Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 109,523,333 Issue: 207 | 9th day of Gathering, Y7
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Short Stories


Jeran grinned toothily at him. "I've been assigned diplomatic duties. Be afraid."

Also by dreagoddess

by schefflera

Will You Remember Me?

He trudged through the knee-high snowdrifts, pulling his frayed and patched coat around him. Yes, it was cold, but what choice did he have?

by lightninglover34
Her Mother's Warning

"Though you are strong, you are not as strong as the terrible White Lupe that roams the Ruins."

by sarah_the_insane
A Promise of the Night

The Kacheek looked through the window, and for a second she thought that she had seen someone moving. Maybe it was just her imagination...

by shadowcristal
Sila of Eiswale

I wore my best dress, which happened to be dirty brown and all patched up...

by _jadestorm_
Some Bad Day

This, she had decided, was not going to be one of her good days.

by einstein20
To Distant Lands

"I told you this was a bad idea," hissed Jen, her eyes narrowed at her silver friend, who looked markedly uncomfortable...

by yatomiyuka

As I walked into town, I took a moment to gaze at the empty streets, recalling how noisy and bustling it used to be...

by chia625_2001
Sebastian's Special Assignment

"I do hope you will like your new assignment, Sebastian," said the general...

by precious_katuch14
The Ballad of the Tears

'Where are we?' asked Miyoka, rubbing her eyes. The sun was bright and shining, and there wasn't a single cloud in the crisp blue sky...

by evanescent_pudding
Silver Tears

Miss Lela pursed her lips at it. She was a highly skilled adult air faerie… and she couldn't make a storm in a jar! How did Braddah do it?

by kemppotatoe
Apoc vs. Old Maraqua

He was a Christmas Bori who lived with his family in Neopia Central. He lived a pretty normal life except for one thing. He wanted to enslave Neopia...

by mystery_island111223
Search the Neopian Times


"Harvestival" by schefflera and dreagoddess
"They said, and I'm paraphrasing here, that there are only two people in Meridell who they're sure can ask without offending you, and Lisha is busy helping you lift curses. So I'm nominated. I'm to invite you -- and your people, of course -- to our Harvestival."

Other Stories


We Have a Blast Off!
I have yet to uncover the Alien Aisha's name; however don't you find it a bit odd that such a futuristic Neopet would be interested in a game from Tyrannia?

by faeriegurl4lyfe


The Top Ten Richest Neopians
The time has come for these Neopians to be revealed and honored for their great wealth and… well… pretty much just their wealth...

by uggazew


World Dominate: Over-Cheery - Part Two
Except for a few minor things, everything was going well with the Meepits' plans. True, articles had found their way into the Times...

by fierwym


Perspective: Part Two
"Girls, I'm going shopping for some furniture for Nick's room. While I'm gone, watch him and take all of his stuff out of his room and put it somewhere else for me to sell later. He won't wake up for at least five more hours."

by gator2468


The Problem With Hasee Bounce
Why some pets just won't play Hasee Bounce....

Art by Hallonglass

by wildbluesun


Gilke finally loses grip on reality...

by lachtaube

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