A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 197,778,219 Issue: 1003 | 8th day of Running, Y26
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Codestone prices are getting outrageously high. Sho codestones went have doubled in price in just a few days. To combat this, could TNT start adding codestones as daily quest log prizes since they are being rotated soon? Many people are training their pets for the upcoming plot and use several codestones a day. ~freemypet

The prices of codestones are getting really high. Just last week, Sho codestones were around 30-35k and were the second cheapest reds. This week, they are 60-70k?! In advance of the upcoming plot that people are training their pets for the BD portion of, and the rotation of the weekly questlog prizes... could TnT start adding codestones as daily questlog prizes? ~ayrielle
Hello! *slurps protein smoothie* Codestones are now available in the Quest Log daily prize pool! *slurp* Happy training! ~~ Sunpotato

For the sake of transparency, can you give us any more info on how the winners of the customization contest are chosen? No offense to any winners, but it’s kind of surprising to see pets with only a background win. Thanks! ~anon
Hello! For the customization contest, winners entirely depend on the number and variety of entries submitted. Sometimes we get a lot with the same kind of theme so we do our best to diversify and choose winners based on creativity as well as on whether those specific Pet species have won recently. We also ensure that the winning users have not won recently to make it fair to new entrants. Hope this helps and happy customizing! ~~ Adler

I TRIED to ask a question, but it said it wasn't a **real** category, so change that, and here is the question: Is jelly world REAL!? ~ragzo150
*eats jelly * Jelly World!? Never heard of it….doesn’t exist in Neopia. ~~ Sunpotato

Hi Neopets! I like a lot of other users love the new baby colors in the mall! But I noticed the fluff of my Gelert's hair (Best way I can put it) now peeks through wigs! Was that on purpose? ~anon
Hello! This was actually on purpose, and only because we wanted to recreate the exact look of the Baby Gelert with its cute fluff and all, in multiple colours. While a Baby Gelert not wearing Baby Body Paint would normally have its hair fluff removed with a wig or head accessory, the layers that the body paint occupies are not the same, and do not restrict. We understand there have been some limitations with customisation, and for that we apologize! We have taken note of your feedback and thank you for writing in :) ~~ Miss Rainbow

What did I do? My green Chia has turned into a potato. He was hungry so I started feeding him random food items from my inventory. I fed him enough to fill him up and now when I looked at him, he is a potato! What did he eat that could turn him into a potato? Help! ~emilyelizabeth133
Uh oh! Maybe your Chia ate the famous Magical Potato Chia Pop! Eating one will turn your Chia into a Potato Chia. What a wonderful look! The best, if I do say so myself x) ~~Sunpotato

Hi there! I absolutely love the new horns released for Unis this past Uni day. They seem like just the magical touch that a lot of pets needed. Unfortunately, though, they seem to be in the "static" zone, which means they can’t be can't be used with a LOT of wearables (including many hats, headbands, headphones, bows/ribbons, lipsticks) that don’t cover the horn at all. One example is my beloved Conundrum Wizard Hat, which doesn’t hide my pet's regular horn, but sits in the same "static" zone. Is there any way the new horns could be moved to another zone so that they can be used with many other accessories? Thanks so much! ~theknighthawk
Hello there! I’m so glad that you like the new Uni horns and I can confirm that that the goal was to increase Uni magicalness! The Uni horn is a tricky one when it comes to certain wearables but I’ve gone ahead and fixed this for you so that your beloved Uni can proudly sport its Conundrum Wizard Hat and a variety of other awesome accessories! Hope this helps! *disappears in a puff of smoke* ~~ Adler

Hi! Any chance we might see Relaxing Soak in a Bath Background and Ombre Tea Party Background in the Overstock sale or perhaps a capsule anytime soon? ~lover_girl91307
Hello! Oooh those are pretty cute, we have taken note of these and will dig in the back to see if we can bring them out for the sale or in a capsule! ~~ Miss Rainbow

Does Miss Rainbow (or anyone) know why the Styling Studio Supplies are on sale for the next 5 years, until February of 2029? If this is a mistake, it would be nice to know when the sale actually ends. Thank you! ~bluelilacia
Hello! Yes, I can clear this up :) So the only reason the supplies are on sale until 2029 is because we wanted to keep them on sale until we either increase the savings with a bigger sale- or end the sale. We don’t have anything nailed down yet, so we thought we could gift you all with the 25% off discount until further notice. Happy saving! ~~ Miss Rainbow

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