A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 190,988,180 Issue: 590 | 12th day of Eating, Y15
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Neopia's Insight: Aishas

It's another edition of Neopia's Insight! This time around, I'd like to give the spotlight to the most fabulous *drumroll* Aisha!

by amberkad
The Eight Least Appetizing Sandwiches In Neopia

I warn you and your pets, approach these items enclosed in bread (in most cases) with caution...

by silvercomet23
Queen Fyora Answers Neomail: Faerie Synthesis, etc

A few concerned Neopians were asking about the practice of synthesizing Faded Bottled Faeries. Perhaps it would be beneficial to explain things...

by black_skull725
Top 10 Neopian Plots

I decided to look back and choose my top 10 favourite plots. Now, as a disclaimer, this list will only have plots that I personally saw during my time on Neopets.

by girly_chalmers
More Easy Species to Zap with the Lab Ray

Instead of zapping a species that is expensive to morph, try falling in love with a species that's a little less expensive.

by blessed_faerie
Keeping Your Uni Looking Faboo-lous Year Round

Why stop at just one day when they can look fabulous every single day of the year?

by xapplecrumble
How to Improve Your Luck

So maybe you're not as lucky as you want to be, but don't worry- there are ways that you can improve your bad luck so things start looking your way.

by coco_bella
Neopets when English is not your first language

There is not only one Neopia but many of them, depending on which language you choose.

by ratifute
A Five-Course Dinner

Your pets and you, yourself, are missing out on one of the most wonderful aspects of Neopia--Fine Dining.

by chestnuttiger787
Style Guide: Make Me Up

Break out the lipsticks and the false eyelashes!

by ilovezacandhsm
Pet Day Delights

A guide to a delicious meal - on any pet day!

by brittboo_x
A New Tyrannia: Is It Here?

Today we will explore this land and speak with the locals to try and gauge just where Tyrannia is headed!

by brgreat101
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Improve Your Luck

Perhaps you just tend to purchase losing lottery tickets, find yourself constantly passed over by the Wishing Well or just watch in envy as everyone around you excitedly shares their latest random event. No matter what particular scenario you are finding yourself in (or maybe it is all of the above), you know that there is just one thing to do... blame your bad luck. So maybe you're not as lucky as you want to be, but don't worry- there are ways that you can improve your bad luck so things start looking your way...

Other Stories


Being Weird
Kalilu finished reading The Magic Paw and the book vanished in a puff of yellow smoke. It was rather hot and humid today.

by kayixu


What Did I Say?
A well placed kick to the door latch sent the outer door of the training room banging open as the yellow Ruki staggered in. The kick was necessary since the Ruki was so laden with Battledome paraphernalia she didn't have a hand free for the latch.

by khadagan


Song of Silence: Part Six
Weeks passed, and Desdamona and Sofia met to practise every day. It was the only thing that gave the voiceless little Draik hope...

by fields_of_gold


The Darkfordian Chronicles: Wind - Part Three
Kaseem reached the camp as the last rays of sun kissed the earth. The firelight was welcoming, as were the cloaked figures standing on the solidness of rock.

by creativemonster9


Two Female Aishas Walk into a Lab Ray
Hmmm, something has changed about you...

by elassar


KS: Basic
It's what on the inside that counts.

by semmy_genius

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