Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 174,865,293 Issue: 379 | 13th day of Awakening, Y11
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Continued Series

Another Hero's Journey: Decisions - Part Twelve

"I know. It's another one. I guess we won't be able to come home with you two after all. It's crazy, but something's telling me that this is serious, that we should really go."

by precious_katuch14
Inevitable Betrayal: Part Six

Fools. They would believe that it was their self-righteous duty to preserve the peace in the Haunted Woods.

by ayame_23
Thing: Part Six

"He's nice enough. He's sweet and loyal and all the things a petpet should be, and I would love to keep him, really, but..."

by haahaa113
The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part Five

"There are some ruins of an ancient temple in the mountains overlooking Meridell..."

by aisha_enchantress110
Sky Pirates!: Part Three

Dread smiled toothily. Well, his skeletal expression didn't change, but inside he was smiling.

by herdygerdy
Pipes: Part Five

My hand snaked into the water, quickly. It was now or never. The sewage turned my paw a dark green color...

by wizsard
The Tale of Woe: The Musical! - Part Four

We're going in circles! This path has no end!

Gilly: Wait, what's that around the bend?

by rosabellk

Smell the Scents: Part Four

"ANOTHER neopoint!" she exclaimed excitedly. "That makes 4 now. Wow, I am going to be rich soon..."

by orlando_bloom_bigfan
A Mysterious Heir: Part Three

No one had ever asked her if she wanted to be a princess. Nope, she was perfectly content living an average life in a typical village.

by dancer_sakura
Farside Base: Part Two

"An hour from now, we shall be on the surface of Kreludor!" Karmapa said in a melodramatic voice...

by freefalldreams
Her Majesty's Champions: Part Two

"The Champions of Air and Darkness are arriving today... I will speak to all of you together, and explain your purpose."

by saphira_27
Cycle of the Moon: Part Four

Xinshi wasn't sure what it was that woke him up, but he knew that it was still very late because the palace grounds outside his open window were silent.

by reggieman721
An Unlikely Group of Heroes: Part Two

"We'll run to Jhudora's Cloud, burst in there like we're the Space Faerie and she's Dr. Sloth, and demand that she set Illusen free!"

by _lapaix
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Your Minion of DOOM

We all know that there are some topics that one simply does not raise in polite company. Their stigma is too severe, their humiliation too heavy to bear and the likelihood of being offered the last slice of chocolate sponge cake and/or being invited to any subsequent genteel gatherings is remote. However, when you find that you have begun harbouring ugly suspicions that one of your Neopets is an undeclared devotee of Dr. Frank...

Other Stories


A 'Dreamy' Valentines
She gasped as she noted the date. Valentines Day?! "Oh, how can this be!?" she cried in despair.

by blonde310


Meepit Morphing Mess
Don't I get enough bad luck as it is? Don't I? Perhaps I should start from the beginning.

by thealleycat13


A Delicious Valentine's Day
A scrumptious meal plan for your holiday celebration.

by rose_consumption


Getting in the Valentine's Day Spirit
Learn how to get in the spirit of Valentine's Day!

by tepoen321


A Pirate's Heart!
On the deck...

Also by optimystique

by rose_cel


Snowager and Baby Pteri
Snowager thinks the Baby Pteri is a negg.

by evecat05

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