Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,635,289 Issue: 994 | 20th day of Collecting, Y25
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Short Stories

The Enchanted Amulet

Once upon a spooky Neopets Halloween, there lived two very peculiar Petpets.

by chibblers
Beneath Bomberry Bridge

Thursday nights are Gahwaine’s turn to go foraging. Everyone waits impatiently for his return; the Mutant Skeith knows the best places to scrounge up mostly unblemished omelettes and only half- stepped-on jellies.

by purplepeggie
Revamping the Cemetery

"It was a pleasant afternoon in the Haunted Woods and a Ghost Chia named Specter was resting on a tombstone in the game graveyard when his attention was suddenly drawn by..." Collab with higs_pagodeiro

by dinha_reeves
The Haunting of Eliv Thade

The sky was bleeding orange and purple over the tops of trees as dusk swept across the Haunted Woods on the night of Halloween.

by mitasui
A Story No One Knows

How the Usul twins came to be in the Haunted Woods on the most mischief-filled night of the year rather than enjoying a balmy sunset from their beach-side bookshop half a world away was the result of an unfortunate lack of calendar awareness (it's always summer on Mystery Island!) and a deceptive-but-not-technically-false bit of advertising on the part of the Krawk they hired to sail them across the ocean.

by phadalusfish
One Night A Year

Have you ever stepped foot into the Haunted Woods on Halloween on a night the moon is full and red?

by surging
The Highest Bidder

Neopians from all over the world were finding their seats at the 23rd Annual Weewoo Auction, put on by The Neopian Times.

by sleepiestkitty
A Knight at the Neopian History Museum

It was an afternoon that Jeran or Lisha was unlikely to ever forget...

by pikapi20
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"A Knight at the Neopian History Museum" by pikapi20
A gentle, cooling breeze swept across the heart of Neopia Central as bustling crowds of shoppers tried to snatch a bargain on what was an unusually warm early Autumn afternoon. With bright sunshine filling the clear blue skies above, the turning of the season hadn't deterred any pet from enjoying the wonderful weather - or affected the ice cream sales from the Neopian Fresh Foods Shop. Indeed, Kau Kau Farm hadn't seen so many orders for frozen treats this late in the season before. As such, the wooden benches next to the Cheeseburger-shaped building all the way to the other side of the Money Tree were packed with happy customers enjoying their sweet snacks. Sat atop one of the many benches was Sir Jeran, Champion of Meridell. The dark blue Lupe seldom left his adopted kingdom and even rarely returned to the land of his birth. He had far too many responsibilities to even entertain the notion of having a holiday. When his younger sister, Lisha, insisted that he accompany her on an important quest to Neopia Central though he felt duty-bound to comply. The ice cream cones the duo were now enjoying were a just reward after a tense meeting with the Wizard that resided in the Marketplace. The Knight couldn't remember the last time he had had ice cream.

Other Stories


How to Pick Your Perfect Halloween Costume
Halloween is right around the corner, and you know what that means!

by milkshakeboys


Fyora's Foul and Fancy Faerie Festival
This year’s Faerie Festival has “soared higher than even Fyora’s loftiest expectations”, at least according to the official propaganda released by the Hidden Tower.

by rielcz


Wintry White
"The children were still playing, but there was a moment where the little White got distracted by something she saw through the frosty windows of the orphanage..."

by nick_and_nickette


The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
"'Adequate presentation. Student should focus on applicability and overall spell knowledge.’..."

by josephinefarine


Life Improvised : Full Moon Glow Part 1 (HALLOWEEN)
A light in the dark!

by keng200


Faellie Tales 14: Scary Costumes
Scary is subjective.

by coco6468

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