Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,635,289 Issue: 994 | 20th day of Collecting, Y25
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Drastic Measures

by quillweave

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One Night A Year
Have you ever stepped foot into the Haunted Woods on Halloween on a night the moon is full and red?

by surging


Beneath Bomberry Bridge
Thursday nights are Gahwaine’s turn to go foraging. Everyone waits impatiently for his return; the Mutant Skeith knows the best places to scrounge up mostly unblemished omelettes and only half- stepped-on jellies.

by purplepeggie


Something Scary
It's hard coming up with a unique idea for the holidays.

by jenna6570976


It's hard trick or treating when you don't have any legs.

by leighlizzzie

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