Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 174,678,845 Issue: 383 | 13th day of Running, Y11
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The (Mis)Adventures of the Defenders of Neopia : #1

by amamamole

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Her Majesty's Champions: Part Six
"I wish you to go inside the Palace... I need you to guard the Vault of Queens."

by saphira_27


Islander Tails ~ The astounding.... CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!
Captain Obvious... able to realize things 4 seconds before everyone else! Spectacular!

by sethcrocodile


Handed in for an English Homework: Part Three
There's a Halloween themed competition going on! Everyone's so excited! We all get pumpkins (unfortunately non-edible ones) and get to carve them however we want!

by ralph89170


Return of the Crimson Witch: Part One
It was business as usual in the Haunted Woods. The spooks were spooking and the creeps were creeping.

by herdygerdy

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