Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 175,958,071 Issue: 351 | 18th day of Swimming, Y10
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New Series

Pirate Lady: Part One

The Lupess stood motionless, her slender paws resting gently on the rail, her chestnut curls blowing in the wind. Beneath her, the white foam of the vessel's wake spread far out into the blue-green waters of the ocean...

by concertogreat_8
The Treasure of Xutu: Part One

"It'd be easier to figure out something about the map if we could speak with the original owners..."

by rc81590
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"Slushie Madness" by cookybananas324
It was much nicer when she could deal with customers one at a time, and even chat briefly while she prepared their drink. People waited patiently in line, smiled and thanked her when she handed them their slushie. Many of them were repeat customers, and Kana could greet them by name. Here, at the world-famous Altador Cup, it was entirely...

Other Stories


The Garden Party Fiasco
"Now remember, dear," Sara began, "you must be on your absolute best behavior today..."

by vet1392


Face Your Fear
Placing her hooves together, Lua prepared to dive...

by billybobjoe547


How to Start Your Own Neopian Band
You may think that if you start a band, you'll get fame and fortune pouring in immediately. It's a little more complicated than that, my friend.

by sheyda_sheyda


Altador Cup III Roster Changes
Here's the lowdown of this year's roster changes!

by sea_monster2


That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles: Onion Rings
An onion a day keeps the Xweetok away!

by pikemaster1


Oh, Yooyu!
I'll never get the hang of those Darigan Yooyus...

by mandellababe

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