teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,890,914 Issue: 1020 | 1st day of Storing, Y26
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The Costume Party

by endisnigh


Harrison looked at himself in his bedroom mirror. He had been invited to a costume party for Halloween, and he wanted to ensure he stood out. There was going to be a contest for the best costume, and he wanted to win that big Neopoint prize. Reflecting back at him, the mirror showed a Green Yurble. Not just a plain Yurble, but one adorned with golden horns and claws that carried a large plushie that looked like a big bag of Neopoints. Harrison flexed his arms and puffed out his chest. “Perfect! Just like the Tax Beast!”

     Harrison grabbed his handheld device to send his best friend Amelia a Neomail. ”Ames! About to head out to the party. Did you decide on a costume yet?? I can’t wait to see it, and wait til you get a look at mine!”

     The Yurble sat on his bed for a moment as he waited for his friend to respond. His device buzzed and he picked it up to check his Neomail. “Yes!! I’m very pleased with how my costume turned out. I’m about to leave too, see you soon!”

     He took that as his cue and rushed out the door to head to the party. He didn’t want to be late, after all. His costume must have looked realistic, because as he walked to the party, he noticed young Neopians gasp and point at him as they passed. Terrified looks grew on their faces until he left their sight. This gave Harrison some confidence and pride at the work he put into his costume.

     The party had already started, as Harrison heard the music blaring and Neopians chatting and having fun as he approached the house. “Time for my entrance!” he said as he walked up the steps and turned the doorknob to the front door.

     The costumed Tax Beast was greeted by a Shoyru dressed as a devil with a foam pitchfork in one hand. “Welcome, Mr. Tax Beast sir! No taxing today, please! Or I may have to get ya back,” he said with a wink and chuckle as he pretended to prod Harrison with the pitchfork. “Enjoy the party!”

     Harrison stepped inside and looked around the large room. It was crowded, but he was able to quickly spot Amelia by the snack bar. He made his way over, tapping the Purple Bruce on the shoulder. She turned around and Harrison was able to get a full view of her costume. She wore a pointed black hat and robes, both tied with an orange ribbon. She also held a small broomstick in one flipper. “A witch! I like it!” Harrison said as he nodded approvingly.

     “Thanks Harry! Although it looks like apparently others had the same idea,” Amelia said as she pointed around the room.

     It was true. They all had their own styles, but they were definitely all witches. The Yurble was able to spot a Korbat, a Lenny, and a Chia all dressed in hats and robes. “Maybe you all could start your own coven,” Harrison said with a laugh.

     Amelia laughed with him. “Your costume is great too by the way! I really thought for a second that the Tax Beast had come to collect!” she said as she took a bite from a cupcake decorated with a ghost on top. “Have you seen some of the other costumes? They’re so much fun! A lot of creative folks.”

     Harrison surveyed the room to check his competition. There were a few repeat costumes, such as the coven of witches, a horde of skeletons, and a heap of vampires. Others had the same idea as Harrison and made their costumes to reflect known Neopians, some of his favourites being a Uni as Nightsteed, a Poogle as a Snowbeast, and a Moehog as Dr. Sloth.

     Almost simultaneously, Harrison and Amelia spotted another friend of theirs walk into the party. Bret the Green Buzz seemed to have spotted them too, as he wasted no time before flying over to the pair. He had fur patches covering parts of his body and had included perky ears and a furry tail. He wore a blue shirt that looked worn and ripped. “Hey guys!” Bret said as he floated up. “Look, I’m a Werelupe! Awooo! Although, I did get a little tired glueing the fur on, as seen by my bald patches,” he said with a giggle. “And hey! It looks like I’m the only Werelupe here!”

     As if he spoke too soon, a deafening howl rang over the entire noise of the party. There was an eerie silence for a brief second before the screams started. Neopians that had been partying in the backyard stampeded into the house and out the front door in hysterics.

     Harrison grabbed a Mynci dressed as a grim reaper as she ran by. “Hey! What was that? What’s going on?”

     The Mynci stared back wide eyed. “W-W-Werelupe! A Werelupe is here!”

     Bret tipped his head curiously. “I didn’t think my costume what that good.”

     The grim reaper rolled her eyes. “Not you, doofus! There’s a real one, outside! I need to get out of here now!” she spat in fear. She yanked her arm out of Harrison’s grasp and ran out the front door.

     “We need to check it out, see if anyone is in trouble,” Amelia said, heading towards the back door without hesitation.

     Harrison knew Amelia had the best intentions, but he was worried for her safety and didn’t want her to go alone. He nudged Bret and the two also went along to check out the commotion going on outside.

     At this point the backyard was nearly abandoned, and there was indeed a Werelupe. He stood upright on his two back legs, towering over an abandoned Neopian with his massive shoulders and a paw raised up in the air ready to strike. “A pumpkin flavoured JubJub? What a delicious meal you will make!” he said with a snarl as he licked his lips.

     “Hold it right there!” Harrison yelled out as he ran out to the crying Jubjub. “You have not been paying your bills, eh? I am going to take 25% of your Neopoints away!” he spat at the Werelupe as he swung his plushie bag of Neopoints into the body of the Werelupe.

     “WHAT!? I can’t be getting taxed again!!” the Werelupe howled as he dropped to all fours.

     “Then you better get out of here now, before I decide to tax you 50%!!” the Yurble shouted back.

     The Werelupe sneered, showing off all his sharp teeth. He let out a breath of disgust before turning away and leaving by jumping over the fence.

     The trio rushed to the JubJub’s side. “Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt?” Amelia asked as she looked over the JubJjub’s body for wounds.

     “I-I’m okay, just a bit shaken up,” she let out meekly as she slowly got herself up. “Thank you for your help! You were really brave.”

      “It wouldn’t have been right to leave you. I’m glad I could help,” Harrison said with an embarrassed smile.

     "50%? I didn't know the Tax Beast could charge that much!" Bret said.

     Harrison laughed. "He doesn't! But it seemed to scare him enough to make him run off."

     The devil Shoyru who was hosting the party came out into the backyard. “I saw the whole thing! Thank you for saving the party! Although a bit unofficial, I believe you are deserving as the winner of the costume contest! That Werelupe did believe you were the real Tax Beast, after all. Plus, I’ve been hearing compliments on your costume all night! So here, why don’t you take this real bag of Neopoints to go with your fake bag of Neopoints!” The Shoyru handed over the money prize and gave his thanks again.

     Harrison looked at his friends, gratitude showing on his face. “I don’t think I would have had the confidence to react without you two. You two are just as deserving of these Neopoints, so let’s split it, okay? No questions!” he said, handing over pawfuls of coins to his friends. “Let’s head back into the party and enjoy the rest of the night!”

     The trio went back inside to enjoy the party, and had no more unexpected interruptions throughout the night.

     The End.

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