Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 130,067,293 Issue: 259 | 29th day of Gathering, Y8
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Continued Series

Needed Adventure: Part Six

Now came what seemed an eternity of waiting to the three pets. They stood, alert, staring at the hated door, waiting for any noise from outside of it...

by tdyans
They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Six

On the last day of school, Mel had even forgotten the last time she and Sam had done anything together. She then realized that she had to somehow save their friendship before it was too late...

by sytra
Nyla's Embroidery: Part Four

"H-hello? Who are y-you?" she asked. This Uni was obviously not used to being woken up in the night...

by 124456789xxzc
Sol Dreaming: Part Four

The blue Lupe opens her mouth, remembering her rage. "How could you! This is what you do with your Neopets!?"

by 30pets
The Protecter Chronicles: The Beginning of the End - Part Four

"Psst. Don't do that, they don't like it--you'll just get poked with a spear. If you want to look around, then wait until the guard isn't looking."

by angelfire_from_above
Beauty of the Snow: Part Three

She had interrogated the Aisha for a good half hour before finally giving up on finding out where she lived, and a faint thought still lurked in the back of her mind that an owner and siblings, somewhere, were worrying over when the Aisha would come home...

by extreme_fj0rd
The Legend of Paraiso: Part Three

He was not used to the thick coat that he now wore. All of Paraiso now wore them - the weather was getting to be so cold...

by jeanaet
Clara: Part Two

Guilt settled over her like a cloud, and she buried her head under the covers. Today might as well have been raining for how happy she was...

by katiesheffield
How to Be a Fire Faerie: Part Two

Something - some ancient and powerful magic - had happened in that tunnel, something had changed me, something had happened...

by purplefire_hawk
Not a Ghost: Part Two

It wasn't fair. If only I had looked more carefully at the paint brush...

by moonshadow711
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"Pirates Don't Take Bubble Baths" by kougra_helper_9157
The storm was heading back towards the Black Pawkeet. Talak opened the trap door in the deck and followed Garry, Jacques, and Garin down to the small bedroom. Garin had his arms slung around their shoulders, and was coughing and sneezing...

Other Stories


A Puzzle Piece Palace
"A day filled with rain doesn't have to be a horrible day. You can still do something with it..."

by dubline100


The Tale of Uglyfoot the Kougra
It was Misty's decision to start real school, as she called it, so Lizzy enrolled her in the neighborhood neoschool, Faerie Cloud Neoschool...

by iloveunis1011


The Official Guide to Apple Foods
As autumn approaches, Neopians think more and more about apples. Lucky for us, apples happen to be in season now.

by mouse_lover900


An Interview with the Court Dancer
Wait, how did you find me!? Oh no, are you going to turn me in?

by aideen


How a Slorg Becomes Strawberry

by mmillym


Petpet Battledome - Why You Never Play With Rocks
This poppit decided to battle a rock. Yes, a rock...

by gymnast515

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