Overlooked Neopians: The Soup Faerie by trixietrotter
FAERIELAND- As Neopia ventures into the month of Gathering the Faerie Festival is quickly approaching. Veteran neopians no doubt remember the events that occurred during the Faerie Festival a few years back. It has been six years since the events of Faeries’ Ruin took place and the effort to rebuild Faerieland has been underway for quite some time. But as the Faerie Festival approaches it’s time to begin to celebrate the Faeries and all they do to aid Neopia. But amongst the Space Faerie, Fountain Faerie and all the rest there is one faerie that frequently goes overlooked.The Soup Faerie has been ladling out fresh soup free of charge to down-on-their luck Neopets for longer than anyone can recall. From her modest cottage in the front of the Neopian marketplace she stirs up warm batches of soup every morning for the awaiting public. The Soup Faerie is considered one of the most generous individuals operating in Neopia today. The Soup Kitchen provides Neopia with some of the finest soup ever to be made. Each morning the Soup Faerie stirs her enchanted cauldron with her iconic wooden spoon. Some of her most popular soups include Lamb Broth, Negg Soup and the ever popular Two in a Bowl Mushroom and Chokato. Unfortunately, the Soup Faerie only offers her free soups to neopians with less than 3,000 NP on hand or in the bank. Those who have the ability to purchase food elsewhere are denied free soup so the Soup Faerie may focus all her efforts in the pursuit of helping the less fortunate. But for those richer neopians need not despair. During the Faerie Festival everyone, regardless of wealth, can sample warm delicious soup at the Soup Kitchen. In addition to providing less fortunate Neopets with free delicious soup the Soup Faerie also hands out her own Faerie Quests. The Soup Faerie occasionally ventures out to ask for help from special Neopians. She exclusively asks for smoothies that are rarity 96 and under in return for upping two stats on an active pet. We can engage in a discussion on how the Soup Faerie is underappreciated but at the end of the day the only person who speak authoritatively on the topic is the Soup Faerie herself. An interview with the Faerie herself was conducted. As I sat down with the Soup Faerie I was taken aback by how beautiful she is. Despite her simple modest clothing she maintains the grace and beauty that goes hand in hand with all the Faeries in Neopia. I joined her over a bowl of Invisible Soup in her warm, cozy, soup kitchen. ---- Interviewer: Thank you for meeting with me, I know how busy you can be. Soup Faerie: [Laughs] Oh it’s no problem, the Soup Kitchen has its slow days just like anything else. Interviewer: I’m sorry I have to jump into right my questions. Soup Faerie: It’s perfectly fine! It’s so exciting to be featured in the Times! Interviewer: Why is it that you choose to live outside of Faerieland? Soup Faerie: I used to live in Faerieland and commute to the Soup Kitchen each day, but that got tiring and inconvenient. Also it’s hard to reach the less fortunate from Faerieland, the marketplace is easily accessible and gets a lot of foot traffic every day. Interviewer: That’s very sensible. Soup Faerie: [Laughs] Thank you, I try! Interviewer: As of now only two other faeries has less items themed after them than you do, how do you feel about that? Do you feel unappreciated by the public? Soup Faerie: I don’t wake up every morning and do what I do for items or praise. I do it to feed all the starving pets out there in Neopia. The look on a hungry pet’s face when I place a bowl of warm soup in front of them is all the thanks I need. Interviewer: Would you be opposed to new Soup Faerie themed items being introduced during the upcoming Faerie Festival? Soup Faerie: Opposed? No, I’m not opposed. I just don’t do my work to have a pencil case themed after me. Interviewer: Speaking of the Faerie Festival, how are the preparations going? Soup Faerie: [Laughs] Anxiously as always! Interviewer: During the Faerie Festival you offer free soup to everyone and not just less fortunate neopians. That’s got to be a pretty tall order. Soup Faerie: [Laughs] It definitely is! It’s exhausting but I always get through unscathed. Interviewer: Are you looking forward to this year’s Faerie Festival? Soup Faerie: Oh definitely! It’s always such a fun time of year! You have no idea how hard it is to get all the Faeries together at once, I always look forward to seeing them. Interviewer: I can imagine Faeries who don’t live in Faerieland don’t see other Faeries too often. Soup Faerie: That’s right and I rarely get out of the Soup Kitchen long enough to pay anyone a visit. We’re all family though so the Festival is a warm family reunion for many of us. Interviewer: So, have you been working on any new soup recipes for the upcoming Festival? Soup Faerie: [Laughs] Oh no, nothing new. I’m still perfecting my regular recipes! Interviewer: You can’t perfect perfection you know. Soup Faerie: They’re far from perfection, you’re too kind. Interviewer: You’re far too modest. Soup Faerie: [Laughs] I’ve been told that before. Interviewer: Thank you for sitting down me, it’s been a pleasure. Soup Faerie: The pleasure is all mine. Interviewer: Do you have any words for the patrons of the Neopian Times? Soup Faerie: Don’t be scared to stop by the soup kitchen. I’m always here to help. In addition to her acts of charity the Soup Faerie has a few items themed after her. Items such as the Soup Faerie Plushie and the more expensive Soup Faerie Doll. She even has an Usuki doll modeled after her as well as a neodeck card. Purchasing one of these items could proudly display your love and appreciation for our beloved Soup Faerie come this Faerie Festival.