For an easier life Circulation: 177,384,884 Issue: 315 | 26th day of Collecting, Y9
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Continued Series

The Chronicles of Knight III: End of Nightmare - Part Nine

Meridell and the Citadel would have a hard time fighting them off. Unless he flew to their aid. Yet he couldn't leave Avari behind...

by fierwym
The Silent City: Part Six

"Good morning, dear. I’m sorry it's so early, but if we don't leave now, we won't get there in time. I want you to be there; I want you to watch your realm crumble..."

by xialavin
Blue's Way: Part Five

"Now, however, we are stronger than ever before, with an army of ten thousand Neopets! The Defenders of Neopia are no match for our might!"

by kimssuperanimals
What Am I?: Part Six

"KITRON!" The door of the treehouse had been torn right off its hinges, and the ground outside had been shredded...

by sarahleeadvent
Ultimate Decision: Part Five

Jerdana would be questioning each and every one of them. Would she use magic? Would she cast some sort of truth spell that would force Renelle to admit what she had done?

by reggieman721
Highrock Pack History Songs: Song for Three Voices - Part Four

Now he was flying over the jungle. Reason said that this was where his foster brother would head, given Will's infatuation with wild life...

by shinkoryu14
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Exported Eustabees - Part Three

Quick, ragged breaths made Damien's ears prickle with interest. Two large, yet empty boxes faced him...

by playmobil_is_my_life
The Fine Art of Battle: Part Three

I chuckled weakly, relieved. I wondered where Tuan had gotten himself to and why he wasn't here...

by sweetie_butterfly
The Mutant Prince: Part Four

He had tried without success to file down the grotesque black claws that had magically sprouted out of his shapely hands, but the curse had grown the claws back to full size within a mere hour...

by maipom
A Spy's Tale: New Life - Part Two

Two days after Audri so valiantly saved Sir Leon and Sir Tabur from a group of malicious thieves, she found herself in the Brightvale dungeons...

by allo_allo_numa
The Challenge: Part Two

"Power and wealth beyond your wildest dreams..."

by kandeegrrl
The Ties That Bind: Part Two

The faerie Uni trotted down the street after landing from flight. She glanced around at all the houses, trying to recall from a little space in her mind where Garret lived...

by sytra
Marketplace of Memories: Part Three

I was already halfway up the stairs, and beating my wings like I'd never flown before. I knew I had to get out. I could almost feel my time trickling away, second by second...

by yatomiyuka
Dance of the Meepits: The Neovian Attack - Part Two

Ilere walked to her potion cabinet and picked up another small bottle. The green liquid glowed...

by jockylocky
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"Never Trust Your Siblings On Halloween" by rachelindea and nummy_yummy_stuff
On Halloween rachelindea and nummy_yummy_stuff The shadow Gelert put on her most innocent face and widest eyes. Then she clambered up into one of the chairs by the table and looked at Jess. "Please?" she said. She had decided at the last moment to put on the innocent smile...

Other Stories


Haunted Graveyard
Walking against the strong gusts of wind and in spite of the creepy-looking slimy trees at the entrance, Patch entered the Graveyard...

by petitehirondelline


Never Trust Your Siblings On Halloween
"But it's Ha-allowe-eeen," Atyr moaned. "Everyone else gets to trick-or-treat at Halloween time..."

Also by nummy_yummy_stuff

by rachelindea


Your Guide To Year 9's Spookiest Halloween Bashes
Hallow's Eve. Deciding which Halloween party to attend is no simple feat. There are many things to consider...

by evie_firebolt


Fantastic Trick-or-Treating
In order to get the best treats, without having to endure any tricks, you must perfect your Halloween plans!

by giggilogalmewmew


Don't Eat That Candy!!
Darigan pets get a *little* carried away on Halloween...

by greyska


Random Espionage: Halloween
Trick or Treat!

Also by kazenkori

by silvermare200

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