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Network Transcript: What Has Everyone Smiling Today?
TRANSCRIPT. Aired the 14th day of Eating. Clair: Good morning, viewers. It’s the 14th Day of Eating and I am your host Clair at the Neopian Times Network. We have correspondent Zisry the Kyrii in the field reporting on some odd Grey Day behavior today. Zisry, can you tell us more about what you’re seeing out there? Zisry: Thank you, Claire. It’s a truly gloomy Grey day out, but the pets seem… cheerful. I’m reporting to you live from the line outside of the Neopian Post Office. With me now is Mila, a Red Wocky. Mila, can you tell the viewers how you’re feeling today? Gloomy? Sad? Mila: Anything but! Oh wow, it’s so exciting to be here on the news. I’ve been dreaming about this for years and years… oh sorry, back to your question. I am just so excited to get out of the house! Eep! You see, my owner recently returned to Neopia after a long, long, LONG time away, and, oh my, I’ve been having SO much fun. Zisry: Today is typically a more somber day. Tell me more about why your owner’s return has you so chipper Mila. Mila: Well, every single day my owner has taken me on all these adventures! We go shopping at the Beauty Parlor where I can pick out two things and then she takes me to the Bakery. Yesterday I had a Vanilla Koi Biscuit — YUM! — before I got to spin the Wheel of Excitement!!! Eeeeep! Some days, we play games! She usually only lets me play that game where you dress up the Kougra super quickly three times… but ANYWAYS! Some days, she brushes my fur and I get to try on new clothes. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to get out of the house and now, we’re doing SO much every day! She even told me she’s taking me to the Rainbow Pool at the end of the week to paint me PASTEL! Can you believe it?! Zisry: Pastel you say? Quite the opposite of Grey, if you ask me. Mila: Oh, I know we should celebrate all things Grey today but I just can’t wait to be Yellow and Pink! Eep! Zisry: Very well, very well. Thank you for your time Mila and enjoy your Grey Day. Mila: Oh thank you SO much, mister! Have a Grey Day! Zisry: A little further back in the line we have a Silver Blumaroo. You said your name is Pib, correct, sir? Pib: Yes sir, you got that right! Zisry: Now Pib, you also seem to be in high spirits on this Grey Day even though you fit the gloomy bill pretty well. Can you tell me why? Pib: Aw shucks. I know I’m supposed to mope around today and all...
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