teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,890,914 Issue: 1020 | 1st day of Storing, Y26
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Bloat B Gone was removed from the Daily Quest prize pool despite the Neopian Times issue 1012 editorial stating "We’ll have this be permanently part of the pool. ~~Sunpotato". The current price is outrageous - please add it back to the daily prize pool, thanks! ~ escudo_gt2
Oops! Some meepits must have crossed some wires there..zzz.. it’s been added back now! ~~ Sunpotato

Hello! I was just curious… on average, how many Neopian Times submissions do you get for an issue? Thank you! ~ anililbit
Hello! The Weewoos keep taking submissions off of my desk to “help” with editing, but at my count… hmm, more than four for sure… math has never been my strongest suit… but regardless, there is always room for more, and we love seeing more and more submissions coming in from all of the talented writers and artists! ~~ Snail

How about a coffee themed avatar? Coffee is a personality trait irl would be cool to see something special on here to commemorate everyone's favorite beverage. Pretty sure most players on here are old and tired now. ~ oroitz
Hello! Here at TNT, we feel you when it comes to coffee! Bean juice keeps us going and allows our creativity to kick into high gear! While we can’t make any promises, thank you for the suggestion and perhaps keep an eye out for a future caffeinated avvie… *gulps coffee straight from the pot* ~~Adler

The Chomby Comb is classified as a Grooming item, but can't actually be used to groom your pets. Can you teach our pets how to operate it properly? ~ liegelord_enforcer
Oops, yes. Instruction manuals are now being sent with this item so you and your pet can use it properly! In other words, please try using this comb again and it should work. Thanks for bringing up this issue! ~~ Miss Rainbow

Please consider bringing Punchbag Sid back again! It was so exciting when he came back a few months ago, but those of us in other time zones missed out. Thank you! ~ meredith_eldridge
Punchbag Sid just made an appearance recently! But if you missed him…there are rumblings he’ll be showing up briefly for our birthday festivities…so be on the look out! ~~ Sunpotato

Hi TNT! I love the new burlap korbat, but I noticed that the paw on the right side of the image is brown, not green like the other paw or the feet. Can this please be fixed? ~ evilfaerie
Hi there! Sometimes, when creating Burlap Pets, we run out of fabric so we have to get crafty and add in some patchwork. Rest assured that this brown paw was intentional and we think it adds a cute quirk to the Korbat! ~~ Adler

Hi! Every week the Art and Poetry galleries are filled with beautiful works... from the same users. I think a gold ban for creative contests would be good, to help get some new faces in there! Perhaps people could only get accepted once per fortnight instead. :) ~ anonymous
Hello! Thank you for your feedback! Speaking for the Poetry Contest, by the time duplicate submissions and unoriginal works are filtered out of the submission pool, we are often left with many of the same users for each contest! We try to ensure individuals are not published in back to back collections, but often in order to provide a consistent number of poems each poetry day, we often have repeat poets from contest to contest. To help us with this, we encourage you to encourage your Neofriends to submit entries for these contests, so we can feature more and more new poets and artists! If you’ve ever been thinking of writing poetry or submitting art, consider this your sign from the universe to do so. We can’t wait to see your work! ~~ Snail

Can we get some quality of life updates to the Volunteer Centre, such as a "complete all shifts" button? A singular event for all pets completing their shifts rather than an event for every single pet (currently five!) would be great too. ~ yoshiswrath
We have plans to add some QoL updates to the Volunteer Centre, adding a complete all shifts button is on the list, stay tuned! ~~ Sunpotato

Dear Editorialists, I am distraught. I acquired a Lava Puddle -at great risk to my person-, for the purpose of placing it under my glorious new Nostalgic-styled Darigan Wocky (~thaaanks~) to give them that most menacing of glows. But the item does not show up for them - even though other background items do. *holds up my dejected demonic feline* How is the poor thing supposed to take over the world and bring about the end of all things when they do not even have that menacing glow? I do not know if this is a thing that can be fixed... but if it could be fixed, it would bring about great things! Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly til the end times. (no username please thanks) ~ anonymous
Hello! This Lava Puddle is quite special- the ground is broken up to a certain defined shape and its uniquely sized for each pet to be centered right at the core in order feel the lava rising up and warming their feet and (possibly) singeing their fur. So while it is a background item, it is placed per pet individually. This is unfortunately why this item does not pair with your Nostalgic-styled Darigan Wocky. We are very sorry to hear how distraught you are, but please know we DO want your Neopet to have a menacing glow. We are making a note to create an extra-special lava puddle that ALL pets can wear in the future! Thank you for writing in. ~ Miss Rainbow

Hi item team! We love love love the burlap color and adore all of the recent releases.. that being said, customizing burlap pets can be a little limiting. That got me thinking.. wow.. how are there no pin cushion themed wearable items for these otherwise homemade stitched pets? A few pins won't hurt them.. they're made out of burlap! ~ rascle90
Hello there! We’re so glad you love the little stitched Burlap besties! We think this is a great idea, and we’ll keep it in mind for future releases. Thanks for your feedback! ~~ Snail

Hello my old friends, I recently just spent my hard earned neopoints on a water petpet paintbrush...for a petpet I THOUGHT could be painted water...I was completely wrong. I probably should have checked in hindsight. Would you guys consider making a water Carmariller? This PPB will be sitting in my safety deposit box until you do ~ ilovepoogles2
Hi there! Thank you for the suggestion! While we can’t make any promises, we will absolutely keep this in mind so perhaps to keep an eye out in the future… ~~Adler


You might remember me sending in an editorial asking if you'd ever consider releasing Snowager Pendant to the playerbase. I'm not sure if you read it since I never got a response, but it happened nonetheless. Thank you! It's going to be an excellent addition to my BD set :) ~ isaac13579

I just wanted to send along some positivity about all the twists and turns we've seen in The Void Within. Tavi has suddenly become one of my favorite Neopets characters. I love how she and Baelia are both shown responding to what they've been through in their own ways, I've been both of these people and I love them so much. Thank you guys for what you do. ~ breakingchains

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