Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 176,283,234 Issue: 347 | 13th day of Relaxing, Y10
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All Day Life: First Day in Neopia

by kepharigy

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Great stories!


Ten Acts Of Kindness, A Techo Story: Part Seven
"You made it into the Neopedia, Master, and everyone is talking about the greatest Battledome instructor in all of Neopia! It's you! Everyone is talking about the old Techo Master on Mystery Island!"

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The Night of Nothing: Part One
After all, a day where nobody needs to be officially happy about anything is perfect for a place that thrives on fear and misery...

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James Nexis - Deception: Part Two
James checked his watch. "It's almost half past two in the morning now. Have you left the crime scene exactly as you found it?"

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Chronic Neolodgers: The Truth Behind the Addiction
People who suffer from this addiction constantly feel compelled to keep their pets in the Neolodge. Even when they have no plans to go out or leave Neopia for a bit, Chronic Neolodgers always have their pets in the Neolodge.

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