A Surprise for Trudy by maddie_bangz
It was a breezy spring afternoon when Trudy decided to go on one of her long walks around Neopia. She loved basking in the warm sunshine and smelling all of the blossoming flowers on her route. She grabbed some loose Neopoints and threw them in her bag before heading out the door. She had no idea where she was heading today, but that was the fun of her walks. She never knew where they’d take her! After all, these walks led to her discovering her Surprise Slot Machine all those years ago, which changed her life forever. There were plenty of Neopians out on the streets, smiling and waving as she passed them by. Everyone loved Trudy and her Slot Machine, it was always a highlight of their day. Trudy loved seeing their eyes light up when the machine awarded them their Neopoints and occasional bonus prizes. A light bulb went off in Trudy’s head. “I should probably start looking for some fun new prizes soon…” She mumbled to herself, trying to decide where she should look for the new rotation of items. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t even realise that the streets had cleared of people and rumbling clouds had started gathering overhead. She snapped back to attention when a loud boom of thunder cracked and rain started pouring down. Trudy looked frantically around and realised that she’d wandered from her usual path and was now hopelessly lost. She started running, in what direction she didn’t know but hoped that she’d find shelter soon. The freezing rain came down so fast that it was hard to see. Finally, Trudy saw a faint glow in the distance. She ran as fast as she could until the glow turned into a building, one she faintly recognised. “Pizzaroo! I hope it’s open, PLEASE be open…” She finally reached the front doors and threw herself against them. They sprung open and Trudy felt herself falling to the ground, leaving a wet puddle of rain on the floor behind her. “Trudy? Is that you?” Trudy looked up and saw the Pizzaroo Shopkeeper standing over her worriedly, his white chef’s hat nearly falling off of his head as he knelt down to help her up. Trudy squinted her eyes at him. “Something looks different about you today…” She observed, as the Shopkeepers slowly helped her to her feet. She tried to shake the rain droplets off her. “Really? Maybe it’s the rain, making your head a little foggy. Please, Trudy, sit down. What can I get you?” The Shopkeeper guided her to an empty seat and handed her a menu. Trudy stared after his retreating figure, trying to pinpoint why something felt… off. The entire restaurant had an odd, glowing quality to it. The colours of the walls and tables seemed brighter and more intense. She rubbed her eyes. Did the Shopkeeper have a glow around him? She noticed that some of the posters and framed photographs on the walls were flipped or had jumbled letters on them. She looked at the menu and noticed the same thing. What was going on? Trudy shook her head distractedly. This storm is messing with my head, she thought. She tried to look at the menu but couldn’t make out a single item. “Hey, uh… sorry I can’t really uh… read this?” She stammered awkwardly as the Shopkeeper popped back out of the kitchen with a pizza box in his hands. “Ah, yes! I’m trying out a new menu, and I’m having a hard time describing just how delicious all of these new items are. Maybe you can help me?” He exclaimed excitedly as he set the box down in front of her. “Behold… my pickle pizza!” He opened the box to reveal a steaming, freshly baked pizza covered in brilliant green pickles. The smell made Trudy’s mouth water. “This looks incredible! I’m not just saying that because I’m starving either.” She joked, reaching into the box to pull out a hot slice. Suddenly, she felt something tap against her chair. She looked down and nearly jumped out of her seat in surprise. “What is that?” Trudy squealed. A Geb was staring up at her quizzically, its little hands grabbing at her chair and trying to lift itself up towards the pizza. She’d never seen a Geb like it before. It was covered in… pepperoni? “Ah, you’ve found my new little friend! He’s a Picnic Geb.” The Shopkeeper chuckled as he knelt down and picked up the Geb for Trudy to see. “I’ve never seen a Geb like this before! Where did you find him?” Trudy asked in awe as she cooed at the sweet little Petpet. The Shopkeeper began to take him towards the back of the shop. “This little guy found me! I’ve had lots of new additions to my shop, not all of them food… but all of them pizza-related!” He laughed as he set the Geb down on a child-sized chair in the corner with a smaller slice of the Pickle Pizza in front of it. The Geb let out a little squeal and began to dive in. “New additions you say…” Trudy whispered, a new idea popping into her head. She took a bite of the Pickle Pizza and nearly screamed at how delicious it was. The Shopkeeper came back over to her table and smiled. “So you like it?” “Like it? I love it! And I have a proposition for you Mr. Shopkeeper.” Trudy smiled. “How would you like to help me with my new prize rotation for the Surprise Slot Machine?” The Shopkeeper gasped. “Really? Are you sure?” “Of course! Neopians need to know about all of your new shop additions. What do you say?” The Shopkeeper sat down in the empty chair at Trudy’s table. He leaned in conspiratorially. “I’m in. Here’s what I’ve got for you.” *** Three weeks later, and the Surprise Slot Machine was busier than ever. Trudy was so excited by the Neopians’ enthusiasm for the new prizes. When she finally had a break, she decided the weather was nice enough to take another long walk through Neopia. She decided she would make a quick stop to the Pizzaroo, to thank the Shopkeeper for sharing his new items with her. She began to walk, quickly, just in case the weather would turn on her again, until she saw the Pizzaroo in the distance. As Trudy approached the front door, she waved excitedly to the Shopkeeper through the window. He grinned at her. “Trudy!” He exclaimed as she walked through the door. “Long time no see!” “Not that long of a time!” Trudy laughed. “I just wanted to stop by and thank you for your help the other week. Everyone’s loving the new pizza-themed prizes at the Slot Machine. It’s been a huge hit and it’s all thanks to you!” The Shopkeeper frowned. “What do you mean?” “Huh?” Trudy tilted her head quizzically. “When I came in here during the storm? You showed me all those fun new pizza items?” The Shopkeeper shook his head slowly. “I’m sorry Trudy I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t have those special items at my shop. And I haven’t seen you in here in several months at least?” “But I…” Trudy’s head was spinning. She thought about the restaurant and the Shopkeeper, the Pickle Pizza, the Picnic Geb… She looked around frantically. The bright colours were dulled back to their normal hue. The framed photos and posters were back to normal and the Shopkeeper had lost his glow. He was looking at her worriedly. “But if I wasn’t here…” She said slowly. “…where was I?” The End.