Vispian's First Friend by mygoodguild
Vispian clutched the charm in her hand, breathing in deeply.
Her "charm" was a reject Cybunny toy, which kind of symbolized herself. Vispian
was a Cybunny, and she was pretty much a reject. No one was her friend. Vispian
was dared by her "friends" as she called them, to pay Eliv Thade a little visit
in his spooky castle. Of course, they weren't her friends, but Vispian liked to
pretend she had friends. They were more like her acquaintances, kids she went
to neoschool with every day.
Vispian looked at the towering castle, looming
on the horizon before her, right in front of her very eyes. She looked at the
dark rain clouds and the little steeples jutting out of the top of the castle.
Vispian shuddered. Why had she told her "friends" she would do this dare? They
were just outside of the boundaries of the castle, behind the wrought iron gates,
watching her with smirks on their faces.
Vispian clutched her Cybunny reject toy, which
had put her through many teasings and gotten much of its own over the years.
But Vispian didn't care. Rocky, the name she'd given her good luck "charm" for
no reason, was a best friend to her, and her only one.
"Protect me; be with me, Rocky," Vispian whispered
at the reject toy. "I'm going in."
As Vispian walked to the gates of the castle,
watching as the double doors fell open before her, her "friends" cheered wildly.
She heard many woos and hoots. The cheers weren't for her sake so Vispian ignored
them all and quickly darted into the castle. She wondered how long she'd need
to stay to convince them she wasn't a reject. That was what she was going for,
right? The doors slammed behind Vispian and the cheering subsided.
Vispian looked about her. Everything was dark
and the place had a musty, old smell. Cobwebs hung in all of the corners and
on a full length mirror and lots of boxes and other junk. Vispian spied a sword
in the corner and ran for it, yanking it up and cradling it in her arms. She
thought she might need it later. But she knew she'd need her charm more than
any old sword. It brought her luck.
Vispian went on through all the rooms, looking
around. She was going to make the most of being in Eliv Thade's house while
she was there, because she knew she was never entering this place again! She
did wonder where Eliv Thade was, though. The mansion seemed like it had been
dead and empty for a hundred years. Not a soul was in sight. Vispian scratched
her chin and loosened her grip on her charm, making her knuckles less white.
She bounded on throughout the rooms, being her Cybunny self.
Vispian found another room. It was, surprisingly,
empty. The only object in the whole room was a shield, and it was setting in
the very middle of the floor, shining and glistening gold and silver. Vispian
wondered why all of these items were laying about. Why would someone as evil
as Eliv Thade even give her a chance to defend herself if she was in combat
with him that very day? The thought made Vispian shudder. She'd never want to
battle Mr. Thade, not in all her days.
As Vispian leaning down and gave the shield a
yank, she heard a crackling noise. She gave it another yank, but it didn't budge.
The floor opened up and the shield dropped down into the opening, out of sight.
Vispian stepped back, suddenly afraid. Her sword clattered to the floor, and
she didn't make an effort to pick it up. Shockingly, she hadn't really been
much afraid since she first entered. Just cold. And hungry.
"What are you doing in my house?" Eliv Thade
roared. Vispian was stunned to silence. "I say, this is my dwelling! I reside
here and you don't! What brings you here?"
"I - I, um, Sir... My friends dared me," Vispian
said slowly.
"And that makes it okay to trespass?" A fire
blazed in the villain's eyes.
"No, Mr. Thade..." Vispian sniffled. She looked
into his dark, unwelcoming eyes and felt her story start to pour out. "I've
never had any friends! They really aren't my friends, just some other Neopets
from school! And I've always been the reject, that's why I carry this Cybunny
reject toy. It's my good luck charm, and my only friend... My best friend! All
the kids dared me to come out here by myself and go into your house. I'm not
sure how long I was supposed to stay, but they're out there, waiting for me.
Oh, Sir, I'm sorry! I just wanted to win their approval and not... I wanted
to move from being 'reject' to 'loved'. You know what I mean?" Vispian asked.
Eliv Thade's eyes softened. "Why didn't you say
so, girly? Well, we'll show those 'friends' of yours who's not a reject. You
can stay here with me for as long as you want. Actually... You look pretty hungry.
You'll stay, and we'll have a feast. You can even sleep over if you want. Stay
for a week or two, see if I care! A year, it wouldn't even matter... My oh my
this'll be fun! Like a slumber party! And then when we go back out to my yard
to meet your 'friends', I'll come out with you and laugh at them! How does it
sound?" Eliv's face lit up.
"That sounds really nice of you... Really, REALLY
nice of you! But I can't stay a year. Or a week. Or even all night. My mommy
would be worried sick about me and I don't want to scare her. Why are you so
eager for me to stay, anyhow? But that feast DOES sound pretty nice. To tell
you the truth, I am hungry. Famished, actually," Vispian replied.
"Oh... Well, that's okay. Today will still be
fun. I'm eager for you to stay, little girl, because, the truth is... I'm a
reject too. I have no friends either. Everyone that hears my name gasps and
immediately thinks 'villain'. It's sickening and it makes me very depressed.
I've not left my house in two years, little girl. But that's good of your mommy.
I'm glad to hear it. I live alone, without a mommy. You're so lucky for her
to be with you. I'm alone... But I guess we'd better being on that feast," Eliv
Thade said.
"Oh, Eliv Thade, thanks... You can call me Vispian,
by the way," Vispian said.
"And you can call me Elsie. HEY. Don't look at
me like that," Eliv said, his eyes dancing with merriment. "What do you want
to eat?" He paused and then didn't wait for an answer. "How silly of me! I'll
fix everything I've got. You want to help or do you want to look around?"
"Not to be rude, Elsie, but I'd like to look
around... If you don't need the help, and if it doesn't bother you," Vispian
said softly.
"It doesn't! Run along. Have fun, Vispian," Eliv
Thade called after the Cybunny who was eagerly heading up a winding staircase.
As Vispian traveled throughout the house, she
didn't see much. She actually wished she had stayed downstairs and helped to
cook, and for two reasons: One, she was getting rather bored. There wasn't anything
but bare beds with only mattresses and no sheets, boxes and boxes and more boxes,
and too many patches of cobwebs to count. Two, she was getting a little lost.
The castle was big, and she didn't know whether to turn left or right or go
up or down.
"The feast is ready," Eliv Thade called, his
voice ringing throughout the mansion.
Vispian could barely hear it, it was so faint
to her. But she knew it was something, so she took advantage of that.
At last she made it down to the large and beautifully
decorated table. "Wow!"
Eliv Thade walked out of his mansion and down
the long, winding pathway to the exit to the wrought iron gates with Vispian.
Her friends were there, squinting at the couple walking down the pathway. It
looked like they weren't sure what to believe.
"Hey, FRIENDS," Vispian giggled, holding Eliv's
hand. "Meet Eliv Thade..."
The other Neopets shrieked and cowered in fear.
"FEAR ME!!!" Eliv screamed, baring his teeth at them like he was a Werelupe.
"No, seriously, fear me. Actually... By, Vispian. I had a great time." Then
he turned to the other kids. "SCRAM!" Back to Vispian. "Vis, I think you should
go too... Don't want to worry your mommy. Visit me, okay?"
"I will." Vispian nodded, smiled, waved. "Thanks
for the meal. It was scrumptious! Hope to see you again soon."
Walking down the path with her "friends", Rocky
stuffed away in her pocket, Vispian giggled at her comrades. "Boy, that was
"What in the world... EXPLAIN," one Gelert demanded.
"I met Eliv, who prefers to be called Elsie...
And he made a great meal and I explored and then we ate. Nothing more," Vispian
said, sighing. "It was so dreamy." Then she laughed again. "KIDDING!"
Her "friends" stared at her in amazement. "You're
so cool!" a few of them said in unison.
Vispian smiled a secret smile. She was no longer
a reject, and she had made her first true friend that very day... Friends with
a lonely, misunderstood villain. All in all, she'd gained a lot.
"I'm cool!" Vispian repeated, grinning.
The End
Author's Note: I'm sure at some point you, the reader, have felt left out
or felt like a reject. Imagine how it would feel to feel like that all the time.
Well, Vispian is happy to make a really good friend. And I'd like to dedicate
this story to The Citadel, a rockin' guild, because I have some really rockin'
friends there. =) Feedback appreciated; thanks for reading!