Brand Designs - Inside the Shops of Neopia by dennykins
We’ve all been there, sitting in a shop, repeatedly refreshing while waiting for the next stock. But how often do we pay attention to the backdrops of the shops themselves, to the interior design decisions of the shops of Neopia? Probably not very often. In Neopian discourse, the focus appears to be on the shopkeepers themselves, rather than the layout or design of their shops. I have set myself a mission to visit, assess and score out of ten the design of every shop with a discernible background; shops like Plushie Palace and the Collectable Coins shop are ineligible for review, as the shopkeeper stands against a white void, and it’s difficult to assess nothingness. I’m also an optimistic person, so any shops hit by the mysterious grey curse will be evaluated in their original state, in the hopes it will one day be lifted.
Neopian Fresh Foods (Food Shop) With stone walls, wooden furnishings, and racks for hanging utensils, my first impressions are that this is not what I was expecting from this shop. I feel this aesthetic would better serve the sensibility of Meridell, rather than that of a building shaped like a hamburger in the middle of a bustling town. Having said that, there is a certain cosy charm here that’s undeniable, which is amazing, given it doesn’t appear to have a door of any kind. Rating: 5/10
Kauvara’s Magic Shop High quality wooden benchtops populate the perimeter of this potion emporium. The place is dark but avoids being dank through the inclusion of a dark blue and purple rug, which really ties the room together. There doesn’t appear to be any clear demarcation between workshop space and sale space, and many of the potions visible to customers appear to be works in progress, a fact Kauvara might like to consider should she choose to seek a higher rating. Rating: 7/10
Toy Shop This shop certainly has charm to match its (collectable) charms. Natural light spills in gently from one side of the room, illuminating wooden floorboards and a pastel rug. On the back wall, display alcoves showcase a wide variety of goods, as does a central display sitting atop the aforementioned rug. The large green doors could probably afford to be painted a different colour, but I’m splitting hairs here, as this is certainly the nicest aesthetic so far. Rating: 9/10
Uni’s Clothing Shop Hmm. For a fashion-conscious pet, Ellia’s choices with her shop are a little confounding. I like the shade of purple that coats the fixtures, but that’s about all I can say. It’s simple and sparse, and it’s possible that this shop is so fashionable that it has gone over my head, but what it adds in minimalism is subtracted from character and charm. Rating: 6/10
Grooming Parlour Firstly, if you have been restocking in this shop, I respect your patience. Secondly, as far as the look goes, it’s clear the owner is going for glitz and glamour through the choice of starry purple wallpaper and mirrors with lights around them. The products spread underneath the mirror add a nice touch I suppose, but not enough to save it from giving off a thoroughly pedestrian feel. Rating: 6/10
Magical Bookshop This place is nice. You can almost see the old book smell, which no doubt lingers in the air, thicker than Skarl’s waistline. A huge amount of inventory is on display, so much in fact, that it necessitates the use of ladders to reach all of it. I think my only quibble here is that the choice of featured books seems a little frivolous for a shop presenting itself as highbrow. In addition to this, it’s worth noting at least two of the books featured – Mynci Defender Book and The Secret Altadorian Spring – aren’t even sold at this shop, which seems like a bad business move, but I’m just judging the design today. Rating: 8/10
Collectable Card Shop A small, intimate arrangement is at play here, with glass display cases and lockable chests for extra security. Overall, it is fit for purpose, though in desperate need of a new paint job. This Buzz also needs to get his feet off the table – doesn’t he know that’s no way to treat mahogany? Rating: 6/10
Battle Magic Not a particularly welcoming aura, but then I guess if you’re selling weapons, that makes sense. Wares are displayed on purple discs adorned with green spikes, which gives off major Jhudora energy. I suspect this is some people’s jam, but it’s a bit grimy and hard to breathe down here. Rating: 4/10
Neopian Garden Centre This place is firmly outdoors, which, yes, technically falls beyond the purview of an interior designer, but this is going to be a semi-regular occurrence in this series, so bear with me while I give it my best shot. The only discernible furniture appears to be a metal shelving unit, upon which sit a few potted plants. It’s simple, but it does the job. It also has a really nice view of the outdoors, on account of it being outdoors. Rating: 7/10
Chocolate Factory It’s very unclear where we are here. Are we inside, are we outside, is that a door? It appears to be some sort of candy house, but the more I look at it, the less sure I am. It’s certainly a very chaotic design. The croquembouche-style chocolate tower is impressive, that’s the only feature I am sure about. Rating: 4/10
The Bakery Nice oven, nice moustache, what more can I say? Rating: 7/10
Neopian Health Foods We’re outside again, and this shop is essentially just a cart in a field. But I think it works. It helps give the impression that the wares are simple, natural and fresh, which surely appeals to the kinds of Neopians seeking out a health food store. Rating: 8/10
Neopian Gift Shop (Gifts Galore) This shop has the ingredients of success but needs a little more guidance in their arrangement. The rolls of fabric and bespoke gift-wrapping table in the centre of the room emphasises the commitment to the customer and their gift-giving needs. The window behind has a stylish blue design feature. On the other hand, it may seem at first to customers that this shop only sells gift boxes – the gifts themselves are hidden away, which is a pretty major error. Additionally, I would strongly recommend moving that vase of flowers away from the swinging doors, as it’s a disaster waiting to happen. Rating: 6/10
Smoothie Store A nice, fresh feeling comes over me when visiting this shop. The large windows let in the morning light and highlight the ample bowls of fresh fruit, which decorate the sidebars. Self-serve is a good approach for this store, and the smoothies on display look appetizing. A classic example of a store's look perfectly matching its wares. Rating: 10/10
Tropical Food Shop It’s another shop that could be called a kiosk or a stall. I like this one. The use of natural materials is textbook sympathetic infill, and there is a wide variety of produce displayed, without ever being overwhelming or appearing over-crowded. Rating: 8/10
Tiki Tack Ah yes, the store most of us only ever visited to check if we were banned from restocking, back in the days before shops automatically cleared. The wicker display cabinets are a fitting addition, and I appreciate the moonlit ambiance. However, for a shop with a lot of colourful merchandise, there’s not a lot of it on display – why not replace the boring brown shells and seemingly empty jars with bottles of sand for every colour of the rainbow? Rating: 6/10
Grundos Café Purple is his choice, and he is sticking to it. This café, owned and operated by Gargarox Isafuhlarg, is certainly not left wanting for bold colour decisions. Anywhere else, and it’d be a downside, but on Virtupet Space Station the purple works to create an appropriate otherworldly effect. What I am less appreciative of is the messy workstation, and the prevalence in the kitchen of tentacles, goo, and fuzz. I guess health inspectors keep their feet planted firmly on Neopia. Rating: 7/10
Space Weaponry This is more like it. This shop really feels like an armoury. With steel grey walls, a neon blue display case and a wide variety of stock on display, the Space Weaponry shop is battling supplies done well. Rating: 9/10
Neopian Petpet Shop Wow, I didn’t realise my grandmother owned a Neopian shop. While this observation may sound like a criticism, I actually think this is a perfect aesthetic for this location. I like that the petpets have plenty of room to roam about, and their own individual beds. I’m not entirely sure what the Fungree is peeking out over (is it a cot of some kind?) and I think the wallpaper is perhaps just a little too old-fashioned, but it’s a nice shop, reminiscent of a time gone by. Rating: 8/10
The Rock Pool Just look at that sun. Presumably it’s not always at that position in the sky, but at this moment, it’s ensuring this shop has one of the best views of them all. When it comes to the shop itself, well… there isn’t one. A few pointy rocks do not really constitute a shop at the best of times, but they’re an especially bad choice when your entire inventory is at least hemi-spherical and made of glass. But that sun is really nice, and I suppose if there is one shop that could get away with being completely natural, it’s this one. Rating: 7/10
Spooky Food Ok, let’s see here, classic catacombs, stalactites overhead, a table in the centre and – wait, is that blood? None of this screams “appetising”, but then, I’m not sure it’s supposed to. There is a fine line between spooky and gross food, and this shop walks it with pride. It might be for someone, but not for me. Rating: 4/10
The Coffee Cave This is a cosy place. I really like the wooden furniture, and the colourful rug on the floor. It’s easy to imagine yourself relaxing in the ample natural sunlight which fills this café. In fact, this place is so nice that TNT released a customisation background showing it from a different angle, one that is even nicer than the one we see here (owing largely to the slightly less cluttered space and the lack of mismatched mugs). Rating: 9/10
Slushie Shop So, it turns out there is a slushie shop as well as a smoothie shop in Neopia. In my head, these two things were one and the same, but now that I’m seeing the designs of slushies when compared to smoothies, I am aware that there have always been two distinct categories of item. This shop is cool. I mean, it doesn’t feel like it should be a slushie shop, there is nothing particularly slushie about it, other than the merchandise displayed behind the shopkeeper, but, when you consider it in the context of Happy Valley, it gains a pleasant toasty-in-winter feel due to its grandfather clock, brick fireplace and wooden everything else. While it’s true that this nice feeling would likely dissipate if one were to actually consume a slushie, it remains warm and fuzzy for those of us who are just visiting. Rating: 8/10
Ice Crystal Shop This shop has very much the opposite feel of the previous store. We are well and truly into the ice caves now, and it shows. Why is the shopkeeper sweeping away merchandise? I feel cold, so cold. Rating: 6/10
Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop The pastel purple, yellow colour palette is really pleasing. It reminds me of the retro ice creameries I visited as a child. I like the look of this shop a lot. In fact, my only piece of advice has nothing to do with its look, and everything to do with its name, which is adjectivally greedy – just choose one or two and be done with it. Rating: 9/10
Faerieland Bookshop Warm orange light illuminates motes of dust, which dance amongst the hourglass-shaped shelves in this cosy bookshop. I like it. Through the windows, it seems as if the trees outside have lost all their foliage, which is hopefully just a result of seasonal change and not some Neopia-wide catastrophe. Rating: 9/10
Faerie Foods Less is more, and this is not less. It’s bright, it’s garish, it’s not for me. Rating: 3/10
Faerieland Petpets Arranging the pens on the wall is a nice touch. I have two questions: why that specific shade of green, and how are there clouds indoors, especially now that Faerieland is firmly on the ground? Rating: 7/10
Tyrannian Foods Say what you like about this shop, at least it is on theme. This is exactly what a food store run by a Tyrannian pet should look like. Stone furnishings, open flames, the shopkeeper literally eating the stock in front of you, this place is packed full of cave-dwelling charm. Rating: 8/10
Tyrannian Furniture Let’s see… stone furnishings, open flames, the shopkeeper using the stock in front of us… sound familiar? Another perfectly prehistoric emporium for Tyrannia. Rating: 8/10
Tyrannian Petpets There is literally no shop here. The shopkeeper is just chilling outside in a clearing with some petpets. And good luck to him. Rating: Not a shop
Tyrannian Weaponry Wood and dirt, as far as the eye can see. Even the weaponry on display are fairly one-note. This place looks both too dry and too damp simultaneously, and I have a strong sense that it would smell of egg bombs. Not a store that I want to spend too much time in. Rating: 2/10
Hubert’s Hot Dogs What a guy! This is a fun shop for sure. While the yellow and red colour scheme would probably wear out its welcome after a while, hot dogs are quick to consume, so it hopefully won’t come to that. And is that lemonade?! Hubert’s been keeping that one a secret! Rating: 8/10
Usukiland Looks like it might be somebody’s living room. I like that the shopkeeper appears to be creating a bespoke Usuki Doll, that shows commitment to the customer. In terms of design choices though, I’m surprised it’s as pedestrian as it is. Do you remember the Usukiland advertisement? It really painted a different picture. Rating: 6/10
Lost Desert Foods Excellent bazaar aesthetic, a wide range of colourful merchandise on display, what more can we ask for? The awning on the stall on the right might need to be replaced soon. Rating: 8/10
Peopatra’s Petpets I love this shop, at least the inside of it anyway (the outside is a bit kitsch, but that’s not what we’re here for). The earthen tones and the stylish door really work in Sakhmet, and it’s nice to see some Petpet related merchandise out for sale for the first time. If there is one way to possibly improve this store, I would suggest another light source, as there are shadows creeping in (though one might argue they add a certain ambiance, so let’s not make it too bright in here). Rating: 9/10
Sutek’s Scrolls It seems organised at first, but you get the sense this Nimmo is hiding something. What’s that in the back? Basket after basket of unsorted scroll. And these scrolls all look identical, why are they out for sale without their colourful wax seals or binding ribbons? The seal is very much the unique selling point of the scroll, it’s a necessary feature as far as the customer is concerned. Despite all this, there’s no disputing that the royal blue and yellow colour combo is effective. Rating: 7/10
Sakhmet Battle Supplies There’s a lot to say here, and none of it really related to the inside of the shop, as we never actually see it. All we know is that the tent has a nice external colour scheme, with an emphasis on yellow and purple, and that there are some weapon racks outside. It’s fine. Hard to make a firm judgement when we can’t see inside, but what we can see is cool. Rating: 7/10
Merifoods Here we have another outdoor stall set against… the infinite void? Interesting. This look definitely fits in with the rest of Meridell, but that doesn’t make it any more pleasant. I would strongly suggest this shopkeeper put some Draik Eggs out on display as I guarantee that’s what 99 percent of his customers are after. Rating: 6/10
Ye Olde Petpets A barn for housing petpets is a fitting choice for Meridell. I like the deep shade of timber used, I like the way the light pours in through open doors, and I like that there are a good number of petpets on display. Perhaps an additional window would be beneficial for the petpets (other than the Karren, who is probably loving the dark). Rating: 8/10
Neopian Post Office A classic, a staple, many of us have spent uncountable hours here, staring at this yellow Chia and his shop. This is a stamp shop, primarily, and yet it appears to function like an actual post office. Is this where our Neomail comes through? Or the items we gift to our Neofriends? In any case, I think we can all agree that this shopkeeper, of any shopkeeper, must have astonishing wealth. How else could he just trot out r90+ stamps daily like it’s no big deal? And yet, despite the huge amount of money he is no doubt sitting on, he can’t afford to give his walls a lick of paint? Is that water damage? Rating: 5/10
Haunted Weaponry The castle motif with the stone walls and ornate gate is very effective, it’s just a shame the place is so cluttered. With a little bit of tidying up, this place could be really something. Rating: 6/10
Spooky Furniture There’s a real sense of storytelling taking place in this shop. I can almost hear the whispered offers of this shady Grundo, daring me to peruse his wares. The interior of the tent is simple enough, and surprisingly well lit. The red and white exterior is par for the course. Rating: 7/10
Kiko Lake Carpentry Very wooden, but what else would one expect from a carpenter? I would say there is an odd array of merchandise on display, but all the merchandise this shop sells is a little bit odd. Kiko Lake Carpentry seems to have created a Maraquan furniture shop before Maraqua could. Rating: 6/10
Faerie Furniture I like the colours of this shop. The turquoise vanity and table go well together, coordinate well with the shopkeeper, and pop nicely against the otherwise purple and pink store. It’s all very pastel, which ensures it avoids falling into the same trap the faerie foods store did. Multiple sources of light, both natural and artificial, illuminate the store nicely. Despite all the positives, there is something a little clinical about it. It’s missing a certain warmth and comfort that other stores have had. Rating: 8/10
Roo Island Souvenirs Yes, it’s very bright and colourful. If this were a shop for any other purpose, in any other land, this level of brightness would be a detraction, but here, on Roo Island, selling souvenirs, I think it works perfectly. There’s probably not much reason to ever go into this shop, but if you do, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Rating: 9/10
Brightvale Books Another shop that looks like a living room, but for an antique bookshop that is a major draw card. This shop just looks so cosy and inviting. Maybe I’m just a sucker for shops with a sunbeam, but this one really speaks to me. There’s the perfect balance of natural light, but not so much light that it dispels the feeling of comfort. Take me here, I want that Ixi’s job. Rating: 10/10
Collectable Sea Shells Another classic haunt for the collectors amongst us, but this is much, much nicer than the Post Office. Despite being underwater, ample light filters down from the windows up high, and a wide variety of the shop’s stock is displayed on built-in shelves. Plant life thrives across the roof, giving the place a natural feel, but a peach tone rug on the floor reminds you you’re still in a cultivated space, by preventing the sand from getting caught in your feet. Rating: 9/10
Krawk Island Nippers (Little Nippers) This is potentially the barest bones shop in all Neopia (at least out of the shops that are actually shops). A single Quadrapus and a Krikket is all this shop has to show for itself. Outside of that, it’s just wood and rope. And an ocean view, that’s quite nice, actually. Rating: 5/10
Desert Arms Another bazaar style shop, but less well organised than Lost Desert Foods. It’s also a little unclear where the shop ends and the public street begins, so perhaps some clear demarcation would serve this shopkeeper well. Rating: 6/10
Exquisite Ambrosia Stock is displayed as you would expect in the land of Altador, on a series of Ionic columns. The shopkeeper is so large that it’s difficult to see too much beyond that. There is a mix of merchandise, but it’s all carbs. Perhaps some fruits, vegetables or protein-based dishes could be used to mix it up. Rating: 7/10
Lampwyck Lights Fantastic This is a very visually arresting store to step into. Despite it being a literal shop of lights, it still manages to exude darkness, as if the spread of light from each lamp has been magically limited somehow. It’s very effective, though I imagine it would be quite difficult for customers to move through the store while dodging the lights which are hanging everywhere. Rating: 9/10
Cog’s Togs A very limited colour palette is at play here, but it is effective, with the gold components acting as featured elements. A sense of industry and efficiency pervades the whole room. I do wonder if slightly more could have been done with the bare walls – perhaps a few more examples of clothing the shop has produced could be displayed here? Rating: 8/10
Molten Morsels This appears to be the only train style restaurant in Neopia, which is interesting. I suppose if you’re going to be utilising conveyor belts, Moltara is the place to do it. The hanging lights (possibly sourced from Lampwyck) add a wonderful ambiance. This ambiance is, however, more than partially diminished by the sound and the smell of the running engines. Also, customers, take care not to sit too close to the conveyor belt – we wouldn’t want those gears to catch on anything. Rating 6/10
Moltaran Petpets (The Petpetorium) Continuing our jaunt through Moltara, this might be my favourite Petpet shop in Neopia. The walls are stocked with Petpet gear which leaves the floor clear, save for a cute little magma playpen. This is important, as it allows the petpets room to frolic, and they seem well looked after. Rating: 9/10
Moltaran Books (The Arcanium) Not much to say here. Just bookshelves, a table, and one shopkeeper living his best life. Nothing to criticise, but also nothing to write home about. Rating: 6/10
Tarla’s Shop of Mystery Very organised, very neat, very coordinated, very cosy. While some might accuse Tarla of deceptive trade practices, one thing she is certainly not is a poor designer. Maybe just have the candles on opposite ends of the shop for a little more balance. Rating: 9/10
Igloo Garage Sale And then, in stark contrast to Tarla, there’s these two. What a mess. I know it’s an igloo so this can’t really be helped, but it also looks cold. Literally freezing. Rating: 2/10
Almost Abandoned Attic This place is also quite messy, but I think it has a right to be – it’s been almost abandoned for a while. There are obvious ways to clean it up and make it more hospitable, but I think that might ruin the effect. I could probably do without the pile of skulls though. Rating: 6/10
Springy Things Who honestly knew this store existed? The walls and furnishings are painted a pleasing shade of Roo Island Blue. A good array of merchandise is out on show. Some of it is even displayed in containers held up by springs. Using springs to display springs? Genius. The shopkeeper also has springs, which probably explains all the holes in the roof. Rating: 8/10
Ugga Shinies Wow, look at that vista. I can see why Hoka decided to set up shop here, it’s just a shame he forgot to actually set up a shop. This is another example of a Tyrannian shop that is an outdoor area, not a shop, but at least we have a view this time, and it would feel weird to end this article on a non-rating, so here you go. Rating: 8/10
That’s all of them, all 61 reviewable stores in Neopia. Next time you’re restocking, remember to pay attention to the building you’re in – perhaps they’ll even have made some improvements.