Ultimate Neggsweeper Guide by sil3nt_cha0s
GAMES ROOM - Have you ever wandered around in the Games Room wondering about which
game to play to earn some neopoints? Tired of those flash games or just want to
spare some time to make use of your brain thinking skills before it goes rusty?
Well, why not try playing Neggsweeper and maybe you can try after reading my complete
guide to Neggsweeper. It only costs 30 neopoints per play, so start playing! :)
Background Information
Neggsweeper is a non-flash puzzle game with a rating of Medium and as the game
says it is all about negg here. In this game there are two high score tables,
one for a single game and one for cumulative games! There are 3 levels for you
to choose which are "Easy", "Medium" and "Hard". The motive of this game is
to click on all the good neggs and avoid clicking on the bad neggs which are
RED in color for it means Game Over! This game will surely challenge even the
toughest players! Yes it is!
Basic Tips
I normally start in the corners because I find it easier. Start with the "Easy"
level first if you are not sure how the game works. Play slowly and take your
time to think as there is no time limit for this game and mark your bad neggs
as you go along - you can do this by holding down the Shift key and clicking
on the bad negg. Once you have done that you shall notice the negg is marked
with a red cross. To unmark simply hold down the Shift key and click on the
cross again.
Advance Tips
If you click on a negg and it shows a number "1" means that there is ONE bad
negg around it.
For example,
x x x
x 1 x
x x x
*Means that one of the "x" is the bad negg*
Yes that is how the neggsweeper works, they only cover a nine square area of
every number you see.
For example,
x x + x x
x 3 + 2 x
x + x x x
The "+" are the bad neggs and the "x" are the safe neggs.
So what happen if you click on a negg that has no bad negg around it? It will
clear all of the surrounding neggs as well up until it reaches a negg that does
have a bad negg next to it.
For example,
* * * 1 x
* - * 1 +
* * * 1 x
Note: "-" is the negg I click on it initially and "*" is the neggs that got
clear up until they stop at *1* as there’s a mark "+" bad negg around it.
Things You Need To Know
1. Every time you click on a safe negg it adds "1" neopoint to your jackpot.
2. If you click on a negg that has no bad negg around it, it will clear up
certain of areas up until it reaches a negg that does have a bad negg next to
3. If you clear up a large area you will get something like this,
You cleared 22 spaces on one turn!
22 additional Neopoints were added to the jackpot!
4. Also affected by the game difficulty is the number of bonus points you get
for clearing large areas; you get more points the harder the level.
5. If you click on a bad negg, your game is over and you lose all the points
you had earned in your jackpot including the 30 neopoints you paid to play.
6. There are secret hidden neggs in the game. You get them by luck when you
click on any neggs but not the bad neggs.
7. You can earn up to 3000 neopoints per day.
8. Even if you have score up to 3000 neopoints in a day, you may continue to
play to add to your total cumulative score.
9. Mark your bad neggs as you go along - you can do this by holding down the
Shift key and clicking on the bad negg.
10. There is no time limit in this game.
11. There are 2 high score table for this game :) "Single Game Score" and "Total
Game Score".
12. Sometime luck counts in this game as you have to choose between 2 neggs
and one of which is the bad negg.
13. Yes it is possible to get more then 1 Fish Negg in a single game.
14. Last of all you might be interested to read the useful information below
*Hope my 14 points of guidance may help you lots :)*
Secret Negg Value
Blue negg - - 50 Neopoints
Purple negg - - 100 Neopoints
Rainbow negg - - 150 Neopoints
Crystal negg - - 300 Neopoints
Fish negg - - 500 Neopoints
Total Of Neggs In Each Level
Easy - - 81 Neggs
Medium - - 144 Neggs
Hard - - 196 Neggs
Total Of Bad Neggs In Each Level
Easy - - 10 Bad Neggs
Medium - - 25 Bad Neggs
Hard - - 40 Bad Neggs
Neggsweeper ranking
Amateur - - At 100 points
Novice - - At 200 points
Expert - - At 400 points
Master - - At 600 points
Grand master - - At 800 points
I got my Neggsweeper Champion trophy by playing on "Hard" level and I was lucky
to get two fish negg and manage to complete the game :) I got both Neggsweeper
and Neggsweeper Cumulative "Grand Master". For the Cumulative grand master your
goal is to keep playing and rack the total scores up to 50,000points. I had
spend hours to confirm the information listed above and this is my first guide
I write for the Neopian Times. :)
And lastly I hope my guide will help you to getting the "Grand Master" and
a trophy for you. Good luck and never give up.
If you have anything which you don’t understand, feel free to neomail me; I
will be glad to help you. :)
*Note* It is easier to get a Neggsweeper trophy on every first of a new month
as the high score tables are reset. :)