The Ultimate Guide to Planning A Fall Slumber Party by stars4ever33
You wake up in your house in Neopia Central, late summer sunlight streams into your bedroom window. After eating your breakfast, you decide to take a walk. As you come closer to the market, you realize that the shoppers are in a tizzy. Colorful vegetables line the market stalls and everyone is trying to get their hands on the biggest and best one. You realize that there's a nip in the air, and it slowly dawns on you. Fall is right around the corner. Realizing that the heat of summer is fading fast, you hurry back to your home. You decide that this year is going to be a little different. To kick off autumn, you want to host an autumn themed slumber party. However, you're not really sure where to start. This is why I'm here! I'm your guide to hosting the Fall slumber party of the century.
First, the decor. Fall colors include yellow, red, orange and brown. Make sure your house is decorated with these colors. Start by putting pumpkins on your doorstep. This says to your guests "Fall is here. Let's party!" Next, hang up some fake leaves on string. The fake leaves will look better and won't crumble. Have an orange tablecloth at the ready and put a fall themed centerpiece on your table. This can be a number of things. The most popular centerpiece is a cornucopia. Make sure your table is nicely set for dinner, this creates a warm and inviting feeling. Be sure to put some candles on your table, this will come in handy for dinner. For an extra measure, drape a fall themed blanket over the couch. That should be all your basic decorating. You may be as basic or as in depth as you would like, just do not go overboard. Having too many decorations might make your guests feel uncomfortable. Then comes the food. You can't have a real party without food! For snacks, put out some candy corn, small chocolates and some crackers with cheese. Remember your set table? Your guests WILL become really hungry, so make sure your table packed to the brim with yummy delicious food! A recommendation is to have warm foods. No one wants an Ice Lolly on a chilly fall day! Give your guests some Hot Apple Cider, some turkey with mashed potatoes. Finally, top it all off with desert. Recommendations are: caramel apples and pumpkin pie. You can even get creative and make leaf shaped cookies. Who doesn't love leaf shaped cookies? When you're making your caramel apples, be wary of Impostor Apples. Those don't taste good with caramel.
Next comes activities. You could do a number of things here, but jumping into leaves is not only fun, it's an iconic fall pass time! It's simple: rake up any fallen leaves in your yard and wait for your friends to arrive. After they've arrived count to three and then JUMP! You could do this over and over again if your friends are willing to help you re-rake all the leaves.If it gets too cold, head inside for some warmer activities. You and your friends can do an array of things inside. For example, remember those pumpkins you set out? Carve them, then hold a contest. Whoever has the funniest one wins! Then play a game that I like to call "Pumpkins and Cards." Take a card, throw it at a pumpkin. If the card lands inside the pumpkin, the player gets a point. Whoever gets the most points wins! The winner gets dibs on the first slice of pie! ;)
Dinner is the most important part, because after all that jumping and carving, your guests will work up an appetite. Light the candles, and gather your friends around. Then, dig in! Everyone is going to be swapping funny stories, so make sure that you don't laugh with cider in your mouth. Otherwise, you'll get hot cider up your nose! During dinner, have a toast. Your toast should be dedicated to friends, family and good health. Then have your friends take go and talk about what they are most thankful for.
As night falls, stoke a rip roaring fire and gather your guests around it to tell stories. Fall is a particularly spooky time of year, so maybe some ghost stories should suffice? A good book to check out is "Can You Hear Me? A Ghostly Tale" This book is sure to terrify your guests. If they're too spooked to sleep (who sleeps at a slumber party anyways?) why don't you gather up your friends, your blankets, your bowl of popcorn and head outside to gaze at the fall stars. Remember to make a wish if you see a shooting star!
Finally comes the brisk fall morning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as such you need to make sure that it's really good for your guests. You probably still have pumpkin leftover, so perhaps now would be a good time to use it. Pull out your recipe book and make some pumpkin pancakes. Remember, no breakfast is complete without eggs and orange juice. Got to get that protein and Vitamin D. After saying goodbye to your friends, curl up by the fire and enjoy the rest of your autumn. Curling up with your favorite book and pink Cybunny slippers is highly recommended. Just be sure to relax after cleaning up. Nobody wants to relax in a dirty home. I hope this guide helps you to have a blast with your friends! If complete disaster strikes, like it starts pouring down rain when you're jumping in leaves or the pumpkins don't turn out the way you wanted them too, the most important thing to remember is to have fun! If something doesn't go right, try to turn the situation around by thinking of other activities. Don't let things get to you, if you become a Debbie downer, then no one will have fun. If no one has fun, what is the point of having a slumber party!? HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK!!!!