Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,439,813 Issue: 575 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y14
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A Spooky Christmas

by ghostkomorichu

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A Day of Giving Sandstorm
"I've celebrated so many Days of Giving in my life...." he sighed. "They all seem the same to me now."

by blackghoulmon


Unbreakable: Part One
"Faerielander?" the Draik growled. Arielle, speechless, could only nod in reply.

The Draik's eyes narrowed. "Good. Run along home now, but when you get there, tell your queen that I have a message for her..."

by sporty2443


The Thought that Counts
It's not always easy to pick a gift...

by _moonsfire_


The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Three
The desert sands were harsh on Septimus's face, and the heat was doing him no favours either. For a man born and bred in Neopia Central, and having spent much of his adult life in the dark and dank cellars of the Museum, the desert was a shock to his system.

by herdygerdy

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