Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 266 | 17th day of Storing, Y8
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The Gallion Ranch

by pacmanite

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Shad and Saura: The Story of Elversti - Part Two
"I think they're Faeries," Saura said, squinting into the darkness. "No idea if evil or good ones, though. Maybe they can help us..."

by ssjelitegirl


How Do Mika and Carassa Have All That Stuff?
"Don't worry," the Pant Devil growled as he glanced at his watch. "No time to steal anything... I have a meeting..."

by floriah


Battle Duck Revenge
You throw Maractite Battle Duck!

by bulbabean


Aubrise and the Gebmid Mystery: Part Four
Aubrise was woken by the sound of someone pounding on the door. Yawning and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she pushed off her covers and slowly stood up. "I'm coming!" she called as, still yawning, she made her way to the door...

Art by rookina

by rookina

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