Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 197,890,897 Issue: 1013 | 26th day of Swimming, Y26
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Not the Best Family Reunion

by kayixu


”What did you find out?” Mio asked, following a disgruntled Magma ‘Pet through overcrowded streets.

      “Nothing useful. Those blasted Faeries I found in the basement were too delirious to give me anything to work with.”

      “There were Faeries in the basement? Are they okay? Did you help them?”

      “No, why would I do that?”

      “Because it’s the right thing to do,” said the Plushie, adjusting the cub on her back.

     Leala scoffed, “Ethics aren’t a priority for me, stuffing for brains. We gotta find Reena; she’s either with Kay or Notixu and we need to find out which one ASAP.”

      “Okay,” said Mio reluctantly. “But where do we start looking? There are so many people here! A Big Bad could do a whole lotta damage if it swooped in right about now… So much prey to- ooh, look!”


     Leala followed the stitched paw, outstretched toward a pink building in the distance

      “A gift shop!”

     Leala’s blind eye twitched, and her fur sparked. Mio stared at her with an oblivious smile, and Kalilu mewed softly. Blook was right at the cub’s flank to make sure she didn’t fall. A cold wind howled through the city and made a few earth faeries cough.

      “Why is everyone an idiot except for me?” mumbled Leala, massaging her temples.

      “Oh, yeah. Leala?”

      “I swear to all that is holy-”

      “I was thinking.”

      “Great. What do you want, a trophy?”

      “Now, now.” She patted the little one on the head. “No need to be Miss Grumpy Tail. I was thinking that since we’re in Faerieland, maybe we can visit the Rainbow Fountain Faerie when this is over and see if she can change Kalilu back to normal.”

      “YOU IMBECILE THAT IS THE STUPIDEST- wait, you could be on to something. Naia’s got stronger magic than Reena. She might be able to reverse the spell safely and get Kalilu outta Baby form.” She began hopping down the street once again. “First though, we gotta get this done and taken care of, and it won’t be easy without the whole family together.”

      “About that,” said Mio from behind. “Why was Nixie all mad at you? Why doesn’t she wanna help us?”

      “I don’t know,” she said, and her pelt went out entirely.

      “Yes, you do,” said Charka.

      “I don’t know,” she repeated sternly. “I… She just… She’s just a stuck-up, spoiled, cold-blooded, backstabbing-”

      “That’s no way to talk about family!”

      “Well, it’s true!” Leala halted, turning in place to confront the Plushie Cybunny. “Besides… It doesn’t matter why she’s mad at us. Not anymore. So just- so just drop it, okay? Stay focused.”

     Without another peep from Mio, the bunnies continued their search.

     It was cold. There was a storm blowing in, Mio could tell. The sky had gone from a bright, clear blue to pale gray, and she caught the smell of rain hiding in the wind like a game of Hide and Seek.

     Ah, what a fun way to think of all this! A game of Hide and Seek. She and her little friends were seeking Reena and Kay, and then together they would seek the evil clone that was plotting terrible things. Yes, a game of Hide and Seek, with a lurking evil presence. Just like…

     Just like that day…

     Eventually, they split up to expand their search. Mio and the Ghostkerchief kept a close eye on the Kougra cub as they slowly navigated the flooded Faerieland roads. Her paws grew numb over the hours, and Kalilu cried for a meal just as a clock tower chimed. This was no good. They only had a few points left and it wasn’t enough for a bite to eat.

     She sat Kalilu down on a bench and rested for a few minutes. She breathed into her frozen paws and adjusted all the little needles hidden in her pelt. Mio sighed as she thought about stealing again. She didn’t quite like it, but how else was she to feed the poor baby? Her stomach was growling too. Neither she nor Leala had eaten breakfast.

     She leaned back on the seat and watched the endless stream of people pass them by. Perhaps someone among them would be willing to spare a couple hundred neopoints? Surely the world was not an entirely unkind place.

     Blook whispered incoherently, but excitedly, as he hovered around a patch of bushes. He looked to her and there as though inviting Mio to come and see just what had gotten him so worked up. She blinked and hopped down from the bench. Kalilu mewled for her as the Plushie made her way over to the clump of violet leaves. She crouched and poked her muzzle in until red fabric caught her gaze.

     The creature backed away, and accidentally into the base of the fancy lamppost in the middle. It blinked its dark eyes at her and shivered. This little Bowla was hungry too, and tattered all over her ribbons.

      “Don’t be afraid. I’m only scary sometimes.” She gently took the Petpet in her mouth and carried her back to the bench.

     Kalilu, who’d been meowing pitifully, stopped at the sight of the new friend. Everyone curiously sniffed one another as Mio vented to the Bowla about the fiasco that’d led them to this point. She gradually grew more comfortable in their company and perked up at the mention of the Xweetok and “human” they were looking for.

     Mio tilted her head at the little red creature. “Did you see them somewhere?”

     She nodded with a timid smile.

      “How long ago? Where? Can you take us to them? It’s really important!” Mio explained with renewed energy as she hopped in a little circle.

     The Bowla recoiled at first but hesitantly agreed.

     * * *

     Leala had exhausted everywhere she could think to look. Black spots riddled her vision, and her every movement was like a Slorg in molasses. She winced with every hop as a fresh jolt ran through her muscles. Her paw was whole but sore, and she felt with every ragged breath that her lungs were on fire.

     Stupid mortal coils and their stupid petty needs. She’d pushed hers too far. Even the most brilliant of minds couldn’t beat nature’s laws. It wasn’t fair; Leala had never even been to law school.

     She’d left behind the heart of the city and then left behind its outer bounds. Having kept her bleary gaze alert, she’d scoured Faerie City for any trace of alien or maniac and gotten nowhere but the light stretches of wilderness beyond its edge. She panted, assuming a loaf position and battling the dizziness assaulting her skull.

     It had been a long road to get this far. Leala remembered how things used to be. Everyone was together, a complete family unit, living each dysfunctional day to its fullest. Somehow, everyone had scattered and broken off to endure their separate misadventures. Would things ever be the same again?

     Leala checked her pulse. She could hardly find it. The air smelled foul. Her eyes were heavy and burning, and- Hold on a second!

     The Cybunny got to her feet. She peered at the tree line and the familiar silhouette skipping its way through the undergrowth. Leala reared on her hind legs and watched as it vanished into the murky shadows of the woodland. She looked back at Faerie City, then at the spot where she’d last seen the figure. She looked back and forth. Her paws itched for decisive action. Her ears twitched. Her tongue craved a nice serving of nachos in melted cheese.

     She bounded into the forest. She moved with care but failed to mask the sound of her heavy landings and stumbled over hidden pieces of garbage. The ambient chatter of the city became distant. Then it went silent.

     Leala caught up to the figure clad in clashing hues and skidded to a halt. She breathed as quietly as she could. Rabbits weren’t creatures of stealth. They weren’t made for stalking things. Nevertheless, she crept slowly forward, concealing herself in dark foliage.

      “I like your idea, Maul,” said the being in human form. “We’ll use it, with some modifications. Much as I enjoy fireworks, I’ve decided we’re going to wait.”

     There was a wicked-looking Ixi lounging on a bed of moss, an Acara’s ghostly form at the clearing’s rim, and a horrifying Kau playing with yarn. Leala’s instincts screamed to flee. Instincts weren’t very scientific.

      “Moo did some prying and found out a few interesting things about the silly little festival coming up.” Dark hair swished and maroon eyes locked on Leala. “Would you like to hear them?”

     Leala’s brilliant mind lost all rationality. She turned tail and sprinted faster than she’d thought possible. She hurried around massive trees and charged through brambles. Charka laughed raucously in her head and assured her that this was it. End of the line! A long and winding journey was coming to an end! Leala hadn’t the breath to argue.

     Notixu toyed with her. Her gang of minions appeared at every twist and turn until the Magma bunny collapsed into a shallow stream and clung to the last strand of consciousness she had left. The world faded in and out. Water was invading her mouth and nose. Her seeing eye was submerged and she could barely register the footsteps approaching.

      “I’m sorry,” said a voice that was both gruff and soft. “I uh- I’m sorry for this.”

To be continued…

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» Not the Best Family Reunion
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