Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 144,656,803 Issue: 304 | 10th day of Hiding, Y9
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Competitive Slushie Slurping

by fruitcupandspoons

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Labyrinth of Dreams
The sky wasn't the blue of the day, nor the black of the night, the pink of the morning or the fire of the sunset. Instead, it was splotched with wavy colors that merged into each other like a negative photo of a rainbow...

by angelwater630


Fyora's Statue
There's a little problem with the Lab Ray...

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The Quest
It's no fair taking advantage of faeries... but that doesn't mean it's no fun.

by deadly_rabid_rat


The Underground: Part Three
"You claim they kidnapped a Spardel and a Gruslen, are holding them against their will, and creating a plan to rob Neopia blind? Why didn't the Gruslen just eat them?"

by ayame_23

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