Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 175,958,071 Issue: 351 | 18th day of Swimming, Y10
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New Battledome Challenger!

by xxzomgxxrainyxx

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The Valley of Spam
Okay, Frisbee...

by chichikokoyamma


Following the Wind: Part Two
"You can't be just friends with an Earth Faerie," she spat. "Sneaky conniving creatures they are..."

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A Yooyuball Story
Elbin absolutely lived for Yooyuball. All his essays at Neoschool were on the delightful subject of Yooyuball (which his teacher found, after the first nineteen essays, not so delightful anymore)...

by kacheekgirl444


Fenny Vail, An Often Unnoticed Yooyuball Master
Fenny Vail, left defender for Roo Island, simply put, is often overshadowed by her teammates...

by blacklightnin

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