Moltaran Secrets: Weewoos and the Magma Pool by kalosis
Welcome to Moltara, a land located 7,000 feet below sea level, near the planet's core. It's accessible from a doorway hidden in a network of islands off the coast of Altador. It was discovered by modern Neopian explorers in Year 11 on the 12th day of the month of Storing. The mystery of the Magma Pool remains as such, however, and the Mayor of Moltara has requested any and all detective types around Neopia to help him in solving this age-old puzzle. "We need to gather the smartest, most clever Neopians to finally bring an end to the mystery of accessing the Magma Pool at will!" the Mayor declared. "The ancient myths say that no one has yet discovered the solution, thus we are looking for Neopians who will volunteer to embark on this journey of discovery." The Mayor’s decree rang out on speakers across Neopian lands. Igneot, a famous Gnorbu living in Moltara, was known as the "Wise One". He was the first to offer his hand in this journey. "Excuse me, Mr. Mayor, I think I might have a clue leading to a solution to your Magma Pool mystery. It's already known that everyone has a specific time to sneak past the guard while he sleeps, to take a quick dip into the Magma Pool,” Igneot began, “yet, no one has obtained the wisdom necessary to access the pool at any time, without limits. I think those that seek unlimited access ought to speak with me before seeking out any mysteries," said Igneot, a knowing grin passed across his face. "Why would Neopians need to ask you first, Igneot? Are you suggesting that you have something to do with discovering how to gain unlimited access to the Magma Pool?" the Mayor asked, confused, and a little suspicious. "Ah, the million neopoint question!” Igneot exclaimed, "Discovering how to gain unlimited access to the Magma Pool!’ It seems you have your first clue, Mr. Mayor!" "Proceed to investigate the history of the Magma Pool and how it was created," Igneot instructed. "You'll be taken back about a decade in order to find the information you need." Igneot grinned a sly grin as he laid out his riddle, "better hurry before time runs out!" the Wise One said in a singsong voice. "Alright,” the Mayor reluctantly agreed, “I suppose that would make sense, if that is indeed the case. Very well. I will head straight to the Magma Pool, and I shall go alone," he said, bolstering his courage. While the Moltaran Mayor tried to sneak past the guard of the Magma Pool, he heard a booming voice, "Stop right there! What do you think you are doing? I'm sorry, only those well-versed in the ways of Moltara are permitted to enter the Pool. Learn more and try again later..." Suddenly, the Mayor was magically transported out of the Magma Pool area. Once he finally looked down near his feet, he found an old, worn lantern and some worms along with it. Puzzled, his gaze darted back and forth between the lantern and the group of tiny, fluorescent worms. Quickly, almost on a compulsion, the Mayor gathered the worms into the lantern. As he latched the small door shut, a radiant light began emitting from the lantern. "I wonder if these worms have anything to do with gaining unlimited Magma Pool access,” the Mayor mused aloud, gently swinging the lantern to and fro. As the Mayor glanced around at the dark, he noticed a small, far-off sound. Mewling? No... chirping? With a somber expression, he continued to venture into the darkness slowly. With his arm outstretched and the lantern lighting the way, the Mayor drew closer and closer to the chirping noise in the inky darkness. “Oh!” he exclaimed as his foot struck an unseen object, causing him to momentarily lose balance. He scowled at the darkness and swung the lantern around, trying to see what exactly had tripped him up. He couldn’t believe his eyes. A Magma Petpet Paint Brush? With a soft gasp, he reached out with his free hand to pick it up. He hesitated as he felt the gentle warmth radiating from the brush. His eyes widened in surprise. “My goodness, I’ve never seen one of these before… I didn’t even know they existed!” he said with pure excitement. Just as his fingers were about to grasp the brush handle, a blur of shadow darted in front of him, whisking the brush from his sight. “Hey!” he cried indignantly. Then he heard it again – a small, chirping tune. He came to a boulder that was resting up against the cave wall but still had a small nook between the wall and the rock. Fear began to grip him as he moved the lantern closer to the gap between the boulder and the wall. He gasped audibly as the small, feathered figure came into view. A small Weewoo was nestled in the gap, perched atop the paint brush. His eyes began to well with tears as he realised it was afraid. “Hey there,” the Mayor spoke gently, “you don't seem like you belong in here. Are you lost?” The Weewoo gazed up at him with large, fearful eyes and trilled softly in response. The Mayor sighed. He couldn't just leave this poor little Petpet to fend for itself in the darkness. He nodded emphatically. “Come on then. I will show you the way out. Is that brush your treasure? Did you find it in this cave?” the Mayor asked. The Weewoo chirped at him and the Mayor reached out to collect the brush from beneath the lost Petpet. He winced in pain as the Weewoo pecked at him. Discontented, he tried to collect the brush again. The Weewoo let out an angry chirp and tightly grasped the brush in its beak. In one swift motion, the Weewoo tossed the Magma Petpet Paint Brush up into the darkness and jumped to meet it in the air. The bristles connected with the Weewoo’s ghostly white feathers and the Mayor’s eyes widened in astonishment as the small Petpet began to change before his eyes. Once pristine, white feathers now began to smoulder and glow with fiery embers. Black, rounded eyes began to emit a glow akin to a roaring flame. A plume of flame arose from atop its head. The Mayor dropped to his knees in utter astonishment. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. An entirely new colour for the Weewoo? Was it possible? It had to be! He’d just witnessed it happening! Could this have been what Igneot was alluding to? Carefully, the Mayor reached out to the Weewoo, seeking to pick it up. Much to his surprise, the Weewoo stepped up onto his finger. Laughing in astonishment and glee, the Mayor lifted the lantern up so he could get a better look at the Petpet. “My word,” he said wistfully, “how wonderful! Come, let us leave this dark cave!” The light of the lantern led the Mayor and the Magma Weewoo out of the dark cave quickly. “We must go to see Igneot!” he said to the tiny creature perched on his finger. The Weewoo chirped gleefully and ruffled its smouldering feathers. The Mayor smiled and perched the Weewoo on his shoulder, and they began their trek back to where the Mayor had left Igneot. “Igneot!” the Mayor called out, “Igneot, where are you?!” “I am here, Mayor,” Igneot answered as he regarded the Weewoo atop the Mayor’s shoulder. “I see you've made a discovery!” “Indeed,” the Mayor quipped, “it seems that there is a new form of Petpet Paint Brush deep within the dark cave!” Igneot circled the Mayor slowly, studying the Weewoo as it appeared to burn atop its perch. “My stars,” Igneot said, “it appears you've solved the mystery of gaining unlimited access to the Magma Pool, Mr. Mayor!” The Mayor gave a jovial laugh and clapped Igneot on the back. “Come, you must have dinner at my estate. After all, it was your direction that led to this amazing discovery!” Igneot laughed in agreement and the two made for the Mayor’s banquet hall, chattering fervently about whether or not there were more Magma Petpet Paint Brushes to be found within the dark cave. The End.