Hubrid's Attempted Hero Heist: Part Six by ikkin_with_attitude
Also by Schefflera
In the morning, Jeran woke up, which was a good start.
The sun was just rising, striping their campsite with long shadows and red sunbeams,
and Sally was awake already and chatting to Kass over an early breakfast. She
seemed disconcertingly comfortable with the Darigan Eyrie, although considering
the girl had apparently adopted Lord Darigan as a petpet and named him Fluffy,
Jeran thought perhaps he really shouldn't be surprised.
She bounded over to urge food on the two knights
as well. Jeran didn't usually eat root vegetables for breakfast, but they were
more than welcome this morning, and he and the Yellow Knight contributed jerky,
sausage, juice, and an Overgrown Cheese. He didn't overeat by any means -- they
still had a lot of walking to do, most of it uphill, and there was still a chance
they'd have to fight -- but the meal was still substantial.
The Yellow Knight picked up the basket again
and, given how full it still was, teased Sally halfway up the mountain about
whether her parents hadn't thought the rest of them had sense enough to pack
any food. Kass's expression during this seemed a little strained, and he interrupted
once to suggest that he could fly them (one at a time) part of the way up the
mountain to save time. Jeran tried not to let his fur rise at the idea and declined,
though they did take advantage of that option once where the regular path up
a very steep slope had been blocked and looked more like a cliff. Sally seemed
more energetic on the climb than she had on level ground, leaping from rock
to rock alongside the path until Jeran asked her to stay close, fearing that
something they couldn't see, hear, or smell ahead of time would snatch her.
They all fell quiet, though, after the first
time they looked up and saw Hubrid's fortress spearing up into the sky. It cast
a very long shadow.
It was nearly noon when they rounded the last
switchback and saw that their path now led straight up a gentler slope to the
small, flat area where the fortress had its foundation.
They stopped there to catch their breath for
a few minutes, and then strode up to the door. Jeran set his jaw and lifted
the knocker, which moved easily enough but with a groan that sounded like mortal
agony, and let it fall.
The door flew open.
"Welcome, my dear visitors! Ah, Sir Lupe, I see
you have brought me more guests. A fellow Chia!" Hubrid Nox seized the Yellow
Knight's hand and pumped it vigorously, then released him. As the yellow Chia
took a slight step back, Hubrid turned to Kass. "A Darigan, too. How charmingly
cooperative of your two nations. And a dear little Usul." He leaned down and
patted Sally on the head; Jeran was mildly relieved that she didn't bite this
time. "We shall have to take good care of you. Little Usul girls can get in
dreadful trouble in a place like this." The vampire stepped back and clapped
his hands. "I hope you will all forgive me if my preparations were for one alone;
I feel certain I can entertain you all nonetheless. Do come in."
The effusiveness seemed excessive, but this was
after all what they'd come for. Jeran shrugged and stepped forward, Kass beside
him and Sally near their feet. The heavy door swung shut with a deep thud, brushing
close enough to ruffle his fur as it passed; Jeran turned reflexively to look
over his shoulder.
The Yellow Knight wasn't there.
"Oops!" Hubrid said, tapping his fingers together
and offering an apologetic smile that showed off his fangs. "Must have been
the wind."
Jeran took a step back, watching the vampire
warily, and pulled at the door handle. Nothing moved. He glanced quickly toward
it, but could see no latch.
The metal grew steadily colder in his grip, until
his fingers and wrist began to ache with it.
"Let him in," he said through gritted teeth,
"There's no rush," Hubrid said, still smiling
very broadly. "The door sticks. You may have noticed it's rather damp here.
Come along, and it will be suitably attended to. Your friend will rejoin you
in good time."
None of them believed a word he was saying, but
the only way left to go was onward.
After the Yellow Knight's disappearance, Jeran,
Kass, and Sally all moved still closer together. Jeran felt fairly certain that
it had been no accident -- and that the Chia vampire wanted to separate them.
Traveling further and further into the fortress proved no comfort, either; in
fact, it gave the impression that something would have to happen, and soon.
Something did indeed happen, just as Kass and
Sally reached the stairs on the third floor, just a few steps behind Jeran.
From the ceiling stretched what appeared to be ribbons made of shadow, uncoiling
themselves and stretching to the floor just behind the Lupe knight. Kass shivered;
oddly shaped shadows never meant anything good.
"Stay close to me, Sally," the Darigan Eyrie
advised, "and don't touch those ribbons, if you can help it." But the warning
proved useless, as the shadows formed a veil over the entire stairwell and drifted
toward them. As the two entered it, they found themselves, not on a flight of
stairs, but in a darkened room filled with swirling mists and shadows. And to
their great discomfort, there was only a wall behind them. They, too, had been
Sally backed up against Kass's leg; he dropped
one hand to her shoulder and the other to the hilt of his sword. Black fog snaked
across the floor and drifted in fretful patches through the air. He could feel
cold droplets condensing in the fur around his ankles, and when he drew breath,
a sour odor caught in the back of his throat. He coughed.
The mist stung his eyes as well, the resulting
tears making oily rainbows of the dim light and distorting the shadows further.
One of the shadows slid up his arm and rested
its chin, feather-light, on his shoulder. It whispered, "I've been waiting for
Kass stiffened, searching for the source of the
voice, but finding only shadow. "Not... you..." he muttered. "I don't need you...
any of you anymore! You have no power over me!"
"Oh, but I do... we do..." the shadow whispered.
"And we will have you again, soon enough..."
"You won't take me again! I no longer desire
what you offer! Leave me alone!" The Eyrie was frantic, turning one way and
the other, yelling at the shadows and the mists of the room. "I don't need you!"
"Oh, but you do, Kass... Lord Kass... No one
can live without us... or refuse what we offer... They may put on a show of
it, but in the end, they always give in..."
"That's not true! It's not... true! I will never
give in again, not after all I've seen now!"
"But you did before... and look at the power
you had... at the power you could have again! So why resist?"
"Why resist? Because that's what's right! And
with all the wrong I've done..."
"Who is to say what's right? If you were half
as powerful as you were before, you could silence anyone who judged you otherwise!"
"But that would not make it right! Now leave!
I will not be swayed by you again!"
"That does not even matter anymore. You were
swayed before. And you must remember your promises..."
"No... no... I didn't... this can't... no! Leave
me alone! I never promised you anything!" Kass screamed, echoing his words at
the Citadel not too long ago.
And, to the Eyrie's horror, the shadow, too,
echoed lines from that fateful day. "Wrong, Kass... so very wrong... you promised
us everything..."
"No... please... not... again... I promised you
nothing! Just don't leave me there again! I'll do... no! I'll do nothing for
you! Just... go... away!" Kass was practically insane, clawing at the air, eyes
darting everywhere, backing away from invisible threats. From a capable Darigan
warrior, he had been brought to near helplessness.
It was no sound that alerted Jeran to the disappearance
of Kass and Sally, but rather a silence. Hubrid prattled constantly, facing
up the stairs or turning to look back down, and he gave no sign that anything
had changed. Jeran's ears were full of the sound of Hubrid's voice and his nose
of the scent of dusty stone, and by the time he sensed that there was no longer
anyone walking behind him, he didn't know how long he had been alone with the
He looked sharply over his shoulder, then turned
to face Hubrid Nox again and stopped climbing.
The Chia was still smiling. "You won't find them,"
he said, and Jeran had to catch at the banister for balance as the stairs seemed
to shift under his feet.
The banister wasn't there anymore. Jeran found
himself standing on level stone, in the open air. Hubrid had somehow transported
them magically onto the roof.
Hubrid put out a hand and vaulted onto his storm
cloud, showing his teeth again. "Puppy," he said softly, "you should have come
Jeran growled -- he would not be treated like
some child's Doglefox.
"You take offense to that? But you are my little
puppy, begging and barking at my command. Isn't it grand?" the Chia cackled.
"I don't beg. And I certainly don't obey the
likes of you!"
"But you already did, puppy. You came here, didn't
you? Now go on and bark all you like -- I won't stop you!"
Jeran drew his sword on the vampire, taking a
step forward. "I came to find a cure for my sister! Like you promised. Now where
is it?"
"Oh, my, you are a confused little puppy... I
didn't promise you anything! Mentioned in passing, perhaps, but surely not promised....
It's not like it will matter much longer, anyway..."
The Lupe clenched his sword tighter, taking another
step towards his foe. "What is that supposed to mean?" he growled. "My sister
is the most important person in my life!"
"Maybe that life will be shorter than you think.
Look where you're standing!" Hubrid's voice filled with glee.
Jeran turned around frantically, to find that
the "roof" he had been standing on was not only quite a bit higher than he had
thought, but was both rising and shrinking as well. He turned to face the Chia
again, who had a look of triumph in his eyes.
"You don't like heights, do you, puppy? At least
you won't be up here for long!" he cackled.
"You'll pay for this, Nox!" the Lupe yelled,
the platform shrinking out from under his feet. He barely caught on to the edge,
and held on as well as he could with one hand.
"Oh, will I? You're in no position to be saying
that, now, are you? And don't think any of your little friends will come to
save you -- I can assure you, they're all tied up! If you mean Meridell... well,
they're not going to be a problem for much longer."
All Jeran could manage to do was growl, "Why,
you..." as Hubrid Nox floated by on his storm cloud, just out of range, but
still too close for comfort.
To be continued...