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Resolution of a Faerietale

by orisasda


Late that afternoon, the Dark Faerie gave Raitorn the order to surrender. Finally, the ferocious Kougra had tasted defeat."

     “But Mama, what happened to him after that?” The young Faerie Kougra asked. His mother, a Yellow Kougress, smiled fondly at him.

     “Now dear, I’m getting to that.” She said, she then continued the story. “Disgraced by his defeat at the hands of the Battle Faerie and her army, the Dark Faerie who had recruited Raitorn as her general cast him aside, as if he were some kind of toy. As hate filled his heart for the Battle Faerie, Raitorn left. He wandered aimless for some time until he came across one of Meridell’s surrounding villages. This particular village was called Fairdale.”

     The Faerie Kougra wiggled in excitement.

     “Our Fairdale Village?” He asked.

     “Yes, the very same. And he met an unlikely person there.” His mother said.

     “Who, mama?” The young Faerie Kougra asked eagerly.

     “A Faerie Kougress who Raitorn fell deeply in love with. Through her, he had learned he had been deceived, but his hate for the Battle Faerie persisted and while he knew he would not be able to defeat her, he knew that one of his descendants possibly could. So he gave this edict to all his children that has been passed down to this day. ‘If a descendant of mine shows great promise, send him or her out to defeat the Battle Faerie in my name so I may rest in peace.’ But no one has shown the great promise Raitorn wanted and so we wait.” His mother finished.


     It turned out they didn’t have to wait long. The Faerie Kougra Solnel Flyte, the latest descendant of Raitorn’s lime, turned out to be a prodigy much like Raitorn probably was. He graduated first in his class at the Training School, had aced the courses he took at the Secret Training School and was a gifted swordsman. He had flown far out of Fairdale Village His family had told him it was his destiny to challenge the Battle Faerie and win. But Solnel really wished it wasn’t. He hadn’t trained and reached the heights that he did for Raitorn, he did it because he had a passion for fighting and swordsmanship. A passion that was being squashed by a legacy he never wanted to carry and an edict made by a long-dead fool. Yet, here he was, outside of Faerieland, trying to will his legs to move forward. He wished that his friend Miezul was still alive. Miezul Savarin, also a resident of Fairdale Village, with his dream of achieving peace, had set out to find a solution that would satisfy his family and possibly Raitorn himself that would not involve Solnel fighting the Battle Faerie. But Miezul had disappeared after making the journey and was presumed dead. Something further he hated this legacy for, taking away his best friend.

     Solnel finally managed to make his legs continue to move him towards the Battle Faerie’s Hall, where he’d find the Battle Faerie, Aethia. No matter how much he didn’t want to, he couldn’t disappoint his family by refusing. Returning defeated would be more tolerable. Besides, he couldn’t deny that he was a little curious about how he matched up to the Battle Faerie. He made his way into the hall, easily batting aside the guards who tried to stop him. He saw Aethia in an arena, teaching a young soldier swordsmanship by demonstrating with one of her own swords.

     “Battle Faerie Aethia!” He tried to call out strongly, which was thwarted by a voice crack. He winced as it made him sound a little pathetic. Still, Aethia turned and focused her attention on him.

     “Yes, young Neopet?” She asked him, curious.

     “I am Solnel Flyte, the descendant of Raitorn the Kougra.” Solnel declared. Aethia narrowed her eyes at the mention of Raitorn. So she did remember. “I have come to challenge you and defeat you so that the edict he gave my family shall be fulfilled and his spirit shall rest in peace.”

     Solnel then drew his sword and pointed it at Aethia. “Duel me, Battle Faerie. The loser’s life will be forfeit.” He said, adding the last line on a whim. If he died, he wouldn’t have to face his family’s disappointment. Aethia sent the young soldier out of the arena and beckoned Solnel.

     “Come then, challenger. Let’s see what you’ve got. You’ll have the first move.” Aethia said confidently. Solnel entered the arena and as soon as he rushed forward to start the duel, he was in the hardest battle he’d ever had in his life.

     The Battle Faerie did not hold back, using both her Swords of Flame and Ice against him. But he would not go down without a fight. Thrusts, stabs, backhands and parries were traded between them. Solnel did not hold back either and it became clear to everyone watching and the Battle Faerie that Solnel was close to if not her equal in battle, no battle that she had had in recent memory that had lasted as long as this one did. Their duel lasted for half an hour and both Solnel and Aethia were drenched in sweat and on the ropes. Solnel, seeing that Aethia was near her limit, lowered his guard. It was only for a moment, but Aethia saw it and capitalised on it by disarming him in that moment and pointing her Sword of Ice at his throat. Solnel, for his part, knew he had been beaten and fell to his knees.

     “I yield.” He said, accepting his defeat. He closed his eyes, preparing for his death. He did say that the loser’s life was forfeit and he undeniably was the loser.

     “Miezul… I’ll see you soon, bud,” Solnel thought to himself. But then he heard the telltale noise of swords being sheathed. He opened his eyes and saw Aethia holding out her hand to him. Confused, Solnel grasped her hand and let her help him up. Maybe she wanted her opponents to be standing when she slew them.

     “Solnel Flyte, not many Neopets could profess themselves to be my equal as you can.” Aethia said warmly. This made Solnel even more confused. “In saying that, it would be a shame to see your life cut short and for it to be cut short by my hand. So I’d like to offer a compromise.” Aethia said. “Solnel, join my army. You have much to teach my soldiers and even me. Join and serve me for the rest of your working life and I shall consider that prize enough.”

     Solnel gaped. He had tried to defeat and slay the Battle Faerie and yet she would offer him a place in her army. He’d be a fool to reject her offer, but…

     “My family…” Solnel began to say.

     “Does not need to know if you don’t want them to. They shouldn’t have forced you into this. Both they and Raitorn were wrong to do so. I may not be able to right the wrong that brought you here, but I can make a right come out if.” Aethia said, her voice filled with warmth and sympathy. Solnel’s eyes watered, and no one since Miezul had admitted it was wrong.

     “I never wanted to do it. And I’ll happily join your army, knowing I won’t have to.” Solnel replied as tears dripped down his cheeks. He then impulsively hugged Aethia and while she was surprised, she held the crying Kougra. She didn’t know everything he had be through and wouldn’t ask until he was ready, but Aethia would make sure that Solnel would be respected and happy in her army. She swore this by her title as Battle Faerie.

     So Solnel became a soldier of the Battle Faerie’s army and even managed to win immortality for himself so that he may serve her forever and that they may always be able to spar. Aethia for her part was happy to know she’d forever have a sparring partner and friend in Solnel. Solnel, the Neopet who is the Battle Faerie’s equal, spread throughout all of Neopia, with many challenging him to test their mettle. Solnel remained undefeated by everyone except Aethia. Solnel was happy, no longer burdened by his family and Raitorn’s legacy and knew he had arrived at the resolution of a faerietale.

     The End.

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