Katie the Witch by kindheartedfairy
A young blue Acara of twelve years gazed out the window
of the bedroom she owned in the 10 room Neohome. At first learning this, one might
think she could see all of those rooms, but she was only allowed in three of them.
Her golden eyes were fixed at the underwater city of New Maraqua. Her home. She
and her family lived not far from the gates, on the edge of a cliff. She loved
her home, and most of her family; she seemed perfectly content with her life to
the very few that caught a glimpse of her. She stayed in the house mostly.
She was special. Unlike the blue eyes that belonged
to most blue Acaras, she had yellow eyes. Just like her family. All of them
had pale fur. Except her father.
Her mother's family had magical powers. When
Katie's father had learned about this two years ago, her mother simply disappeared.
No one knew how. But Katie's mother was never seen nor heard from again. Her
father referred to his wife as "that witch", and never called her by name. He
hated magic. He hated his children, but he was forbidden to leave them, as it
as the last thing her mother had made sure of. But he was able to forbid them
from revealing they had magic in any way. Katie, her three sisters and her brother
were not allowed to use magic, or else. None of them wished to discover what
"or else" meant.
Katie's paw lifted to touch her small shell
necklace. It was all she had left of her mother. She slowly took it off and
hid it under her bed. She felt around for a book. Her last spell book. Her only
spell book. The spell book her father would destroy if he discovered it. Just
like the necklace.
Just as Katie opened the book to the first page,
a green Acara with golden eyes like Katie's burst in.
"Dad's coming," the green Acara said breathlessly.
"Quick, Mickey," Katie said quickly, opening
her Slorg Wardrobe once she had put the spell book back. "Hide in here."
Her little brother quickly obeyed.
Katie, being the oldest of her siblings, worried
that one of them might use magic and that their father might find out. She wanted
to be free of their father. But she would not leave her siblings. Each of them
hid at least one thing that their father would not allow them to have. The five
of them had all promised that one would walk around and then warn the other
four when their father was coming.
A Maraquan Acara entered Katie's bedroom. "Have
you been doing anything unusual lately?" he growled.
"No father," Katie said monotonously. She quickly
thought of what she was about to do. "I was just about to…" She opened a drawer
in her Funky Lime Table and pulled out a Diary and a Water Faerie Pencil. "I
was just about to write in my diary!" she exclaimed. She opened the Diary and
started drawing Faeries.
"Let me see what is in that diary!" her father
"No way! Absolutely not! Why would I let you
read my personal and private thoughts?" Katie replied. She didn't want him to
think the Faerie drawings that covered every single page meant that she practiced
the little magic she knew.
"To tell me that you are obeying the father
who has so kindly kept you freaks under his own care and spent so much money
on his horrible brats and knows it's a waste. That witch taught you magic, and
you are never to use it. Understand?" he yelled for what seemed like the one-thousandth
Katie nodded. "I am not at all like my mother.
I hate her as much as you. I regret ever knowing her. I am not a witch," she
lied. It was one of the few ways to convince her father she was loyal.
Katie did not mind being called a witch. She
was a sorceress, after all. But not all witches were always evil. What wrong
had her mother and siblings done? They only tried to help others. It wasn't
fair that her father should treat her that way.
Her father left.
Katie waited for a few moments, and then opened
the Slorg Wardrobe her brother had been hiding in.
As soon as the doors opened, Mickey came running
out. He quietly snuck out of his oldest sister's room and back to his own.
Katie missed her mother, and, she knew, as much
as her siblings. She would give Amy the necklace. She quietly left her room,
the shell necklace in her pocket. She knocked on the door to her sister's room.
Amy was a yellow Acara with eyes just as sunny.
Of Katie's younger four siblings, Amy was the oldest. She was very sensitive.
Katie knew that Amy had taken it hardest when their mother disappeared. Amy
was the one who longed to be able to do magic. Amy was the one who tried hardest
not to hate their father.
But Katie was the one who their father thought
was least to be trusted. He thought that since she was oldest, she was the one
who was the most evil and knew the most magic. But Katie was as evil as her
siblings, and had taught her younger siblings everything she had learned. But
still, Katie was only allowed in her own room, the kitchen, and the living room.
Her siblings were allowed to enter each other's rooms.
Katie quietly opened the door to Amy's room.
Inside were Amy, Tori, and Candy. They were playing a walking game of tag. Candy,
her Red Acara sister, spotted Katie and pointed her out to the others.
"Amy, I want you to have this," Katie whispered.
She held up the shell necklace. "It was Mom's. Don't let Dad know about it,"
she told all of them.
In the distance she heard footsteps. Quickly,
she closed the door and went back to her own room, and continued drawing Faeries
as though she had never left.
Her father nearly ripped the door to her room
of its hinges. "You…you…witch! YOU EVIL, EVIL WITCH! YOU DISOBEYED THIS LOVING
to King Kelpbeard to expose you for the filthy witch you are!"
"No, Dad, I-" The door slammed shut and it was
locked from the outside. "-didn't," Katie finished unhappily. She hadn't done
magic. At first she thought that he was simply blaming her for something one
of her siblings had done, but they wouldn't. Was it something that had been
done by no magical means? She would have known. Then it hit her. It was simply
an excuse to get rid of her. Her siblings could not save her from this. Her
father was going to make up some horrible thing that happened to him that no
one else saw.
She looked at the Techo Clock on the wall. It
was late. She had to get some sleep.
She lay down on her bed and began to have a
strange dream.
Katie walked up bound in ropes next to her father
in the castle. "King Kelpbeard," her father said, kneeling. "This is my daughter,
Katie. She and her siblings inherited magic from her mother, who is also a witch.
My eldest daughter, Katie, came into my room one day. To keep the evil influence
she alone in my family has, I did not allow her to go into her innocent siblings'
rooms or mine. I did this for my family's protection. Then, yesterday, she entered
my room. I barely escaped with my life, I suppose. She left me unconscious,
obviously thinking I was dead. When I woke up, she was writing in her diary
as though nothing had happened. I locked her in her room, and then brought her
to you to decide her punishment."
King Kelpbeard thought for a moment. "Yes, I
do believe I have the perfect solution. We shall bring her far away from civilization
and put her in a cage, where no one will find her and she will not be able to
escape. She will never harm anyone again."
Katie woke up. She had to get away before that
happened. She knew that it was the future. She had to leave. She opened up her
spell book, planning to tear out the last page to tell her siblings farewell.
But on the last page was a map. Written on the bottom was "to my children, this
is where you can find me." She recognized her mother's handwriting.
Katie knew what to do. She tore out a page of
her diary and drew another Faerie. After doing this so many times, she could
do this quite quickly. But for the first time, she made a caption. "The Faerie
Who Came Back To Save Her Sisters-And Brother-From The Forces Of Evil," she
whispered, taking her ruby-red cloak and her sapphire brooch out of her Slorg
Wardrobe. She quickly but quietly put them on. She grabbed her spell book and
opened the door.
Tori, of course. That small, young Acara with
fur the colour of a cloudless sky had unlocked the door once everyone was asleep.
Always trust the youngest but cleverest child to be loyal to Katie, who had
helped her through the days since their mother had disappeared, even when those
day turned into weeks, then months, and even a few years.
Katie folded up the last drawing of a Faerie
she thought she would ever make, and slipped it under Candy's door, as it was
She headed downstairs and into the sea. She
opened the spell book to the last page. "Good-bye, Candy. Farewell, Mickey,"
she whispered. "I love you, Tori. Be safe, Amy. All of you, remember me." She
swam into the deep blue sea, following the map to her mother and silently promising
to return for her siblings one day.
The End