pincher costumes, and a heck of a lot of more stuff...

by magicpd


I Hate Halloween
The costumes... the fun... the candy!

by plaquenil

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