Not the Best Family Reunion by kayixu
Sometime later… Fyora’s attempt at reducing Neopia’s pollution levels turned out less than stellar. The people criticized it left and right, picking apart every detail. The points are wrong, the festival hosts won’t stop bickering, and no way nature’s that out of whack, so why should we bother helping without a perfect prize at the end? Fyora took it in stride, never faltering, never allowing her smile to fall. In public. Heavens knew she had bigger things to worry about than some disgruntled event participants. She’d had her suspicions, and now she was certain. The Faerie Queen hardly slept. Nightmares plagued her every time she closed her eyes. Tira kept asking her what was wrong. Fyora didn’t say. How could she? Speaking the words aloud was confirmation of a truth she hoped would simply go away. She was a wreck, but you’d never know it. She kept her appearance fine-tuned to show the utmost of grace and beauty. If you were to spot her without the spell active? Well, she refused to let that happen. In quiet moments she would scour her memories in search of something she couldn’t explain. This other something wasn’t nearly as awful as the first, and so she pivoted her attention to it whenever she could. It wasn’t dire; it was annoying. She dug through the muddled half-thoughts trying to sort it all out. She’d known some people, people whose names escaped her grasp. Fyora couldn’t for the life of her tell just what had caused her to forget. The longer she stayed on the topic, however, the more convinced she became that artificial means were at work. It was almost as if some strange outfit dubbed the “Intergalactic Council” had made some arbitrary ruling, that led to her memories of a particular family being erased… But that was silly talk. Putting Illusen and Jhudora in charge of something wasn’t the best idea. Nevertheless, it was the only idea that had come to mind. On top of everything else, something was up with those two, and it involved Fyora herself somehow. The faeries she’d sent to monitor them failed to return with anything useful. They were so preoccupied with the takedown in Moltara that almost none of them could give her any intel on the hosts’ behaviour in general. There had been some kind of fight in the past, but that was all she could gather, and it wasn’t like she could pry too much without being painfully suspicious. Once she figured out what their role in all this was, then she could make them suffer for it. In the meantime, all the Faerie Queen could do was wait. At least Fyora still had her most relaxing hobby. Sharpening swords and axes was such a calming pastime, and when the time came, she could supply her army with an arsenal truly fit for royalty. Because royalty had seen to it that every blade was sharp enough to split hairs. What do you MEAN that’s not a very queenly activity? * * * The captive ‘pets under Null’s control didn’t know what to expect from here on out. In the end, Rrela wound up flying home with them. Its appearance quickly changed. Be it from the battle’s aftermath or Null’s eerie magic, Rrela’s hide turned a rusty blackish hue with ruddy colour points. Null didn’t seem too bothered either way. Every new development only seemed to excite her more. Her plan of slowly corrupting Neopia until it collapsed under its own weight… was, from what they could tell at least, still in action. Despite their battle at the lake appearing to be a complete and utter failure. Far be it from them to question it too much; the alien menace was no doubt pulling way more strings than she let on. Maul’s plan had been a simple one: intercept messages between Fyora and her nobles to make the whole lot of them look incompetent. Well, that plan didn’t see fruition. After seeing what a scrambled mess the Faerie Queen already was, Null had just sat back with a massive bucket of popcorn and announced that there would be no such sabotage… yet. She kept rambling about fun and games. Null was all fun and games if you counted the most twisted definitions of those words. It made no difference to Maul. He quite liked being evil’s ‘pet. In his spare time, the Ixi could be found lounging on his luxurious bed, crimson eyes gleaming as he listened to a captive orchestra. He was Null’s favourite, and he relished every moment of it. Moo was indifferent. You could convince her to go along with anything if you framed it cheerfully. For such a terrifying presence, she wasn’t exactly the biggest threat on their little team. Rage well and truly had no idea what to do. She had no idea what she could do in such a situation. Her life before had been no cakewalk, but she’d gladly take it over this. Her aura of dark fire burned so hot that it hurt, her blood boiling and her skin searing and healing in a perpetual cycle of pain. Her claws itched to rip into something-someone-until at last her captor was naught but a memory. She restrained the impulse. There was a newcomer, too, aside from Rrela. A newcomer of bright colours and soft features. A ‘pet with a most innocent facade. A newcomer that one could easily mistake for a sweet and cuddly companion. So harmless. So cute. Her demeanour suggested the contrary, subtle as it was. If that wasn’t enough, however, the eyes were a dead giveaway. They were so cold and lifeless that Rage wondered if this new ‘pet was alive at all. Rage shuddered at the thought. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know. And there they lived, in a place between somewhere and nowhere at all. * * * Gone was the decrepit marble shell past the dead end of Bridge Street. With the family back together now, whatever that was to mean, the idea of a fresh start was too tantalizing to ignore. Neopia had certainly changed since Kay had given its grounds a proper walk. She was keen to catch up on all that she had missed, even if she seemed busier than ever before. Leala wasn’t exactly pleased with the way things turned out. She’d spent so long clinging to days long gone that the new normal just didn’t feel right. Nevertheless, she would persist. After dealing with the pesky needs of her organic body, that is. Such was the life of a mad scientist in a family of equally strange people. Bickering with Reena did wonders for her recovery. They would stay temporarily in their Neohome in Altador. While Kayixu eyed some land in the Haunted Woods, Reena and Leala would yell at each other from opposite sides of a dusty couch. The Xweetok’s bones were healing fast, and already she had a shiny new tooth made of gold. Reena was glad to be free at last. After all, Jelly World was still seen as just a myth. One day, she’d expose its existence to the rest of Neopia. In the meantime, she’d have to settle for keeping Leala out of trouble. Leala was a cute little Cybunny, but Reena had always known looks were deceiving. In the back of her mind, she thought that everyone else was finally starting to catch on. Kalilu spent most of her time reading in isolation. It wasn’t a new behaviour, so it wasn’t all that worrisome. She’d been missing out for a while, after all. Blook remained perpetually at her side. She loved all things Tyrannian; a Ghostkerchief wasn’t her first choice when it came to a Petpet, but how could she give him up after everything they’d been through? His loyalty surpassed her old Gruslen’s so thoroughly that it wasn’t even a contest. Kalilu had taken to reading aloud to him, and he soaked in every word. Quite the intelligent one, Blook was. Nixie still kept her family at arm’s length. She wasn’t over how they’d made her feel and didn’t know if she ever would be. Kayixu, upon realizing this, apologized to her for giving the others more attention than Nixie in the past. There was a rough road ahead of them, but she felt a little lighter every day. She’d carved out a life of fame and luxury, just as she’d always dreamed of, and no longer did she live it all alone. Seeing everyone come to the shows just to see her and cheer her on… It was the cherry on top of her glamorous sundae. * * * The day finally came. Mio had lost a special something when she fell from her old world to this one. Finally, it was time to take it back. With Thimble nestled in her mane, she hopped along excitedly through the streets of Neopia Central. Alongside Kay, she joined the massive line of Neopians waiting to enter the NC Mall. Even if the line had moved quickly as a blink, it wouldn’t have been quick enough for the two of them. This day was months in the making. Upon hearing the announcement, they’d scurried to the gallery, to an item in a glass case. ‘In case of Plushie Time, break glass,’ it had read. Kay performed her best martial arts kick. The sky was clear and bright. Winged creatures soared overhead. The air was pleasantly cool. Spring was peeking around the corner, soon to bring an explosion of new beginnings. And also, pollen. Kayixu’s sinuses were already acting up. They approached the studio little by little. Inch by inch, they grew closer to their prize. Mio’s plushie heart was racing, patchwork, and torn, but feeling stronger all the time. Safer. Her nightmare was over now. She’d lost the family she’d known for so long, but here was a new one that welcomed her with open arms. Plus, they were all crazy enough to punch that wraith in its ugly face if it came around! Umbra made quick work of turning one thing into another with their mysterious and special magic. How it worked, Mio didn’t care. The token was finally hers. She already felt more at home. In her skin, in the world around her, and especially in this group of freaks she’d come across. Not long after, the topic came up of Kay and the ‘pets taking a family photo together. They’d never been the sappy type, but it just felt fitting after all they’d survived. The location wasn’t an easy pick. They were between Classic Neohomes and their place in Altador wasn’t all that special. They eventually settled on a picturesque mountaintop somewhere in the wilds of Shenkuu. They hiked up to the mountain’s peak for a picnic and then set up the camera. Everyone squeezed into the frame. When it flashed, the result was chaotic. They could only sit still next to each other for so long. The picture that came was of Reena looming over Leala with arms crossed and Leala with a fist raised at the Xweetok. They were arguing about something or other. Nixie couldn’t resist trying to be the centrepiece. Mio was observing as Thimble curiously tugged on Kalilu’s ear. Kalilu’s face was frozen in a snarl. In the midst of it all was a peculiar-looking “human” thing with a creepy maroon glint in her eyes... The End.