| Your questions answered! Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.
Quote of the Week
Snow had stopped falling in Terror Mountain long enough to expose the beautiful drifts it created, rolling hills and dipping valleys of pure white blanketing trees, bushes, rocks, and houses. And though the afternoon sun was out, it could not melt away winter’s bounty.
I hoped it wouldn’t because I wanted her to see this. She probably missed views like the one outside my cottage window, like a Day of Giving postcard. Though she may have experienced winters elsewhere, there was no doubt that winters in Terror Mountain were the best.
Neoquest: The Tabletop Game

Following the massive resurgence of Dungeons & Draiks, game designers at Lenny’s Of The Kikoast are releasing a new edition of the long-defunct NeoQuest Role Playing Game series, this time in the form of a pen and paper, tabletop roleplaying game. As part of early promotional material, the basic rules have been compiled for playtesting. We encourage beta testers to send all feedback to our offices: Lenny’s of the Kikoast
721 Barge Road
Kiko Lake, Neopia
In order to play NeoQuest: The Tabletop Game, you will require the following:
1 Game Master,
2-4 Players,
at least 2 six-sided die (d6),
and Token Markers (or neocoints, buttons, or even just a piece of paper and a pencil!) In addition, all Players are encouraged to come prepared with Character Lookups for their hero of choice. Game Masters may also be interested in purchasing our companion books, The Game Master’s Guide To Greatness (2500NP) and our introductory... |
A Call to Guitars for Young Xweetoks

Please note: This message was brought to you by the New Music for Neopia Campaign. For more on why this is important and what you can do to support this cause, read on.
Have you ever realised that there aren’t any Xweetoks in any of the many Neopian bands that currently play at the Tyrannian Concert Hall? Probably not. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that you’ve probably never spent much time considering the bands that play at the Tyrannian Concert Hal, at all. That’s okay, why would you? At this point, the beloved bands that take to the stage at the Concert Hall each month have been playing shows for longer than any of us can count; they’re fixtures in Neopia, ones we take for granted but don’t think too much about. Sure, we go to the odd Sticks N Stones or M*YNCI concert now and again, just for old times’ sake, and to stock up on band merch, but for most Neopians, the lights and sounds of the Tyrannian Concert Hall fade into the background, and we go on with our lives. |
 | Celebrating Neopia's Most Important Scientists
Neopia is a very big place, and there are tons of Neopets that make our planet something truly special. Some are evil geniuses, while others are defenders of truth and justice. Some are timid, and others are collectors. While our heroes can be anybody, I think it’s time we give a shout out to a few scientists that makes Neopia special! Without these Neopets and faeries, we would have a lot of unanswered questions. From the clouds of Faerieland to the deserts of the Lost Desert, without any hesitation, let’s highlight some of the most invigorating minds of Neopia! |
Other Stories |
"The Lucky Negg" by i_lovee_icecream Part 1
It was a brisk day in Brightvale and the sun was setting over the treetops. A Cybunny named Juniper was taking a stroll through the forest on her way home when she stumbled upon a bush full of strange-looking neggs. She approached the bush and reached her paw down to grab the negg, swiping her finger across its jewelled surface. The jewels were iridescent and shone with warm tones of pink, yellow, and orange as the sun danced across its surface.
“What kind of negg is this?” Juniper thought aloud.
She plucked one from the bush and put it in her basket. Juniper swung her basket back and forth all the way home, humming a tune until she reached her den.
* * *
Once she was home, she asked her brother, Jon, about the negg.
“Have you ever seen a negg like this before?” she asked.
“Why, no. I haven’t. It sure is beautiful!” he replied.
“How do you think it would taste?” she prompted.
“It looks like it would be sweet and juicy. You should try it,” he said.
Juniper ate the negg, like he suggested. As soon as she bit into it, juice exploded out of the side of her mouth. She giggled. It was indeed sweet and delicious! |
"Tea for Two at Terror Mountain" by precious_katuch14 Snow had stopped falling in Terror Mountain long enough to expose the beautiful drifts it created, rolling hills and dipping valleys of pure white blanketing trees, bushes, rocks, and houses. And though the afternoon sun was out, it could not melt away winter’s bounty.
I hoped it wouldn’t because I wanted her to see this. She probably missed views like the one outside my cottage window, like a Day of Giving postcard. Though she may have experienced winters elsewhere, there was no doubt that winters in Terror Mountain were the best.
The kettle on my stove whistled, and I tore myself away from my window to pour the water into my teapot of Strawberry Spice Tea. I knew she wasn’t fond of sweet things, but I found a Honey Bearog just in case my tea turned out to be a little too spicy. I took both the Honey Bearog and the tea to my table, already set with my favourite tablecloth with snowflakes, the cups and saucers, some forget-me-nots in a vase, and a plate of scones with butter and jam. A folded letter was under the vase, which I picked up to read... |
"The Cook Shall Walk The Plank" by trollkitten Jangi Jangi was in over his head.
The yellow Kiko had always wanted to see the world beyond Kiko Lake. So when a beautiful lady Draik inexplicably named Tygerwing dropped by and asked him if he'd be interested in joining a group of 'anti-pirates' -- a term that Jangi later learned meant pirates that only stole from other pirates -- he'd jumped at the chance. At least, he would have if he'd had, you know, back legs.
Which, as it happened, wasn't a problem anymore. One Pirate Aisha Morphing Potion later, and he did have back legs. And also a really bad case of Chickaroo, because that Pirate Aisha Morphing Potion had been brewed up by the first mate, a Techo named Marmalade Jack. Dashing rogue, monster trapper, expert in the supernatural, soldier of fortune... And also the absolute worst cook in the whole of Neopia.
To give Jack credit, he HAD somehow managed to cure Jangi's Chickaroo. It had taken two attempts at Herbal Scrambled Eggs, but he'd done it. Still, the eggs had tasted horrible, and after a few days onboard the Leaky Washtub (the ship that lived up to its name)... |
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Usul Unfairness Usuls are truly the most fashionable pet after all! Collab with the user fullinventory and crazy_allstar
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