A Hunt for a Petpet by steelmaheegun
It was late summer, and the weather was acting like fall.
Trees that dotted Neopia Central were being washed with a wave of yellow. A light
breeze rustled the lightened leaves, soon increasing to a gust that made you gasp
for a breath.
Sitting under an apple tree was a young yellow
Lupe, staring with concentration at the many neopets and their owners enjoying
the fresh new day in the beautiful park. On the other side of the tree's trunk
sat the Lupe's owner, steelmaheegun, or Steel as he was more commonly called.
A ripe apple suddenly detached from the tree
and knocked the yellow Lupe on the head before rolling to the ground. The Lupe
jumped, looking up into the tree's foliage. Rubbing his head in self-pity, he
turned back to his observational state.
"I think I want a petpet," he commented out of
the blue.
"And I half expected you to exclaim 'the sky
is falling!'" Steel mused, looking around the trunk to eye his Lupe. "That's
what you get for insisting on sitting under this apple tree, Jeger."
Jeger frowned. "I'm serious, you know. It's not
just a young phase. I want to have a petpet to take care of and accompany me.
I know plenty about them, and I shouldn't even have to ask you for one."
"You have plenty of petpets!" Steel cried out,
a little louder than he had hoped for. "You have a Phnard, a Scarab, a Puppyblew,
a Snowbunny, and that ugly little thing with a giant eyeball for a head… is
it called a Turnali?"
"Steel, get real. You know better than I that
you only bought those to sell them again because you found a bargain at the
Trading Post."
A gust of wind picked up, sending a flurry of
leaves at them with incredible force. Steel gasped, trying to catch his breath.
Jeger laughed after the squall died down.
"I think I feel a change in the winds!" Jeger
jibed, jumping to his feet. "Let's go get me a petpet!"
Steel wasn't going to argue. It was either because
he knew better than to quarrel with a determined young Lupe, or because he still
couldn't breathe normally.
The marketplace was the first place to go. They
passed a long line of poor neopets waiting to have their bowl filled with nice
hot soup, passed the Shop Wizard who was endlessly busy finding the best prices
for all sorts of people. The marketplace was bustling with people, moving from
shop to shop to nab something at a low price before someone else took it.
Jeger and Steel stood before a large shop - a
mall, as it might be called.
"'For all your petpet needs,'" Steel read aloud.
He turned to his Lupe. "They'll probably have a good selection to look through,
anyways. Then you can get an idea of what you want."
Jeger didn't reply, but nodded instead. He was
very excited to be on the hunt for a petpet, but also determined not to fall
for the first one he saw. 'Every expense must be researched thoroughly,' as
Steel would put it.
As they entered the shop, a strange-looking Blumaroo
in a cape came to greet them. "WELCOME IN MY SHOP!" she exclaimed, eyes wide.
With that, she turned around to greet someone else.
"Whoa… someone's had too much sugar." Jeger whispered
to Steel, chuckling.
The pair then proceeded to look at all the petpets,
whether by just a passing glance or a researched stare. Steel was leaning over
a glass pen that held a Miamouse and a Bloopy. As he played around a bit with
each of them, he looked hard at the Bloopy. The Bloopy's little cheeks seemed
to be stuffed fuller than before. Steel immediately slapped his pockets, feeling
around for the omelette he was once carrying. Gone!
"Jeger, I think that little thing stole…"
"Steel, over here!" Jeger interrupted. Steel
dropped his thought to look at the little Acko rubbing against Jeger's legs
and purring.
"Aww, sweet little thing." Steel commented, bending
over to pet the orange petpet. He then saw the price sticker on the Acko's pen
and jumped, landing hard on his rear.
"Jeger, get away from it. We're NOT spending
89,977 neopoints on a petpet." Steel said, sitting on his bottom and waving
a finger at the yellow Lupe.
Jeger's eyes widened hearing the price. "OK then,
maybe not the Acko."
A few steps after leaving the Acko, Steel tripped
on something, nearly toppling forwards. Fortunately he caught himself and stood
up straight again. They immediately spotted the cause of Steel's near fall.
A little Uggatrip stared up at them innocently.
Steel squinted his eyes at the creature in rage.
"That petpet is a major hazard. I won't have it running around with us."
Jeger couldn't help laughing at Steel's anger,
but agreed with him. He didn't want people mad at them because they tripped
over his petpet just as much as Steel.
The two approached a Reptillior cage, bolted
with a heavy lock.
"I wonder why this one isn't allowed to run around,"
Steel thought out loud, putting his hand near the cage. The snake-like petpet
lunged at the opportunity of raw flesh, giving a fierce hiss at the same time.
The cage held her back, however, and only allowed her two sharp fangs through
the heavy-duty steel bars.
Steel snapped his hand back quickly, grimacing.
He turned to Jeger.
"Shall we move on?"
A green Pinceron hovered in the air before them,
contained in a glass cage. Steel took one look at the robotic petpet's two large
pincers and shook his head furiously.
Jeger and Steel approached another pen, this
time containing two Gruslens - a black one and a green one. Both of them leaned
over the pen to observe the creatures with awe.
"Now these two are great." Jeger remarked, hand
wrestling with the black one. "If only they were cheaper." He sighed heavily
while looking at the price tag that marked them each as 99,888 neopoints.
The human and Lupe eventually left the huge petpet
shop, each of them burdened with disappointment.
"Well, none of the petpets in that shop were
right for me. But do you know what that means?" Jeger asked, straightening his
posture. Steel only looked at him blankly.
"It means that somewhere out there, there's a
petpet that's perfect for me! It means that to find my ideal petpet, we'll have
to do a bit of hunting."
Because they are hunters by nature, Lupes tend
to view things from a different angle. If you thought the term 'hunting' meant
only stalking Chias for pleasure, you were wrong. For Jeger, hunting means anything
to do with searching and finding, such as simply looking for a petpet. And as
a Lupe, whatever he does is done full throttle, not giving up until the goal
is accomplished. Steel knew this all too well.
"Alright. We might as well go to Meridell to
do a few things. And who knows? Maybe you'll find your ideal petpet there,"
Steel said, brushing some dirty petpet prints off of his pants.
Soft green landscape with rolling hills stood
before them. The terrain was dotted with coniferous trees, the forests to the
north thicker in foliage. The breathtaking Meridell castle held solid in its
foundation as always. There were many old-fashioned shops for various purposes,
as well as games from cheese rolling to Mortog kissing to Round Table Poker
and Shape Shifter. In the beginnings of the forest to the north was Illusen's
Glade. To the west was Meri Acres Farm, and fifty miles to the east was Brightvale,
another kingdom.
Jeger and Steel took in a deep breath of the
fresh country air and started forward.
"I'm going to go play a game of Ultimate Bullseye,
Jeger. You go ahead and do what you want. I shouldn't take too long," Steel
told the Lupe, then walked brusquely off to his destination.
Jeger had no complaints. He was preoccupied with
looking for a petpet.
He hadn't taken three steps when a Symol popped
its head out of the ground. It startled him at first, but he quickly realized
the critter was harmless.
"Hey little fella, do you not have a home?" Jeger
asked kindly, slowly outstretching a paw. The petpet reached its nose forward
to sniff Jeger, but became distracted by a voice.
"Yaaaaaaffaa! Yaaaffa!" called a young Acara
girl. The Symol seemed to recognize the name and disappeared underground, popping
up again next to her. Jeger scratched his neck, somewhat embarrassed, and turned
Walking down a worn out dirt path, the midday
sun poured its warmth down onto Jeger. He passed many petpet-owning citizens
of Meridell. One of the petpets, a Whinny, stopped on the road to offer his
back to Jeger. He couldn't help but laughing. Such a small petpet thinking that
he could transport a 128-pound Lupe!
Jeger passed a fenced field occupied by a flock
of Babaas. He stopped to watch them, interested. Suddenly the woolly little
animals went into a terrified frenzy, each looking for some place to hide.
He gave a confused look, wondering why they were
so scared. He soon spotted the cause. On a nearby hill, a Darigan Ixi was playing
with his Drackonack. The actually innocent sight must have sent the herd of
Babaas into their petrified state.
"No, not a Babaa. They're scared too easily."
Jeger muttered to himself, crossing off the petpet on his mental list of possibilities.
Soon Jeger and Steel met up again. Steel was
quite jolly to have earned over a thousand neopoints. "Once I started, I just
had to play all three of my daily games," he defended himself.
The pair headed to their last destination of
the day: Geraptiku. Ever since the city was discovered, Steel and Jeger had
been consistently drawn to it. Despite the humid density of the forest, the
danger of monsters that would love to eat your neopet as a side dish, and the
lack of inhabitation, it was a favorite location for the two to visit. Perhaps
it was the active sense of adventure the two shared that lulled them to the
intriguing city so often.
Jeger and Steel first visited the petpet shop.
Nothing was there, as per usual.
"Geraptiku petpets seem to be all the rage lately,"
Jeger commented, noticing the jar full of money at the spot where the shopkeeper
should have been.
"Ah. Like all new fads, they'll likely fade and
die out. You know, I heard a lot of the Geraptiku petpets are prone to bite,"
Steel responded.
Lupe and owner left the shop, heading to the
hulking Deserted Tomb. The Deserted Tomb was perhaps their very favorite adventure
in Geraptiku, but it was Steel that always insisted on going there. He was eager
for treasure, and especially, the avatar.
Climbing the ancient steps to the top, they saw
that heavy vines and plants had already begun to grow over the stone door like
big snakes. Jeger unsheathed his Iron Lupe Sword and cut through the foliage,
exposing the door. Slowly, steadily, the old stone door slid upwards, opening.
As usual, it stopped about halfway up. Jeger rolled his eyes. They ducked low
and crawled under the door.
After evading all of the traps set in the tomb,
they reached the treasure room. Empty.
"FIDDLESTICKS!" Steel cried out suddenly.
Jeger gave Steel a strange look. "Why do you
always say that?" he inquired regarding the unusual interjection.
Steel cocked his head quizzically. "I… don't
With a shrug, the two found the exit to the Deserted
Tomb and left.
The sun was beginning to set, the forest's shadows
casting over the nearly empty city. Jeger was feeling a bit disappointed about
not finding a petpet that day when they heard an excited squeal.
"Look, Mom! I found a petpet!" a young Shoyru
exclaimed. Bundled in her arms was a reddish orange snake creature with several
large blue feathers sticking out of the back of its head. It looked up at the
Shoyru with an inquisitive expression.
Jeger sprinted up to the Shoyru and its owner.
"Excuse me, do you mind if I take a look at your
petpet?" he asked, trying not to act too conspicuous.
The petpet, called a Quetzal, slithered down
the Shoyru's leg and across the ground up to Jeger. It looked up at Jeger with
curious eyes and seemed to be wearing a friendly little smile. The Quetzal glided
across the ground and climbed onto Jeger's lap. There it continued to look up
at the Lupe, ruffling its blue head feathers contentedly.
Jeger laughed. It was love at first sight with
the little Geraptiku creature.
Steel ran up, immediately noticing the look in
Jeger's eyes. There was a brief exchange of glances between them, and Steel
looked up at the Shoyru's owner.
"Will you take 31k for the Quetzal?" he asked
while a voice in his head let out a bloodcurdling scream.
The girl looked down at her Shoyru.
"I don't want that one anyway, Mommy. I want
an Angelpuss," the Shoyru stated.
The owner looked back at Steel and nodded. "Alright,
Steel made a trip to the bank to pay for the
Quetzal, and the trio returned home. The hunt was over.
The End