25 Ways to Celebrate Neopets’ 25th Birthday! by _brainchild_
Welcome! The day is finally here: Neopets’ 25th birthday! It’s hard to believe that the site has been around for a quarter of a century, but here we are! Some of you may be wondering how you can celebrate this momentous occasion in style. Well, fear not, because here, my Neopets and I present 25 ways to celebrate Neopets’ 25th birthday:
1. Bake a cake! I’m sure the seasoned bakers of Neopia can whip up something nice. Or, if you have never baked anything in your life, purchase a cake! There are hundreds upon hundreds of yummy cake options in Neopia. Here are a few of my favourites:
From left to right: 25th Anniversary Cake Slice, Bubble Cake, Green Swirly Birthday Cake, and Rose Topped Mini-Cake.
2. Every cake needs ice cream to go with it! There are many delicious ice cream options in Neopia, too. Again, here are a few of my favourites:
From left to right: Chocolate Ice Cream Cream Puff, Massive Ice Cream Sundae, Peach Ice Cream, and Rainbow Sherbert Ice Cream. 3. Have a pool party! It may be the Month of Storing, but you can still have a pool party indoors if it gets cold outside. Make sure to bring lots of beach balls, water noodles, and pizza! 4. Watch the 25th birthday special on Neovision. It will be two hours long and super exciting! Bring plenty of pizza, popcorn, and soft drinks to enjoy while you watch. 5. Hit a pinata! Buy a giant pinata modelled after a Gnorbu (or anything else, for that matter). Then all your friends can try to break it with a stick while blindfolded. Whoever manages to break it gets first dibs at the candy! 6. Go rollerskating! Find a groovy venue and race around the track while your favourite music plays. Of course, bring plenty of pizza, cake, and other junk food, maybe even cotton candy! 7. Celebrate with 25th Anniversary plushies! Hopefully there are still some remaining for sale on the Neopets merch site. If not, get crafty and make your own! Your creation may even be featured in the Art Gallery, with 10,000 Neopoints and a spectacular item prize whizzing your way. 8. Plan an art party! Gather all your artistic friends and draw the best birthday-themed pictures. One may even be accepted into the Art Gallery, just like that plushie you made! For giggles, end with an “Artist’s Day Off” special to see who can draw the worst picture EVER. 9. Have a contest with your friends to see who can blow up the biggest balloon without popping it. Just make sure you have some earplugs handy! 10. Since the Altador Cup is over for the year, sports-lovers can celebrate Neopets’ 25th birthday by watching the NBA (Neopian Basketball Association), NFL (Neopian Football League), or the NHL (Neopian Hockey League). The athletes don’t get a day off on Neopets’ birthday, so watch away! Or, if you can afford tickets, attend a game in person. 11. Alternatively, you can play an amateur sports game with your friends. You can surely have fun playing yourselves... and wishing that your favourite star athlete could come and autograph your ball. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, you can seek out an indoor venue. I hear that the local high school allows Neopians to use their gym for free on the weekends! 12. Plan a picnic! It may be a little cold outside, but there’s no reason why you can’t set up a picnic indoors. Make classic sandwiches with cheese, deli meat, lettuce, and tomatoes. You can even bring birthday cake for dessert. 13. (Suggested by Adorbsie the Nostalgic Sponge Aisha) Plan a spa day! You and your friends should go to the best spa you can afford. Get manicures, pedicures, massages, and skincare treatments. 14. (Suggested by Asilys the Maraquan Acara) Plan a fancy dinner, one which someone else has to make. Kelp is the perfect venue for Maraquan Neopets... and anyone else who can breathe underwater, for that matter. I can attest that the food there is delicious! Just don’t pay any attention to that rude Maraquan Scorchio who guards the front door. 15. (Suggested by Bauly the Maraquan Kacheek) If you aren’t RICH like Asilys, you can plan a potluck. Every guest brings their own dish to share, making the event affordable. There will be so many tasty dishes to try, which will be friendly to your wallet. 16. (Suggested by Caeleh the Maraquan Usul) Hey Asilys, not everyone is rolling in Neopoints. If you can’t afford to go to Kelp, the Golden Dubloon isn’t a bad place! Just don’t take too long to eat, or you will be kicked out for loitering. 17. (Suggested by Caeore the Maraquan Lupe) Meh, I’m not a fan of the Golden Dubloon... Far too many obnoxious customers. They are pirates, after all! If you’re low on money, try Pizzaroo... They have excellent pizza, and most options are priced modestly. 18. (Suggested by Chessella the Pastel Draik) Take a break from housekeeping and babysitting. Seriously! I am SOOOOOO tired all the time. Relax and do something NICE for Neopets’ 25th birthday. Anything, really! 19. (Suggested by Choralia the Candy Kougra) Go to a concert, or sing a song of your own! The fact that Neopets’ 25th birthday is here makes me want to sing. It doesn’t matter if your singing is “bad.” Do what makes you happy... and give everyone around you some earplugs. 20. (Suggested by Lerlifia the mischievous Chocolate Draik) Play pranks! Everyone loves a good prank... except maybe the cranky high school principal. Anyway, Neopets’ 25th birthday would be a perfect occasion for pranks! Smash someone’s face into the cake! Just make sure that no candles are lit when you do this... 21. (Also suggested by Lerlifia) FOOD FIGHT! Seriously, no party is complete without an epic food fight. Throw jelly, omelettes, and everything rotten! Save the Dung Jelly for your worst enemy. 22. (Suggested by Nadaba the Maraquan Draik) Skip school! It should be ILLEGAL to have school on a holiday. Who cares about school?! Neopets’ 25th birthday is WAY more important than some chemistry lesson you’ll never use! I have an F in chemistry... and I don’t care! Instead of going to that boring school, go to your favourite venue and have a proper PARTY for Neopets’ 25th birthday, which will only happen once. 23. (Also suggested by Nadaba) Play a game! Many of Neopets’ classic games, formerly Flash-based, have been revived with the help of Ruffle. While not every game is available, there’s still a decent selection. 24. (Nadaba’s third and final suggestion) If you don’t have the quick reflexes required for something such as Chia Bomber II, you can play one of several card games on Neopets. You can choose from Cheat!, Sakhmet Solitaire, Pyramids, Go! Go! Go!, and more. If you keep at it, you may just earn a shiny trophy for your cabinet! 25. (Suggested by Walda the Baby Kacheek) Finally, the last suggestion. Well, my idea is to have a Chocolate Ball! That’s right, the Chocolate Ball for Neopets’ 25th birthday will be way BIGGER and BETTER than the usual Chocolate Ball which is held on the 15th of the Month of Gathering every year. May I suggest a giant chocolate statue? Of what? You decide!
As you can see, there are many, many fun pastimes you can participate in to celebrate Neopets’ 25th birthday. There are way more than the 25 ideas listed here! These ideas will work well for any birthday, for that matter. Whichever way you decide to celebrate, relax and have a pleasant day, and maybe enjoy some cake while you’re at it. Until next time, dear readers!