Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 174,678,845 Issue: 383 | 13th day of Running, Y11
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Fang Fishing

by soundboard


Five glasses clinked simultaneously, although it would take Cybunny ears to hear them distinctly among the chatter and music in the restaurant. This particular one, however, was known as the most exclusive eatery in Neopia --- kelp. It took a lot of patience to keep coming back to see if your name was on the reservation list, and after that, the prices of the food would cause your jaw to drop all the way through the floor. Even a hard-working Neopian like the one in this story had to scrape change from all corners of her home to come here, but it was worth it. She strived to make her family happy, and what better way to celebrate a pet's species by taking them out to dinner on their 'other' special day?

      "Cheers to Harachi, and all of the other Zafaras out there!" The bespectacled brunette grinned, slinging an arm around her own Zafara. "May their lives be phosphorus ---"

      "Prosperous." Harachi was quick to correct his owner's language. It wasn't like she was going to do it herself, especially with her overinflated ego.

      "Whatever." She set down her Rambus Blend at the edge of the table. Her Aisha, Hanako, quickly reached out a paw to move it over to the center of the table so it wouldn't spill. They couldn't afford another cocktail.

      "So guys, what do we feel like?" The teen opened up her menu while she leaned back in her seat. "Huh. There are no numbers on this thing. Cool, I've always hated math!" She began picking out random things, the speed of her voice gradually picking up.

      Sitting across from her owner was a Tyrannian Kougra, Spirals. She giggled at her mother's silliness. The large fangs protruding from her mouth made her look threatening, but she was really as sweet as could be. Little did she know that the night would later warp into total chaos. "Hey, Mom, can I get the Filet of Beef?"

      The owner smiled warmly. "Sure thing, hun. What about you guys?"

      Orders were taken, jokes were cracked. Surely such a jovial event couldn't be ruined? No, not at all. Although the mother of the family had terrible luck, it couldn't last forever. Or maybe it could, considering her reserved plaque on the skull-and-crossbones spot on the Wheel of Excitement. Good thing for the Healing Faerie, right?

      The blue Uni arrived quickly; it was a wonder how she could hold so many heavy plates with just two hooves. "Who ordered the Ocean Platter?" she inquired, keeping her balance almost perfectly.

      Harachi raised a transparent paw. "Here." He delicately plucked the dish from the waitress's grasp.

      "Stramberry Sausages?"

      Their owner grinned and flashed a thumbs-up. "Yo."

      "Fish Special?"

      A yellow Gelert by the name of Komahaku smiled bashfully. "E-erm, here, ma'am."

      "Whole Roast Pheasant?"

      The Aisha mentioned earlier extended a paw. "Thanks."

      "And... the Filet of Beef?" By process of elimination, the Uni assumed that this dish was ordered by the Kougra. She set the plate down in front of Spirals and smiled. "Enjoy!" She strutted away, leaving the family to enjoy their dinner.

      Immediately they dug in. Everyone save for Harachi and Koma had atrocious table manners. Belches were fired without warnings of any kind; messes were made almost effortlessly. The two brothers glanced at each other and sighed, smiling as they ate their own meals.

      Spirals was having a wonderful time; the beef was cooked to perfection, not a single argument had broken out, and her family had actually managed to stay together long enough to be considered as a gathering. As she swallowed another mouthful of her meal, she felt something abnormally solid slide down her throat. She shrugged it off and was about to continue eating, but she suddenly began hacking and coughing.

      The teen looked up from her sausage instantly. "Oh no, what a great time to stop, Wheel of Monotony," she muttered under her breath. "We'll get some medicine for that Kikoughela after we eat, hun. Think you can hang in there until then?"

      No response. The Kougra knocked over several dishes as she coughed, gasping for breath.

      Komahaku pointed at his sister in terror. "M-MOM! I think she's choking!" He leaped over the table, his tail catching the tablecloth as he did so. He did this weird little movement similar to a headbutt, probably some new version of the Heimlich Manuever. After about a half-second of this, a small white object whizzed out of her mouth and ricocheted across the room, right before landing with a little 'ploink' in a cocktail a few tables away.

      Horrified, Harachi was about to rush over to said table, but was blocked by a random burst of minty-smelling mist. It didn't take too long for it to clear.

      Floating in front of the Zafara was a tall, slender woman with cerulean hair and thin wings beating at warp speed. "Hm..." Her brown eyes darted around the room, apparently scanning for something. They soon locked onto the unfortunate beverage. With a wave of her left hand, the object appeared in her right. "This is a big one... maybe even a grander." She handed the no longer choking Spirals a pouch of neopoints, then she handed the owner a small envelope. "Until next time!" The mysterious woman winked and disappeared into the same, minty-scented cloud she had made her entrance in.

      All of the restaurant was silent. The party could literally feel burning stares from all across the room. Finally, Hanako spoke up, voice shaking in awe.

      "Was that... the Tooth Faerie?"

      Spirals started to answer, but was rudely interrupted by the manager, who had stepped out to see all of the commotion. "I don't care who it was, I want you ALL TO LEAVE!" he roared, viciously, pointing towards the exit. "GUARDS!"

      The shock-stricken family was escorted --- more like shoved --- out of kelp. The Scorchio shot them a horrifying glare. "AND STAY OUT!" He then slammed the doors. Loudly.

      It took a while for the others to regain their speech. Spirals tugged on her mother's striped sleeve. "Hey Mom, what'd that lady give you?"

      "Hmn? Oh!" Her owner remembered the envelope she had instinctively stored in her pocket. She reached in and took it out, ripping it open with the same excitement as a Baby pet on Christmas Day.

      A small, glittering square floated out of said envelope, bearing the face of the woman they had encountered earlier. All five of them recognized it as an avatar, although none of them could place why their mother had received it. Sure, they had never had some crazy woman randomly pop up and interrupt their dinner, but they were knew as well as anyone else did that you didn't just get an avatar for your unfortunate luck. If that were the case, then they'd literally be rolling in them. Why, their Neohome walls would be plastered with avatars. But still, they wondered. Their usual brisk pace was slowed down and thoughtful. It didn't take an ultimate genius to notice that they were all in deep thought. Either way, this puzzled them.

      Then again, they didn't notice that Spirals was missing her left fang.

The End

Hey, guys! Thanks for reading my story; I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

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