Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 107,223,896 Issue: 214 | 28th day of Collecting, Y7
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Watch for Cracks This October

by puppy200010


Also by plutoplus1

The full moon is out. Somewhere in the background, a lonely werelupe howls. Halloween creatures and hosts shuffle out of the Haunted Woods, ready to celebrate on their one most important holiday of the year--Halloween! Near this time, many neopets may become frightened of superstitions. If you aren't educated in the field of Neopian superstitions, you're in luck! This handy list has been prepared for you!

1. To ward off bad luck, make sure you always carry your lucky Ankh!

2. Another good item to carry with you is your lucky Cybunny's foot. Of course, that foot may not have been so lucky for the Cybunny (unless it's artificial, of course...). Note: The authors of this article do not condone any of the methods used to get Cybunny feet.

3. Never leave ladders propped up against your neohome. It leaves too much risk for you to perform this next superstition, walking under a ladder! Not only will something bad happen to you if you do, but you also run the risk of having the ladder fall on you!

4. Don't let any black meowclopses cross your path, especially when you're eating that fish pop!

5. Be extra careful when drinking borovan! If you happen to spill any (such a waste of good borovan!), make sure to immediately throw some over your right shoulder! (But watch to make sure that no one is standing behind you. Hot borovan coming into contact with your face is not a pleasant experience!) If you do not do this, you will infuriate Adam!

6. Broken mirrors will mean a miserable future for you. Vira will haunt you for the next seven years if you break one! And who wants to see her face anyw--

"Um, Puppy?"

What do you want, Pluto? Can't you see I'm--Oh. *runs from an angry Vira*

7. Nobody wants to see their beautiful concrete sidewalks cracked, but stepping on cracks in them can have horrible outcomes! To help you remember this superstition, we have prepared a rhyme:

Don't step on a crack,

Or you'll break Adam's back!

Eek, and if you'd have stepped on that crack that used to be in the Ice Caves, you could have fallen straight to Tyrannia! See, many bad things can come of stepping on cracks!

8. Remember this superstition next time you buy or receive plushies. Only keep those that have 38.5 stitches in the back legs! And if your plushie is purple, it is bad luck, unless it has three orange spots! (So that's why purple pets have orange on them!)

9. When shopping, also remember to only buy items that are symmetrical. Asymmetrical items are thought to be created by Sloth to help overtake Neopia.

10. Mika and Carassa have to be especially careful in their Garage Sale. Umbrellas are frequently thrown down, but if any of them open, it means bad luck!

11. Dropping food on the ground is never a good thing, but if you intend to eat it and don't eat it within five seconds, you will break the five second rule! It is said that mootixes will infest all your food if you break the rule.

12. Failure to follow this superstition can result in two things:

1. A fear of rocks, boulders, and pebbles.

Be very afraid if you land on the rock when spinning the Wheel on Monotony. There have been reports of boulders falling on innocent neopets who were unfortunate enough to land there. More commonly, pets will be attacked by pets with the ability Magic Pebbles.

2. Injury.

13. There is no 13th superstition on this list, because 13 is an unlucky number. Oh, wait! There's your thirteenth superstition!

14. Make sure to count out the number of grains of sand in the bottles of sand in your inventory as soon as possible! All bottles with grains of sand not divisible by both five and twelve are corrupted, and therefore, bad luck!

15. Beanbagchairfish cannot be inflated more than 378 times or you will feel the wrath of King Kelpbeard for overworking the Maraquan appliances!

16. Next time your pet has NeoFlu, inspect the medication very thoroughly. Only take the jelly pills that are vibrant green. All the other pills will make your pet sicker! Actually, that pet's looking kind of green now...

"That's a green neopet!"

Right, got it...

17. The measurement of the feet of a wooden jubjub totem is very important to those who are superstitious. If the left foot is not at least 2.823 millimeters bigger than the right one, you might want to find a way to get rid of it!

18. In addition, if you discard your totem, you will anger the Island Natives. RUUNNN!!

19. On Halloween, when chowing down, check out our mashed eye potatoes. If it doesn't blink exactly three times before you eat it, it's out to get you! Yikes, digestion for THAT won't be fun...

20. It is considered bad luck to eat your lemon bonbons after they've been expired for two weeks. Wait, they've all been expired for four years?!

21. Neodrops can cause bad events to happen unless they have perfect N's on them, printed in pure white.

22. Don't eat any Glowing Green Hot Dogs unless they've got a radioactive level of 3.56 and can be seen from the Space Station when standing on Kreludor.

23. Be especially careful when fighting fire pets in the battledome! Don't use any fire attacks, or you could trigger an explosion that blows up half of Neopia!

24. Unless you want bad luck, don't eat any Asparagus Delights made with any number of asparaguses less than 11.0678.

25. When you see any pet with a name starting with the letter X or Z, you must scream, "Beware of the pwning lazy fox!", jump up and down on xylophone keys seven times, and cross your eyes.

26. Never go to Krawk Island on days when the sun shines at an angle of 48.3573643 on Neopia and it's raining raindrops of 10.17983412246701 degrees Celsius.

27. When eating 1/3 Carrot and Pea Omelettes, you must be careful of their ingredients! Unless they are exactly 1/3 and have seven peas and four carrots, they are bad luck!

28. Mummified food must be dealt with care on Halloween. If you eat any, you'll become a zombie for seven days!

29. Kadoaties at the Kadoatery should only be fed on odd seconds (with the exception of thirteen, of course!). It is rumored that Kadoties fed on even seconds escape their cages to wreak havoc on Neopia (and give Warfs a big headache, too).

30. Always eat your cereal in a number of bites that is a multiple of 7!

31. I have to follow this superstition. Only make lists of superstitions for Halloween with 31 items on them. Because if I don't follow this superstition, all my pets will get Neezles, food will go bad, and this article won't get accepted...

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