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Becoming a Neopian Times Reporter

by iluvchocolate_91


Ah, our beloved Neopian Times reporters and writers. What a profession they have! We can always count on them to bring us the latest news on Neopia. Everything can be found in the NT, of course!

Every Friday the newest issue of the Neopian Times is released. And there are always plenty of informative articles, stories, and more there for our enjoyment! Who brings us these delightful pieces? Only the finest Neopian Reporters who are always there to research, report, and relate all the up-to-date drama and information. If it wasn’t for them, how would we ever know about the yearly April Fool‘s Day pranks, the Altador Cups, and the Annual Chocolate Balls just to name a few historical events that take place in Neopia.

So, you want to become a Neopian Reporter/Writer? How do you start? What skills do you need to succeed in the reporting and writing world? What kind of questions should you ask people you’re interviewing? What kind of topics do people like to read? What’s the best way to form an article? Well, I’ll tell you everything you need to know in this thorough little article!

Now, how and where do you start? Having an interest in the rather busy Neopian world is a great place to begin. Wanting to bring in the best commentary and journalism is wonderful too! Helping patch together a delightful issue of the Neopian Times is a very satisfying vocation!

You don’t really need any former training to become a successful writer or reporter, but if you’ve written previous stories and the like, it may help you construct a truly marvelous piece.

Let’s carry on with what skills you need. To gather information for your very latest piece requires perseverance, organization, and savvy! Knowing where the big stories happen is key to becoming a great reporter. Always be meticulous when investigating new occurrences and stories. Take in all accounts and mend together the best information you can to give a detailed news article or story. Providing the latest scoop to the Times is certainly a great tip!

Always observe and contemplate what you see on a daily basis. There may just be something exciting and new lying underneath! After all, the “Three L’s” of the news world: Look, Listen, Learn.

Need a couple references? My two favorite books are “Avoiding Writer’s Block” and “Writer’s Tips”. Pick up a copy of each at the Neopian Book Shop!

Moving on, what sort of questions should you ask a Neopian you happen to be interviewing? My best advice is don’t poke around, get straight to the bottom of the recent stirring. Write down everything the person says so you remember. It’ll definitely help when you’re forming your article! Ask simple, yet detailed, questions that the person can answer easily. Don’t be hasty and obnoxious when trying to amass facts. Being professional and kind will always pay off! When you try to gain respect by turning in the biggest story of the year before anyone else, chances are you didn’t put your best effort into the article and simply hurried through!

So, what are popular subjects and topics that interest people? While everyone has different tastes, some themes are liked by more people than others, of course. It’s often best to try your hand at a wide range of different subject matter. Thus you may have more readers. However, if you wish to stick to one thing you know and love best (like weekly reports and articles on competitions or the Trading Post), go for it!

Juicy gossiping articles are fun for readers of the Neopian Times, but most people prefer to read more informative articles on the very latest topics and chatter.

Neopia provides plenty of annual things for reporters to collect and write, such as up-to-the-minute word on events like Sloth Appreciation Day, Petpet Appreciation Day, Borovan Day, Day of Giving, and the Faerie Festival. Neopians like to know what’s going on with these events plus more! So when the time rolls around for these special days, jump on board and start writing about them!

And don’t forget that you don’t always have to go with the flow and submit a similar piece on what’s going on. Being different and unique (but still down to earth) will help you prosper! But remember, you can’t put a price on creativity!

Now let’s go on to forming your piece. When writing, always be creative! But remember, you can’t force creativity. Every writer has a little down time between their delightful work!

Don’t repeat yourself. And be sure to use uncommon words to spice up your article. Adding a splash of humor is favorable! Everyone likes to read a lively composition instead of something dull and bland that goes into a long, unnecessary descriptions of the details. Intricacy writing is magnificent, but when you get carried away in a long, drawn out narrative, your readers will lose interest and you may lose your profession!

After you finish a piece, whether you think it’s your best work or not, submit it to the Neopian Times. But before that, show it to your friends and let them be honest in telling you what they think. Most Neopian writers would love to give second opinions on your work, as well!

Consequently, what if the ever lurking, ever present writer’s block attacks? Don’t worry, while sometimes it can take three months to rid yourself of this plaguing problem, sometimes it can only take three days. Occasionally, no matter what you try or do, you can’t lift writer’s block. But there are certain things that can help at times!

Something I find that helps me is reading old Neopian Times. Those dusty articles, stories, and comics that probably haven’t been read in ages can certainly relieve writer’s block every so often.

On occasion, just prowling around Neopets can give you a new idea to start or finish one of your pieces. Sporadically, the oddest encounters and findings can provide just what you need to spark a bit of creativity!

Finally, to conclude this article, there are certain tools you need to carry with you at all times. A pen (or pencil, if you prefer), a tablet or notebook, and your creative mindset! You never know when a certain idea may hit you, or when a huge story arises. It’s always best to keep your eyes and ears open so you don’t miss out on a big headliner!

Good luck starting your writing and reporting career, Neopian! :)

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