Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 264 | 3rd day of Storing, Y8
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Short Stories

An Almost-Tragedy

"...Don't you think he’d be better off with another owner? A rich one? One who could really give him a life?"

by frerybairn
A Spyder's Lesson

After checking under her bed, dresser, and desk, she concluded that her room was spyder-free. Still, better safe than sorry, she thought, spraying her room with the Spyder-Be-Gone...

by bananas_and_cream
The Scarab of Anubits

Qasala was still reeling from its recent war, making it easier to do what they did best - namely, to relieve the locals of their wealth. And if that meant breaking into the palace there and stealing directly from Jazan and Nabile, then so be it. They'd done it before...

Also by goten__10

by frynr

Fun At The Toy Store

"It's Northwestern Altadorian Pineapple Day! Won't that be fun? A holiday consisting of three random words that I just thought up!"

by mystery_island111223
The Wrong Wish

As we walked on, I saw a few Peophins playing in a pool. I stopped and stared. I loved Peophins. More than anything in Neopia, I wanted to be a Peophin...

by carys1994
Friendship Garden

The green Cybunny hugged Momoiro in return, hoping that both Cybunnies would see each other in the future. However, Midori did not hear anything at all until ten years later...

by anime_cybunny
What Really Goes On When You Are Away

Jake laughed excitedly, too pleased with his handiwork to really mind his older sister's current rage. "Mom's gone for the weekend!"

by alexrae963

If I was not myself--simple me--but something else, something more interesting; not just a passive blob of yellow in the crowd, but someone important, like a leader: who would I be?

by violinoutoftune
The Last Piece of Seaglass

Joe had tried again and again to explain to Julie that no matter how hard he tried, he could just not find a job near the sea...

by luv_2_shop_7
Garnet and Larkyn's Plan

She peered through the dense leaves and then jumped back with shock. There was another Kougra in there!

by aislynn7777
Yoinked: The Grundo Thief's Story

Though he had just started the job not long ago, he was a reliable and efficient worker, taking his responsibility as the vat filler very seriously. No blobs of red, blue or yellow color went in any vat but its own, and thus, every plushie produced was of the highest quality. This is why he was the first to notice the missing plushies...

by rissa714

"You know, if you showed a bit of energy, people might be a bit more tempted to adopt you." The blue Zafara in the cell opposite her was leaning on the bars. He shrugged. "Just a suggestion, of course..."

by ruff_zette
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"Yoinked: The Grundo Thief's Story" by rissa714
He always showed up at the Krelufun factory for his shift precisely on time. Though he had just started the job not long ago, he was a reliable and efficient worker, taking his responsibility as the vat filler very seriously. No blobs of red, blue or yellow color went in any vat but its own, and thus, every plushie produced was of the highest quality. This is why...

Other Stories


Just Keep Trying!
I've compiled a list of reasons to help you on your quest to be recognized in the Neopian Times, or maybe even help you get that tricky little avatar.

by ewagon


VernaxEater's Guide to Pwning the Web of Vernax
So, you want to master the Web of Vernax, do you? Well, it looks as if you came to the right place.

by giantspyder


Prophecy of the Second Equinox: Part One
A cracking sound returned the attention of both Draiks back to the egg. The song, rising in pitch and in power, quickening with a beat of expectation, vibrated through the air in resounding notes. Shaking with the energy of the unborn creature within, the shell split and tore...

Image by cuithil

by laurelinden


Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Four
Jenna was beginning to feel claustrophobic from being trapped in the small bubble interior for so long. And as their surroundings grew dimmer and dimmer, she grew more and more nervous. She began glancing every five minutes out the shield for a glimpse of Maraqua...

Also by jeanaet

by rainbow_lover852


Just a weird idea about Altadorian prizes.

by hauyne


No luck with the petpet lab ray?

by chewypopcorn

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