"The Sinister Stamp" by twocents RAWR! I stomp my *cough* dainty *cough* I mean, ferocious and fearsome hooves of impending doom, sure to crush all of Neopian kind! Mwahaha! Or so I wish. *sigh* It is hard to be a scary creature sure to wreak unnatural fear upon unsuspecting Neopians when you are on a tiny piece of paper...
The Dare and the Doll As I crept through the back door of the dilapidated cottage, I was having second thoughts. No, scratch that, I must've been at third or fourth thoughts by then..
Marketplace of Memories: Part Three I was already halfway up the stairs, and beating my wings like I'd never flown before. I knew I had to get out. I could almost feel my time trickling away, second by second...