A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,818,570 Issue: 1006 | 19th day of Eating, Y26
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What happened to the Easter negg hunt ~ogorman173
The Festival of Neggs is on it’s way! Kari is working hard to put together all that is needed to make it a very special event! She’s let us know that the Festival should be starting towards the end of this month! Keep an eye on the New Features page for more updates to come! ~~Stone

Hi TNT, thank you for making codestones more available by adding them to daily QuestLog. Could we get Neggs that can be exchanged for Negg Points added too? Or maybe get them as prizes in the upcoming Negg Festival? Negg prices keep going up due to people using them to train their pets for the upcoming plot. Thank you! ~kingambit
Hello! Festival of Neggs is just around the corner, we may see some neggs introduced around that time in the Quest Log! Keep an eye out! ~~Sunpotato

Hey TNT Hands you plate of warm cookies As many of us long time players, who enjoy the Nostalgic Pets from when we played prior to 2007, it is very disheartening that all the NC Companions we are getting lately, won't work with the Nostaglic Pets. I mean, they deserve friends too, right? Can we please make it so Compaions sit with their Nostalgic Pets as well? The new ones coming out are adorable, but totally useless for those of us who buy NC, and can't use them. Thank you!! ~whimsicalbreezes
Hello! *takes the entire plate of warm cookies* We hear your concern, and love your suggestion! We are taking note! Thank you! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Mind Control Avatar Visit the Sceptic Tank page. This avatar was only available on April 1st 2023. A request in Editorial #985 to make it available all the time still has not taken effect. Released: April 1, 2023 It has been 1 year. Can you reactivate this avatar? ~mikh26
Hello fellow freethinker! The Mind Control avatar no longer requires time travel to obtain. ~~Binary Supagoo

Hello TNT! Just a thought here about the Daily Quests.I think its a wonderful addition to Neo. How amazing would it be if things that are seriously hard to come by, like Pygui, Blorbis, Marafin ect would be offered for the final prizes. Thank you for considering it.~busldy18
Whoa! Petpets have heard the call and they are now available in the Quest Log’s Weekly Prize Pool!! ~~Sunpotato

Hi TNT! I love the new wheelchair wearables added recently, especially as someone who uses one, and got a colourful one for my colourful Kau right away. Unfortunately when I put it on her I found that she can't keep her scarf on, even thought it really looks like she should be able to. Is this something that could be changed? I don't want her getting chilly. ~pantamailon
Hello! We are so happy that you love the new wheelchair wearables! These wearables were super tricky to place just right, so unfortunately, we can’t change any of the layering options. Rest assured though that your Kau should have no problem wearing a cosy sweater or jacket alongside their wheelchair to keep warm! ~~ Adler

Hello! Is it possible to get the Neopets Circle Background wearable converted to HTML? With the release of the Nostalgic Styles, it's the perfect item to tie it all together for ultimate nostalgia. Thank you! ~traveltoromantis
Hi there! It is absolutely possible! We agree this is a perfect item for ultimate nostalgia, so we have fixed this Background! Happy customizing! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Are there plans to have the classic Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow colors in the Styling Studio? Mainly asking because I'd love to see the old Lutari pose again! ~cowatarian
There are most certainly all types of neat ideas coming to the Styling Studio soon. We agree that it sure would be unfortunate if Umbra never did a self-portrait! ~~Fae ♥

Would it please be possible to have the Shop Wizard (both super and regular) no longer show frozen accounts? As a junk item collector nothing is more disheartening than finding an excellent price, only to click and find the user frozen. Please help, TNT! I'll send muffins!! ~snowene
Hello! No need to send muffins, this has been fixed! Shop Wizard searches for items sold in User Shops now exclude frozen users, but I’m sure you knew that if you read the Release Notes hehe. BUT if not, then I am happy to deliver the good news! ~~Miss Rainbow

There are two items named Tired Eyes. One is a NP item and one is a NC item. Could one of them be renamed to avoid confusion please? Thanks! ~doggetts_back
You are so right! We have made the change so that confusion can be avoided! We now have Tired Eyes and Somewhat Tired Eyes! Thanks for bringing this to our attention! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hi, TNT! offers cookies First of all, can you thank Umbra for the new set of colors? They rock, he’s very talented! Now, on this matter, I have been thinking - what if Umbra decided to celebrate pet days alongside us and have all the pet colors they have done for the species available on their pet day? Cap'n Threelegs and many shopkeepers already join in the fun releasing new items and giving free training, don't you think Umbra would be happy to take part in the celebrations? I hope they decide to join us! ~simbologies
Heya! *nibbles on the cookies* Umbra is super glad to hear you like their work! Despite being a moody introverted artist, I think they would love the idea of celebrating pet days with the rest of Neopia in the future! ~~Fae ♥

Hi TNT! I was wondering if there was any possibility the Drackonack - Hungry avatar could be fixed? When the classic inventory was taken offline, the avatar no longer works. Thanks so much for looking into this & I think you are all doing a great job! ~sillysnapp123
Hello! Thanks for writing in, this should be fixed very soon as our team is just about done wrapping up this fix : D Thanks! ~~Miss Rainbow

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