Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 176,283,251 Issue: 346 | 6th day of Relaxing, Y10
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Gone Batty

by dogsndragons

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Battle Problems - Bombs
One fateful day...

Idea and original script by spiritdweller13

by hubadawaha


Medical Tree: Thrift Shop
They have feelings too!

by leetmango


Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Five
The score was 1-0 with 25 seconds left. The players returned to their positions, and the next Yooyu to appear was...

by samschelfhout2


Game Avatars 101
a.k.a. How to show Glubgar / Eliv Thade / TNT (sorry guys) who's boss!

by horripilated

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