Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 177,767,807 Issue: 385 | 27th day of Running, Y11
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Donuts! Donuts!


Also by matheusiungue10

by laiomaia

Neoschool: How the Meepits Got Their Juice

I know!!

Art by neckties

by daughters_ofthe_moon

Words of Wisdom

Give a pet a fish...

Also by konayukii

by autotune

Oh Snap!: Master Techo knows best

Please help!

Art by 1cecubeh

by smile4thuy

Foiled Again

Excellent indeed.

by xxkatiexx_07
Jelly World's Non Existence

The real reason...

Art by kitsune_wolf_youkai

by ilikecrazymonkeys1

Dinner Or An Accidentally-Made World Domination Device?

Wow... turning a pb&j sandwich into a meat loaf monster... that defies the law of physics!!!

by keroandsuppie
Smileys: Can Usuls Fly?

No, they can't.

by _oceanriver_
Told by a Snowball

It is the Snow Roller Snowball!

by x__polar__x
Jazz It Up ~

You have a new quest!

by jezii

Fancy some chess?

by tahirah
The Tooth Faerie's Secret

The tooth faerie arrives for your lost tooth...

by stargirl5357
Wolf Tails #2

While playing Imperial Exam...

by nightwolf_rider

Respect your elders.

by arycapricat
Title Failure

You've got to wonder where that money comes from... HI MOM

by countessemily

No Wheat Flakes?

by d0rm0use
AFK Gamers

'Q' is not always the answer.

by kukyomisimi

You can never trust a Grarrl.:/

by niquacoolk
Usultastic 3

Now featuring 70% more Bori Action!

by zellala
When A Ghostkerchief Hugs A Jealous Petpet's Owner..

Hehe, I quite assume this will happen when a ghostkerchief hugs a pet with a petpet. LOL

by kenaji06
Mishaps & Mayhem

Is it hot in here?

by drackonwood
Nothing has Happened: Status

Who knew changing your status could be so dangerous?

by ker_berethrou

Petpets get hungry too D:

by ttuks
NeoPuns 1 - Meerca Chase

Neopia's Hidden Puns

by a_mudkip
Family Fears


by _pokemon12_63

If only he were that way with scratchcards...

by kyrinn
The Hero Society - #19

In which Blue returns to "crazy mode".

by bearcatt
Random Events in Neopia 2

Sloth's got a new henchie... OF DOOM!

by spirited_dolphin
Wackness of a Pirate

Wackness on its way to Goldrun!

by blaumann
PWNed by the lab #5

According to your letter...

by empoleon07

Never heard of it...

by lachtaube
No Sugar

We got your message.

by pawz11
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"Life of a Mediocre Gamer" by ginny_invisible
Hi. I'm Abigail. Sound familiar? Probably not. Or you might be all, "Oh. Abigail. She's the sister of that famous games master guy? AAA or something?" Yeah. Of course. Only known because of my oh so famous, oh so intelligent brother. So smart, in fact, that his head is...

Other Stories


Yurius's Great Escape
Yurius sat in his cell, his face buried in his hands.

by i_live_under_the_bed


Preludes: Goldfire
Anyway, the heat never was the worst part of Goldrun for me. No, the worst part was how out of the way it was.

by kittengriffin


Neopia On A Budget
It is my pleasure to present to you just some of the best items available in Neopia. These items are so good because they are both cheap and they often serve more than one purpose...

by luxury_tux


Chef Bonju Avatar Solved
No avatar has ever remained unsolved for this length of time without someone having it until now.

by xtremethefallen


Cycle of the Moon: Part Ten
The tall metal gates were unguarded in the dark night, and Ganduo slipped through them quietly. The fog was thick...

by reggieman721


New World: Part Two
"Object of the game is to stop your opponent from reaching the back line of your end of the field."

by kirednb

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